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gemcancervenus joined October 07, 2011
Sun Gemini 3.41 Moon Virgo 14.11 Mercury Gemini 24.43 Venus Cancer 0.21 R Mars Pisces 1.30 Jupiter Taurus 17.50 Saturn Capricorn 1.07 R Uranus Capricorn 0.05 R Neptune Capricorn 9.44 R Pluto Scorpio 10.34 R


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It was interesting cause he is a freak and I've never met someone who seemed so functional and charming but was actually a monster underneath. Let's just say I am a sheltered girl and have never been close to danger.
lol. ok fine, gosh guys. I won't deal with him.
Dang, I don't get why anyone does coke. It is so bad for you. Ruins lives and makes hot guys undateable Sad
And I am not a person who thinks I am in love with him or feel a special connection. He's just hot and I wish I could make him normal so I could date his hot ass. there, I said it.
Hey everyone's lives are always changing. People's lives can be affected by the smallest encounters. Was wondering about other people's experience with addictive behaviors and getting past them. Yea, maybe I am not the one to do it, but how sad would it be if a person continued to let drugs eat away at their body and mind just cause nobody cared to say anything?
yea maybe there is low likelihood of convincing someone to stop doing drugs, but it doesn't hurt to try. Unless he gets mad and punches me lol
Yea I was in disbelief at first about anyone who could hit a girl ever. Apparently, it was one night he was super coked out and just went nuts. So I am focusing on the coke thing and seeing if there is some way to deal with that issue first and then maybe he wouldn't be inclined to be violent at all. Then maybe he could be dating material. I have met a bunch of guys recently and for some reason he is the only one I have sparks with, so I am looking for a way to work it and maybe better his life style in the process.
For whatever reason, he is super attractive to me. With both have venus in cancer, I like his intensity, especially since it is concerning me despite not having spoken much. I am wary to spend any time alone with him due to his habit. So I was thinking if there is a way around it... like if Leos are resilient about addictions and can get out of them or not.
As a gem, I have done many things that would be considered addictive, but have never gotten stuck in that.
I don't have much experiences with Leos except for my best friend from high school. So I was thinking of addictive behaviors from her perspective and wondering other Leos could step away from addictive behavior the way that she did. She was super insecure and severely bulimic during college, but when she got a boyfriend, it seemed like her behavior stopped. I wonder if spending time with him could motivate him to stop doing harmful behavior? (Actually I just spoke to her and she says she still binges once a week, but it isn't as bad as before. )
Has any other Leo had experience with addictive behaviors and finding a motivation to get away from them?
Hey there,
Just wanted to post about an interesting encounter I had with a Leo male.
Also wondering, do you guys know if Leos tend to have history of being domestic abusers?
Here is his chart:
Zodiac in degrees 0.00 Placidus Orb:0
Sun Leo 9.56 Ascendant Leo 26.40
Moon Capricorn 13.43 II Virgo 19.32
Mercury Leo 18.48 III Libra 17.29
Venus Cancer 15.33 IV Scorpio 20.30
Mars Libra 29.29 V Sagittarius 25.32
Jupiter Scorpio 2.17 VI Capricorn 28.10
Saturn Libra 17.08 VII Aquarius 26.40
Uranus Sagittarius 0.36 R VIII Pisces 19.32
Neptune Sagittarius 24.35 R IX Aries 17.29
Pluto Libra 24.22 Midheaven Taurus 20.30
Lilith Capricorn 4.43 XI Gemini 25.32
Asc node Cancer 13.10 XII Cancer 28.10

