OMG this album is so fuckin good
Would you rather be in a sexless marriage or be on your own?
I have good friends who are scorpios. But dating wise, uh uh. I'd stay the heck away. The only water sign I can deal with are Cancers.
I miss my cancer. I miss the qualities of the person. But I don't miss the difficulties in communication we had. Our communication style s were completely different. It was like pulling teeth and I'm not a dentist.
since your first post about him 3-4 months ago it's been down hill from there. he has not sounded like he was going to be long term material.
I learned this in high school. High school teaches u a lot about relationships. hahaa people never grow up. playing the he said she said games.
If I were you and I wanted info, I'd get it and then not tell him what I heard. I would not need confirmation of such intel. LOL. take it or leave it. believe it or not. Asking him is pointless because guys will lie lie lie to get away with anything. Now you've gotten worried whether the info was truth or not and you even asked him to confirm the hideous girl allegations? ...uh...big no no. I think it is most funny that you asked him to confirm the intel. That's the most hilarious part about this. You're creating this drama woman. YOU are what is behind all this hoopla. He's acting as he should be acting. He's being normal if he is frustrated. What man wouldn't.
If he was seemingly angry that you've been chatting with others about are losing points girl
yea. You're all like it if he doesn't want you, then he can't stop you from chit chatting about that no matter what you do, your business or his, if he sees it he will be judging you as to how well you fit into his life and if you are a good long term material or not. If I were you I'd shape up and be on good behavior.
It's not about you having the freedom to do what you want. But if he WAS your boyfriend, would you go around talking to people about him? And even if you did, would you tell your own boyfriend what other people thought of him? Or calling his sexual conquests hideous? hah. If I were him I'd be like..this chick has a big mouth....and nip it in the bud. Sorry...just sayin...but most people have a sense of privacy and decorum about this sorta thing. A lot of guys don't like their future girlfriends be so catty or talkative about this sorta stuff. He might now think you are gossipy.
let's say he did fuck that ugly chick. u still wanna fuck him don't u? hah. you'd want him no matter who he fucked. admit it. face it. he's the one choosing to be committed to you or not. maybe he doesn't like you chit chatting so much and this is all a test to see if you are true relationship material. seems like he's getting frustrated with you for being so chatty with other people about his business.
You sound extra shallow calling this other girl hideous and such. Tsk Tsk. ugly on the inside is worse. and who cares who he fucked in the past. seriously. and even if he did fuck her so what if she was gorgeous or ugly. really people....SMH