I don't understand how it's "cloudy". This is literally his attitude.
I met this Taurus guy back last July. When I first met him, it was very obvious he was trying to get into a relationship with me, even after only knowing him for about a week.
Then a few months went by and we talked again. I can't describe it, but it seemed like he was really interested in me.
So, a few months ago he took a trip somewhere for a few months, came back and asked to see me again. Except this time he doesn't seem like he doesn't want to have anything serious anymore. Not only that, but he always tells me he wants to see me, but will never text/call. I have to call him first. He tells me he wants something special with me, but it doesn't seem like it. Like several times he's mentioned being my boyfriend, but it's like he never makes an effort to try to become that. It's kinda like he's playing mind games. I cannot tell if he really wants something with me, because he doesn't act like but, he tells me he does. And he tells me how much he likes me and how he feels "something" is between us, but he never makes any effort.