i love being a fire sign, although i have a sanguine temperament. I go from jovial to begrudging very quickly, and the intensity doesn't manifest in an explosion, the heat just radiates off me like a suffocating steam. can be pretty intimidating at times.
i like being kinetic. as a double sag with sag in mars as well my energy reserves are infinite. i either want to explore the mind or the world around me. I'm doing one or the other constantly. i also like being at least decent at any sport i play, even just learning new physical activities comes very easily for me. mercury in scorpio helps here with impeccable hand eye coordination.
i would say sag is my favorite fire sign. obviously what I'm about to say doesn't apply to ALL, but, i think aries can be too arrogant more often than not and leos are self righteous to no end. my complaint about the run of the mill Sagittarius is that they don't use their abilities for anything beneficial to them or anyone around them. theyre generally the most reckless and destructive literally and figuratively. they all fucking love to drink and the most annoying trait all the most annoying fire signs have: THEYRE TOO FUCKING LOUD
other than that id much rather be in a room full of fire signs than any of the other ones.
Fire Room: full of athletes, attractive people, smart people. am i missing anything?
@youngali I'm an ascendant/sun sag and Taurus moon as well
Aries - she was a double aries... her flame was fresh and burned bright. longest relationship, never a dull moment. we haven't spoke in 6 years.
Libra - the most aesthetically pleasing person to be around, every room in her house felt like a breath of fresh air and she definitely had a love of the finer things in life. harmonious and I think I could've stayed with her forever, but we almost had a child and she got an abortion and left me. we haven't spoke since. it has been almost 5 years and shes married to someone now.
Virgo - we were friends for 8 years before we dated. she actually hooked me up with the aforementioned Aries, originally. everything was great about us but we didn't share the same value set. I hate political labels but I'm a little more right leaning and she was very liberal. this in combination with our intense feelings for each other were too much for her. she also couldn't stand that I was gone for 8 months a year for my job at the time. haven't spoke since she broke things off. its been a little over a year. she graduates college this year.
these were probably the 3 that left the strongest impressions, or that I feel I learned the most lessons about myself, my needs, and what I need to work on as an individual from.
Clean House
Grocery Shopping
Meal Prep
Hello, Monday.