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FitzyBabe joined November 03, 2015



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Jupiter....U dont know how much I value those words of wisdom from u....If I get down to analyzing I can find 100 of red flags...but its the Heart which is not willing 2 believe that it was deceived....I thought it was all LOVEE....

and I agree wid u 100% ..Cap Men are cheaters....they just make u believe they r sooo innocent...Wid my Cap...I thot he had a troubled history since he was immature at that time...but now hez grown up and matured ...I thot he had fallen for me thats why he is CHEATING on her....
and Previously many times before he has asked me money for the services hez providing to me...which is taking me for grocery...n driving around...n today again he asked me for money indirectly....although my heart wants 2 help him...but my brain says hez a MOTHERFUCKING BASTARD who now wants MONEY outta me.....all the tym luking and sounding sooo innocent.....

I allowed myself to fall into this bcoz firstly I was toooo guilt ridden to question or ponder over his motives/agenda....and I was reading all the posts/forums on Capricorns that wud suggest that Cap men are slow...they take their time in opening up and are the most loyal partners...He has maintained all this while that he LOVES I assumed he is going to be loyal to me...

He is NOT even LOYAL to the one he is COMMITTED to....

People can say all the MEAN Things about me...but the conclusion is I AM REALLY HEARTBROKEN...n STILL LOVE HIM....n not able to believe what a MANIPULATIVE BASTARD he has been through out.....
I appreciate the kind words Jupiter! I just love being in a relationship and have been wanting the warmth/stability/security of it....The Cap was giving it to me at a time when I least expected it ....but yes he changed overleaf in last 5-6 months...and avoided being physical since last 5-6 months but this month has made his move on being physical without d commitment....I know the situation is not healthy and just hope the Cap comes bck to me the way I want it...
In Dec 2015, I have texted Cappy for a drive out and he has agreed and we have been intimate few more times at his behest...see a sudden change in his attitude...I have not been keeping well and asking him 2 get me essentials which he is,,,and calling to ask abt my health.....He & I have a lot of emotional baggage....Also careerwise...he might get fired around Dec end...and I am moving to another location following a change in project....I really want things to be alright and him 2 come to me...since both are going through tumultous times and still cant really offer each other much help....we have to deal wid our lives on our own....hubby is also suffering since he is very much in love wid me and I dont have plans to be wid him....

one thing that worries me is I have a lot of questions and discussions that I wana do wid Cappy but he is always avoiding it...shifting the blame on me....and the discussion never really gets underway...everytime I start saying something...he feels I am blaming him...gets on the defensive and brings it to a point where call has to be cut....

But even though I love him...I am breaking free from this situation....nobody deserves to treat me like dis....n he does not even realize/acknowledge that my relationship wid my hubby is spoiled bcoz of I guess I am on my own...although my hubby is offering me all the support I need but I just know the feelings aren't there hubby is my best friend.....but he cant really help me in this situation...God bless him though.....

Letz wait and watch....but whatever I aint taking anymore of Cap's Shit.......
I am sooooo happy for u gurl smile Hope my Cappy also comes to stay wid me 4eva instead of the on-and-off ...blow hot...blow cold...back and forth.....
Today Cappy texted me to take him for Water/Grocery as his car is at the workshop....I tuk him to the nearest Retail Outlet....I was not carrying my card but wanted to buy something...Cap told me to take it... initially I took it but before billing I told I am putting it back ..I will take it later....I refuse to allow him to pay for me anymore....

It was tooo heart wrenching for me ...I was missing him like crazyyyy...wanted to meet him....but cud not show that in front of him...

I dont contact him at all...and such has been the case for many months now....He only contacts me for little things.....just feel a wincing pain in my chest...Sad
I am not surprised...They are manipulators...emotional manipulation at its best...I remember now how the "Cappie" wheneva confronted wud feel tired and always wanted to go to his room....and recently after revealing his "DARK SECRET"...he started having "heart pain" and wanted to go home...when I told him 2 wait ( I knw his 'DRAMAS' now)...he initiated "physical stuff" after seeing my reaction...that I did not scream at him...instead "comforted" him coz I was tooooo shocked to react in a way I shud have....

Kear 12 : I feel you...

As far as birth charts are concerned...I dont wana put my birthday or hubby's bday in a public forum...Is there any way I can message you privately....Do tell....
Posted by faith $ golphin
He not gonna act a fool yet because he didn't get the yams.


Cappy had many opportunities but stopped short of Going all the way.....

I turned 30 recently..Cap is 33...Its the Cap who is the "Performer" ...and does things to pleasee.....
Physical Distance....n yes Physical Intimacy (Cap is gud with physical stuff) since I was in a foreign land without my man....Yes I was a 1 Man-Woman till the Cap came along....

BTW How can I find the Mars and Venus in my chart ?
Kear12 : I have been married for 5 years...staying apart due to job for last one and half years...Was in long distance relationship with my husband before marriage for 4 Total of 9 years...

Dont have much information on Mars or Venus aspects... I lost my virginity to my husband and have been in only 1 relationship before the Cap showed up....

With Cap it has been only ORAL SEX...not penetrative sex....

and Here People are judging my character ...
Posted by wagtail
Posted by FitzyBabe
wagtail: U most definitely have "CONTROL" over a Cap when u stop giving a FUCK about them and start taking "CONTROL BACK" of ur own life ......

I applaud you taking back control of your own life...
But I think we have a slightly different definition of the word CONTROL in this particular context.
There is never and will never be control over another human being in this Universe - the laws of Free Will dictate that, regardless of our personal motivations.

I mean, the last time someone tried that shit the Death Star got blown up.

Sorry, controlling a Cap man or any man or woman with sex or deceit, any form of emotional manipulation or passive aggressive behaviour - is all on the individual practising these petty acts and a mere reflection of your own inner being.
And so, by disconnecting from this farcical relationship- yes you have taken back control.
I still stand by what I said, and good luck going forward in your romantic endeavours, I do indeed hope you find what you deserve...
click to expand

Wagtail : Going by your definition of "CONTROL" with sex,deceit or emotional manipulation...Cap men are perpetrators of such "PETTY" acts since they are always in need of control and involve in kiddish push and pull tactics so definitely its a mirror reflection of "Their Inner Selves"

You have every right to your opinion...and Rest Assured I will get what I desire out of life..

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