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HiddenStinger joined May 25, 2016
male from United States
why don't you come an take a seat and see first hand.


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Posted by auriqa
The other "what are you listening to" thread is getting ridiculously long. Tongue

So what are you listening to right now?

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width="560" height="315" =""

Brokenheartsville- Joe nichols
maybe it is you thats making things from what it seems quite strange or weird as well as over thinking things. he's probably just wondering what he done to make you seem this way. Just talk with him tell him what's up I'm sure he will be understanding.... unless he's not at the point in his life yet.
Compliments how do you feel about them?
ignore it completely actually that's bad advice. only option is to stare back at her/him.
probably make and app. honestly have no clue if there is one bit there should be.
First I'd like to excuse my lack of punctuation or mispunctuation.

Every job I have had I've quit do to the fact there isn't
thrill. I did work for a tree company which my advancedmen's for climbing up the ladder were crushed.
I was quite livid of the fact & reasoning for such things where quite dumb so I just left. so for now I'm seeking other career options & even consider schooling. so I will get to the point scorpios that are out there what types of jobs do you all have and do you actually enjoy being there.
This has to be the best explain yet about our stare. *tip of the hat to you good sir*

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How would you make this site better?
probably make and app. honestly have no clue if there is one bit there should be.
Joined: May 25, 2016 · Topics: 2 · Posts: 8
First I'd like to excuse my lack of punctuation or mispunctuation. Every job I have had I've quit do to the fact there isn't thrill. I did work for a tree company which my advancedmen's for climbing up the ladder were crushed. I was quite livi
Joined: May 25, 2016 · Topics: 2 · Posts: 8

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