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GreenOracle joined December 20, 2011



gemini guy and scorp guy. these two happen to be my friends and its turning messy. i like both of them equally..but i dont have feelings for either of them. they know i like someone else..but they're still at it. the gemini is quite arrogant by nature, but he's always been sweet to me even when he dated other girls. the scorp is moody and doesnt say much. but he's comfortable with me. from the start they've disliked each other.. and now they're fighting over my cause. im afraid i cant do much since the scorp's stubborn and wont let it go..and the gemini will most definitely take a dig whenever he can. why would they do it when they both know i like another guy?? this is just exhausting. has anyone been in this awkward situation? :/
Hey there Scorps...i need your help. Ive this scorpio man who's a good friend. he's a cancer decan scorpio and he gives me the shivers. he has so many faces, its startling. problem is..he's fixated on me right now...and he's been literally spying on me all the time. he has given hints that he likes me but i did not reciprocate any of it which he has noticed clearly. i am not able to have a natural conversation with this man. he keeps probing and asking me everything under the sun all the time. i cant even breathe for safety with his presence. he seems mocking and condescending sometimes and has a very manipulating and mean sadistic side to him which surfaces sometimes. cannot help the situation since he's a friend..if i tell him im uncomfortable with his stalking he will outrightly refuse having ever done so. when i think he is playing around he gets serious and tells me how much ive changed his life and his view on people and also that he needs me around at any cost. it all started with a very long spiritual debate which i must admit was very deep and soul rocking. but i did not anticipate this. sometimes he puts on the mask of a weak timid soul who is shy and praises me to high heaven and other times he turns into a dark person who wants to show me the "deep end" and the truth about how real it can be. how do i handle this kind of a man with multiple personalities? i want to keep a safe distance from him..but he isnt letting me. i feel trapped. telling him directly that im not interested..i have tried. he belives im lying and resisting him. do i get him to back off :#
I am a virgo!

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