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GrayJediWitch joined July 27, 2020



For me it's good, stable health, steady jobs and a Scorpio man🤦
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by nikkistar

All "influencers".

All rappers with "Lil" in their names.

I’m waiting for one to be called Lil Shit lol
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😂😂😂That's about it

Posted by Prince_Pisces

Jennifer Lopez instantly came to mind LOL! I have never liked her, and I cant figure out why. I mean she can't sing, isnt as good of an actress as she thinks she is, and isnt as attractive as Hollywood has tried to make everyone believe, but that's no reason to dislike someone. Hmmm.

I kind of liked Hustlers though ❤

Me too.

She is so full of it, and really isn't much in my opinion.

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