Aries mooner will stay focused only in you because for him you are his goddess. If you want to keep him focused only in you and admiring you like this, DO NOT accuse him of being a cheater/player or change things into the direction of "locking him up" (specially social media), this will ultimately lead to opposite effects. Basically, we are living in the moment, and not some hypothetical/imaginary future. Do not change a team that is winning, like they say. We are pretty easy to decipher, other people are the ones who complicate things up.
Ok, I understand virgo women are not for me. But the second question I made stays unanswered: Were you fellow Gemini folks able to find someone who does not makes us want to jump out of the ship? (appreciate if you inform their sun/moon/venus signs)
She is virgo with virgo moon (!!!!!!) It was all good for the first three weeks, but then she went "full on Virgo mode" and started to say some nasty things and treating me bad over simple things that didn't need much analysis to it, always analysing every little bit of anything and not appreciating that I jumped subjects on conversations (going on tangents), she wanted to stay for hours in the same subject (boring!). All of that broke the glass, and I was never been able to glue it back together.
Yes, been there. Two women with Leo moon, cannot be coincidence. It's like they lack tact, summing it up.
I don't know if I should post in the Gemini forums, but I have Venus and Mercury in Gemini, reading Gemini's relationship descriptions I identify the most, and also Aries (my moon). So, maybe Gemini is how I must be identified in relationship subjects.
I was dating with this virgo woman who was by my side through the worst, since we met when I was unemployed (while paying rent of a shithole).
The main problem since the beginning was her needy-ness and pushing the relationship to serious commitment. Basically I feel like it's impossible to stay with just one person for the rest of my life, and that it could only work with someone similar (I think Leo or Sag women can be the ones?)
Anyway, I send a message to her but she is not accepting that I want to break up, even though I omitted the part that I can't stay with just one person. (liar!!! ok I admit it)
It would be easier if we had a fight or something, but our once-a-week times together are always awesome, cuddly, apart from my mental restlessness wanting to search interesting things in the internet despite her desire to stay hugged silently for hours. I just don't know what is this, it's like a curse, every time I finally achieve what I was chasing I feel the need to find new pursuits, what is this?
She is older, I don't want to feel like a complete waste of her time, sooner or later I will cheat behind her back and I don't like the way I feel about it.
Any other geminis gone through the same? Were you ever able to find someone who can maintain a relationship without feeling like you're trapped? I dumped a Libra before, after 2 years living together and never a fight, it was devastating for me, hurts so much when the desire dies!
(Taurus sun with Venus/Mercury in Gemini here...) Well, women behaving all like crybabies because they happened to be born with a pussy between their legs and they feel that they can exchange its usage for stuff, when they don't get things in exchange, they get all mad... What is exactly the impact it makes in the times that you spend together if you are under Plan A or Plan B or etc? Does it change anything in the relationship between you and the desire you feel for each other being called this or that? Does it really? I thought the main thing was the fact that you spend time together with your significant other and that it is quality time, and not how you call it. I can't understand these "proceedings" to things, either you are or you're not, it's pretty black and white. If I'm spending my day with you, is because I chose to not be with someone else, so stop the bitching already. These types of things actually push men away and make us lose interest, and then starts the cheating and all the f** up stuff, women are the starters of all the (avoidable) drama.