They so do, I'm not being dramatic at all.
Or maybe my Libra was made out of glass I dunno but he just chipped away and even the slightest criticism hit to his core.
Sometimes Gem's can just run their mouths too - I don't think we're meaning to be hurtful, we're just getting everything out there.
Well in the end there was kind've nothing there but hurt and that's not a relationship at all lol
Not trying to air my dirty laundry but just wanted to give the community an update on my Libra.
I decided to break up with him two days ago.
There was a lot of hurt that had built up and it got to the stage where I just knew the next disagreement would result in more hurt, guilt and probably a full blown breakup. It was kind of like waiting for the train to crash.
I love him just as strongly as I did the first time I told him but, the never ending feeling of guilt, I felt like I was starting to lose myself and actually start to dislike myself because I kept causing issues.
I don't even know how to start navigating a breakup but I think he will be happier without me and I think in time I will be happier without him. Maybe.
If you're dating a Libra man, please think wisely about the words you say to him. Be kind and considerate and love him as deeply as he can love you. He deserves that.
They're actually beautiful creatures, they just feel everything x10 more than any other starsign. I truly believe that. I hope I can forgive myself one day
I’m dating a Libran man at the moment and I’m a Gemini woman.
He is very concerned with his public image even though he pretends he isn’t. I consider myself a very good catch just because I know I’m faithful and love deeply and am never short of male attention.
I was drawn to him initially because I thought he was incredibly empathetic, considerate, sweet, gentle and quiet but once I got to know him I saw that that was who he WANTED to be and wasn’t necessarily a good reflection of who he was.
It’s so hard for me to let go of relationships so instead I prefer to just let them play out.
He’s never been physically aggressive and I actually feel sorry that his self esteem is shot to pieces and he can’t even acknowledge it (I’ve done so many sweet things, love letters, presents etc to make him feel worth it so I’ve come to the conclusion it’s nothing to do with me!)
Sorry you’re hurting but honestly, I’m not too sure Libra’s are the best catch.
The women are even worse (in my own experience) x
Just chill out and focus on you and stop picking up women for a while.
I know that's what my Libra Man did and then he found me and I'm amazing so.
You just need to focus on yourself, your hobbies etc.
It'll happen!
I wonder if any other gems feel like they’re totally void of developing proper feelings and thus relationships
I don’t think I’m undateable because I always have someone to date but I definitely feel as though I can’t make relationships work. At. All.
It’s so weird
So you all think it’s totally hopeless?
I just feel like I’m almost just a little be too detached and maybe over time it would get better?
I thought Gem & Libras were meant to be a great match but I’m not too sure about that at all.
Same with Aqua and Aries, I’ve met a few and get along with them really well but romantically I’m like fk nooo
I’m a Gemini Woman (Sun) with her Moon in Pisces dating a Libra Man (Sun) with his Moon in Gemini.
Basically everything was fine until we got into a relationship. He is a really wonderful boy and I feel like I can learn a lot from him.
The problem is when we fight.
We both handle conflict very differently.
I’m the kind of person who’s of the mindset that there’s nothing that can’t be fixed except maybe cheating, drug dealing etc. Heavy duty things.
But he will act like it is ACTUALLY the end of the world. I’ve never seen someone so hyped up and overreact. He will always break up with me during fights too.
He has already broken up with me twice this year and always apologizes and calls it a huge mistake afterwards but never really learns?
I get the feeling he thinks it’s my fault too...
Anyway we haven’t really been texting much because he thinks our main miscommunication comes from not speaking face to face or in some other way where we can judge each other’s tone?
I feel really out of my depth with this relationship and I love him so much but this feels like I’m going crazy.
I’m not sure whether this is too much for me or whether I should just hold on and learn something?
I’m not sure. SOS.