Posted by candi3bb2Thank you candi3bb2 for your response and thoughts. To give some more background we dated for 3 months, he seemed super interested and we had a good connection. He was avoiding getting intimate without giving me a reason, which was frustrating. And I think that contributed to me starting to act cold and disinterested. It was just a very overwhelming weekend as it was with his best friend and his best friend's entire family. I think I was expecting more one on one time but it ended up being 100% group setting entire time really. Then after the trip he texted me , I admit I was not very eager to respond as I was annoyed so I was a bit short. And then silence after, so I texted him and invited him out and he said he was busy with work etc. And so end of convo. And we haven't talked since.
You have to apologize and make amends completely.
a) tell a background that leads up to how you became so annoyed
b) assume the possibility, irregardless of intention, that you played a part in his distance. This validates his feelings.
c) express that you actually like him etc
Positive, negative, positive sentence structure.
We distance ourselves from people who are unable to accept us for us. Aquarians can accept everyone, still caring about them without losing ourselves in the process, we share a space with others. Others demand our space and demand that we be a certain way in their space. That in ITSELF doesn't follow in line with the philosophy/ spiritual ideologies. We aren't here to live up to others standards, we are here to live up to our own, to grow, to give and to push ourselves. Unfortunately, unless you make amends you will lose him forever.
Posted by sweetpea2977Well I tried to open up the lines of communication and texted him after I hadn’t heard from him , and he seemed disinterested. I even invited him to something in my text and he declined saying he had work stuff . So I got discouraged from any discussions of the weekend or bringing up deeper issues .
If your actions/attitude began to shift, why wouldn't his?
You've had opportunity to open up with him verbally about your take on that weekend. Why didn't you?
If you don't want him to get away, then you need to both talk about it. From where you were, where you are and where you want to be.
Posted by pinkbird03Well I’m thinking that’s part of the issue, I actually got annoyed at him bc HE doesn’t seem to want to have sex, but won’t give me a reason, which is frustrating.
If I were him, I’d think you don’t like me. You’re the problem. The way you’re acting is cold. Get warmer. Show him you want him and sex.