Thanks. Actually, I manage everybody's everything! Of those 4 planets, the Sun, Pluto, and Venus are in Virgo. Uranus is in Libra. I am all about investigation. If something needs to be solved, I'm on it!
I was told I have a stellium in the 8th house - Sun, Venus, Uranus, and Pluto. Huh? Thoughts? Explanations?
Wow! Ok, thanks.
Let me clarify the I don't mind part - yes, I do mind, but in dealing with the military, I have become "used" to going no contact due to field time.
And I took the note thing as him just being silly.
Wow! Ok, thanks.
Let me clarify the I don't mind part - yes, I do mind, but in dealing with the military, I have become "used" to going no contact due to field time.
And I took the note thing as him just being silly.
Yes, I have read through a ton of posts so I have a little insight, but surely not getting the full effect.
So I met this aqua guy a few weeks ago hanging out with the girls. Great conversation, dancing, being silly! Says he saw me from across the room and made his way over, but thought I was there with someone so he just watched. He writes me a note, the classic "I like u do u like me, check yes or no" - "Want to go steady, yes or no" thing. Cute! He jokes all night about "when we get married", blah, blah, blah. As soon as I pick up on the joke and say something to him he says, "well let's just take it easy and see where it goes". HUH??? He gives me a nice little kiss.
I drive him home (his friends left early)and we talk for hours, , HE wants to cuddle and kiss for a little bit, calls me to make sure I got home ok, wants to make plans for next weekend. 4 days, no contact and not a problem from my side. I don't like someone all on top of me either...
More great conversation for a couple days - 2 weeks no contact. Calls me last night:
1) "U haven't written me off already have you?" Told him of course not, everybody has a life, things to do. "Well I'm kinda slow about these things". He means getting to know someone, right?? Then some chit-chat.
2) "I figured I better call u since tomorrow is V-day". Huh? More chit-chat.??
3) "So, do you have a hot date for tomorrow night?" Told him no, I don't. More chit-chat.??
4) "So is it okay if I take you out on Saturday, instead of tomorrow night?" Told him yes. Even more chit-chat.??
Is this the testing you all talk about? What? Is it safe to "assume" he is really interested?