Posted by Capmercury87Can you elaborate more, please?Posted by Forreal68Run for the hillsPosted by Capmercury87Sagitarrius
What's his venusclick to expand
Posted by Capmercury87Sagitarrius
What's his venus
Posted by LadyNeptuneHave you ever been in a situation where you have no one to talk too? Like you need other people opinions because your knew you friend will take your side and his friends will take his sides? That is why i came here. My friends have better things to do than listen to my crap. Why are you here? To make other people feel more bad and to act you have a perfect relationship?Posted by Forreal68Lol how was it not nice? Genuinely asking.Posted by LadyNeptuneDepends on how you ask a question..Posted by Forreal68Why so defensive. Its an honest question. Why are you so afraid to ask this dude what your relationship status is??Posted by LadyNeptunePosted by Forreal68Wow so let me get this have no problem taking his dick inside your body for the last 2 years and yet your afraid to ask him to define the terms of the relationship??!
Oh, I see. But we have similar situation except that we are intimate for 2 years now.
I have read a lot about capricorn guys . They maybe too slow but the waiting is worthy. They said if a capricorn guy likes you he will make some time and effort to be with you and do practical things for you to show they care .
If you have one piece of advice to me, what would it be?
Thank you so much
Did you read Gob_Shite comment???
And who are you to judge me? Are you God? You don't know me and don't pretend you have never been in a treetrunking and butterty relationship. People like you should shut up .. if you can't say something nice just keep your mouth shut. I am more comfortable putting his dick every whole in my body, you have a problem with that?
Look at yourself in the mirror first. Cause I am sure you have dark sides too. Before you point your fingers to other people make sure those others fingers are pointing at you.
You can ask questions in a nice way.
I didn't name call you. I didn't judge you. I merely confirmed the details you had already provided in straight forward language.
Your offended and defensive because you know you fucked up. Should've confirmed with him your relationship status within the first few months. Instead you were scared to speak and now, 2 years later, have come to the internet hoping to find an astrological connection to give you the answer you want.
Just. Ask. to expand
Posted by Sagiluv27I think i answered that question already .Posted by tizianiJust just such a simple personPosted by MiZLeo^^^^^^^^^^^^
Why don't you ask him?click to expand
Posted by LadyNeptuneDepends on how you ask a question..Posted by Forreal68Why so defensive. Its an honest question. Why are you so afraid to ask this dude what your relationship status is??Posted by LadyNeptunePosted by Forreal68Wow so let me get this have no problem taking his dick inside your body for the last 2 years and yet your afraid to ask him to define the terms of the relationship??!
Oh, I see. But we have similar situation except that we are intimate for 2 years now.
I have read a lot about capricorn guys . They maybe too slow but the waiting is worthy. They said if a capricorn guy likes you he will make some time and effort to be with you and do practical things for you to show they care .
If you have one piece of advice to me, what would it be?
Thank you so much
Did you read Gob_Shite comment???
And who are you to judge me? Are you God? You don't know me and don't pretend you have never been in a treetrunking and butterty relationship. People like you should shut up .. if you can't say something nice just keep your mouth shut. I am more comfortable putting his dick every whole in my body, you have a problem with that?
Look at yourself in the mirror first. Cause I am sure you have dark sides too. Before you point your fingers to other people make sure those others fingers are pointing at to expand
Posted by LadyNeptunePosted by Forreal68Wow so let me get this have no problem taking his dick inside your body for the last 2 years and yet your afraid to ask him to define the terms of the relationship??!
Oh, I see. But we have similar situation except that we are intimate for 2 years now.
I have read a lot about capricorn guys . They maybe too slow but the waiting is worthy. They said if a capricorn guy likes you he will make some time and effort to be with you and do practical things for you to show they care .
If you have one piece of advice to me, what would it be?
Thank you so muchclick to expand
Posted by Gob_ShitePosted by Forreal68Posted by Gob_ShiteI am a virgo woman and please don't judge me just bcoz I am a virgo coz a lot of people here hate virgos.Posted by Capz
what sign are you ?
You haven't answered this question.
What do you mean by 'official'? What isn't he doing that would make the relationship feel like it's official?
He is not vocal to me about our status. Other things i can't complain coz he do almost everything for me only that part and I don't want to ask him anymore.
He told me twice he is not good in words that's why he wants to show it more in actions.
I'm not a Virgo hater, but I do know that Virgos can be pretty insecure and neurotic.
Caps are all about action, not words. Have you vere considered that he may not be into labels? Not everyone is.
From your reply, I really don't see what there is to worry about. Surely, the quality of the relationship is more important than a label?
My advice is to keep things in perspective and to enjoy what you have. If you keep nagging him for an 'official' status, you may end up pushing him to expand
Posted by MyStarsShinePosted by Forreal68Well, what else would you be after 2 years?Posted by GemitatiI am his girlfriend.. that what his friend told me. But him never told me that we are gf/bf relationship. I did not meet his family yet coz they live in a different country but he told his sister and mother they gonna meet me soon.
Intimate for 2 years? Still unsure ifnhenisnyoir BF? Hmmm
How about accidentally blurb 'you are the best BF girl can wish for' and look at his face?
How does he introduce you to his friends and family?
What is wrong with the dating scene these days?click to expand
Posted by Gob_ShiteI am a virgo woman and please don't judge me just bcoz I am a virgo coz a lot of people here hate virgos.Posted by Capz
what sign are you ?
You haven't answered this question.
What do you mean by 'official'? What isn't he doing that would make the relationship feel like it's official?click to expand