Ok so I have this friend whom I have known for years but it's been on and off as her passive-aggressive behavior has broken up our friendship a few times. Each time it is her who contacts me as I only contacted her to mend fences once but that was many years ago. I was younger and was tolerating her, but now I am REALLY tired of her attitude and ready to ditch her for good this time. The question is should I end this for once and for all? I'll give you brief background info about both of us as that's what it's all about...her passive-aggressive comments and nosy behavior. So I am 37 and she is 40 now. I am of a middle eastern background and a female while she is not of the same background. I live in a townhouse which my parents transferred the deed to me (the only child) and it's a spacious nice townhouse where I live with mom and dad. She lives alone and she sleeps around with everyone and tells me about it too, especially guys around 20s who treat her like crap. She wants to get married but she gets ditched by men constantly and tells me about it. I'm so tired of hearing how she's getting laid by a different dudes 5 times a week, I find it gross honestly. Also, I have an awesome parents and love the parties my parents throw as they have a busy social life so my home is often a party place. The female friend only has a mom, who due to stroke, is now wheelchair-bound and lives in a different apartment while constantly needing help from my friend as she can't move and the daughter always biaches at me about her mom which is also messed up considering that woman has no one but her daughter who lives nearby for help but my friend makes it a chore to run basic errands for her mom. She told me that she hates her mom and that her mom was sleeping with all her male friends for years lol. Basically, her family dynamic is absolutely the opposite of mine and she always complaints that she doesn't have anyone besides her mom blah blah yet she treats her disabled mom like crap. She knows the close relationship I have with my parents and how we are a happy and close knit family.
So she keeps constantly pointing out in a passive-aggressive manner as well as in a 'mocking' manner that "look at you, you live with your parents" yet I live in my own home that is paid off and worth quite some money (close to a million $ ) that was 'gifted' to me by my parents and there's like 4 bedrooms in my home so if I move, my parents will end up with 3 empty bedrooms (I use 3 bedrooms like bedroom, offices, etc just for myself) and since I live in LA, I would have to pay a minimum of $ 2,000 of monthly rent basically all that $ $ down the drain each month while I can save that yearly $ 24K that I would alternatively waste on an average LA apartment and spend that $ 24K on me or invest. Also, paying no rent as the house is paid-off, allows me to travel the world, drive a nice car, and spend money on designer stuff, which none of that would happen if I had moved on my own before. I would be pretty much working just to pay some landlord $ 2K/month. Moreover, even if I had moved out before to somewhere cheaper like renting a room only, that would mean that I am leaving my nice townhome and awesome parents to move into some strangers' home with random rules, to a one-bedroom space just to live with a stranger and pay a minimum of $ 1,000 to him/her. So I ask WHY lol Why does my friend feel the need to teach me what to do because this is going on for a while and she is starting to irritate me....you would think that my living condition is her life problem because that's what she is acting like now. This is the friend who ended up in court a few times in the past few years for failing to pay her rent so she was taken to court by her landlord. Um...well I really don't want that in my life, I am already secured yet she has the mean attitude like something is wrong with me for not wanting to be like her. The new story is that now she is mocking the city where I live saying that it's a $ hitty city lol yet she lives in not so good part of her city. I never say anything about where she lives nor the apartment box that she calls home as that's just rude and none of my business. This is why her mean spirited attitude about me when I am NOT the one getting kicked out of various apartments for failing to pay rent and not the one treating a disabled parent like crap, yet she vilifies me. It seems like she is frustrated about her own life (she does have other issues going on but i wont get into it) so she texts me by aiming at something related to my life and starts to point out how I am not 'worthy' like there's something wrong with me. I am 37 as mentioned and WAY too old for her HS behavior it's like she has not evolved.
She has also been arrested a few times for petty theft at Macys as a grown a $ $ woman yet I never make fun of her nor even mention about that to her face as I don't want to go down to her level. I feel drained by her too it's like she's constantly in some drama with friends or men and she texts me everyday by saying "omg u can't imagine what happened today..." and boom there's constantly issues. I guess what I feel bad about is that she's the 2nd oldest friend I've had (the 1st one died unfortunately and I really liked her) and that's what I pity about letting go but I really don't need someone with tons of issues in her life to teach me how I should live. To me it is starting to feel like she is bothered that I have 3 bedrooms/rooms of my own space (the 4th one is the parent bedroom) because she told me yesterday "why do u need 3 bedrooms, why you need so much space, get out of there, get yourself a room." Um so based on her logic I should dump 3 bedrooms of mortgage free nicely decorated space all to myself and move to a stranger's room under someone else's 'rules' and confine myself inside a small 1 bedroom space and pay $ 1,000 min each month for that. So should I dump her immediately (like block her) or talk it out? My main issue is that she stops teaching me what I should do regarding my living condition as I love it and love saving all that $ and love driving an expensive car and traveling the world. I find that my living condition shouldn't worry anyone but me and I am not worried about it myself, in fact very happy about it. The only thing in life now that is giving me a negative vibe is her actually as it feels like there is someone who has this negative aura/issues who in order to feel good about herself she dumps all that negative energy onto the other person to feel releaved of her negativity. Lately, I don't even text her first, trying to distance myself, but she texts me everyday to biatch about one of her friends and she actually makes fun of them too, so I am not the only one. Her argument is that all of her friends are jealous of her. I don't even question her way she thinks that...I just don't have the energy for her right now. My mom is very compassionate and keeps telling me to ignore the things she says by being cordial but it's easier said than done.