Met him at a gathering with a bunch of people in this social activity I am in. He seemed friendly. Each time I bumped into him at an event we would chat for like two minutes, he seemd to like me. One time he even randomly kissed me on the lips and I gave him my number. He let me borrow his sweatshirt that night cause I was cold. One weekend, I drunk texted him about going kayaking and he told me to call him (weird cause he is the guy!!) I never called the next day cause I didn't end up going to the beach. So I figured it wasn't a big deal. Anyway, I asked a mutual friend about him. but my friend tells me not to date him. Apparently this guy is a coke head and had punched his ex-girlfriend before. Sounds like bad news. But I am only around him with other people and somehow I am still drawn to him. I know, sounds bad. I wanted to see if he was really crazy like that, maybe he had mellowed down since that incident.
At the next event, he goes out to the patio of the bar with my friend to have a cigarette. I go out too, cause I want him to talk to me again and see what he's like. He comes up to me and the first thing he says is really intense. "Do you not even like me? Do you not wanna hook up with me? You have my clothes and you're just keeping them?" Really intense... seemed like he was coked out. Really weird!!! I thought this guy had potential and I don't wanna date a cokehead, but its just so intriguing!!
Do you think Leos have bad tempers.. potential tendency toward domestic abuse, especially since he has done it once allegedly? If a Leo is addicted to coke, would I have any shot of getting him to stop doing coke and be normal? Is he doomed? haha
COULD make it uncomfortable. Yes, it is a choice between your integrity or something you think is important vs. socializing. And it can be interesting. It can be as small as never eating certain types of fish to something larger like defending someone against public bigotry or racism.
Anyway, I did not make a choice to not kiss him. He leaned over to kiss me and it just didn't feel right. I gave him a peck and I can't control what my body wants to do. It just wouldn't kiss him anymore. I would want to want to kiss him. I would love to be able to be happy in a relationship with someone who is nice and stable as he is. But apparently, it didn't work this time.
It doesn't seem like you read what I wrote. I don't need a guy to buy me. At the same time, I need to be feeling good and they can put some effort into that without money. Chemistry is not something that just magically appears. You just get off on trying to anger people. Seems like this is porn for you and I am sure you are having a great time.
Also, I never called you a bitch. Many others have and I was trying to help you out, but you seem to enjoy being hated as if you stand for something. You're not a martyr though. You seem like a lonely, angry person and I hope this is just a character on the internet you play because if you act like this in real life, I don't see how you can have any friends besides several cats and I feel bad for you. There are moments when I feel angry and hateful and want to act the way you do and then I remember such behavior leads in only one direction --- dying alone with your own cats munching on your face. I hope you are prepared for that. lol
Spesh as in they are special to you? or special as in retarded...?
lol, i was trying to give you some benefit as other people call you a bitch. I did make it as pleasant as I could. And overall it wasn't bad. Judging him or a future relationship wasn't the point of this thread. It was more wondering about patterns between Virgos of the same sign. If they have similar practices.. I have ideas about the proper way to do things or how to live my life a certain way, but many times I don't follow them or speak up about them because in general, they are less important to me than getting along with people or making people comfortable. Example: it'd be great to eat only organic and sustainable foods and I respect people who do. My Virgo girl friend sticks to that 100% of the time. I can't see myself going out of the way to a more expensive grocery store for that ideal. Every time we eat sushi, I just want to eat salmon, but she does not let me eat anything that is not on her 'sustainably caught' fish list. I coudln't live my own life that way and I could never see myself forcing it on others.
In this thread I mentioned that his thing is that he didn't pay for girls and I was fine with it and did not display any discomfort and paid. My question was loosely if other virgos have rules (doesn't have to be related to paying or dating) that they always stick to even if in a social setting where it could be uncomfortable.
I said it could have been more beneficial to go to a movie simply because we both know he isn't talkative. Even I am not that talkative so in general I prefer dates where there is an activity so we aren't just talking about nothing. He had asked me to join him for dinner at this restaurant; I was not going to derail that and say we should do a movie instead. I also gave him some silence to see if he would say anything or appreciate silence. And he would say... 'awkward silence...' I honestly don't care about paying for myself, but overall there was just not much chemistry. Believe me, I dated a guy for 3 years who was poor, lived in someones garage, and grew up on food stamps and he never bought anything for me. But we had chemistry and it never bothered me. He would even eat most of my food and I was happy to share with him and never go to expensive places. Also, there was no bathroom in his garage, so I would pee in a flower pot. I am a pretty laid-back person!! There are other ways to make a girl feel comfortable than paying for her.
Virgospirit: yes last time I dated a virgo, I basically went off a checklist and did not pay attention to chemistry. I know this sounds terrible but I was on a mission to have a relationship with a stable guy, so I found one and even though his jokes did not make me laugh and it didn't feel like I was in love with him, I stuck with it anyway. But he could see through this and knew even though there was no fights or friction, he could tell that we weren't ever going to be a couple that was truly in love. This time around, I am going off how I feel and the feeling was not there so I did not pretend to feel it and kiss him anyway.
P-Angel: I did my very best to make this a pleasant date and reduce the awkwardness of him being a very very quiet person who took me to places where all you can do is talk. We should have gone to a movie or something instead. Even for a gemini, it is difficult to improvise a 4 hour monologue. I was doing my best to not let him be embarassed that he is not good at thinking of things to say. I don't have any disrespect for him.. I still think he is a cute and nice guy but I can just see this gemini-virgo lack of chemistry happening again and I did not want to fake my way through it to have a content but ungenuine relationship.
I think it's interesting because astrology is such an abstract/non-scientific thing, so when I see a situation that fits into astrology's claims, it amazes me. It amazes me that there can be patterns in people's relationships and personalities that could be defined by something random like positions of stars in the sky. Mind boggling.
And I know P-angel can be quite the bitch that people detest on this site. Sometimes, I agree with her though her delivery is poor and sometimes she does not read everything the thread is about, leading her to provide ill-informed responses. If you work on your bedside manner, maybe people will listen to your advice instead of tell you to shut the f u c k up.
And to clarify, I don't mean like a random stalker person telling you they love you. I mean to refer to someone that you have an ongoing relationship or even friendship with.

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Relationships & Astrology
Are there any fans of How i Met your mother on here? Anyone care to take a guess at the characters' astrological sign
Joined: Oct 07, 2011 · Topics: 16 · Posts: 128
I was wondering if virgos tend be very rigid? Virgos I've met have a set standard of principles and they don't bend the
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I posted this on the Gem board, but thought I'd put it up here too and see if anyone responds. How about geminis and
Joined: Oct 07, 2011 · Topics: 16 · Posts: 128
Hey there, Just wanted to post about an interesting encounter I had with a Leo male. Also wondering, do you guy
Joined: Oct 07, 2011 · Topics: 16 · Posts: 128
For Cancers, men or women. If you are not a Cancer sun, but have cancer placements, please specify what placement it is.
Joined: Oct 07, 2011 · Topics: 16 · Posts: 128
Do you guys ever get sick or annoyed of people who are too sensitive, overreact, talk about their feelings about a relat
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Just wondering if it turns Aries guys on or 'ignites their fire' if a girl makes fun of them or does something irritatin
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We've done gemini and other sign topics, so how about geminis and Capricorn relationships? I'm interested in getting
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Are there any other gemini ascendant/ gemini suns out there? My general question is -- Who do you find you attract?
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Are there any fans of How i Met your mother on here? Anyone care to take a guess at the characters' astrological sign
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