For me personally,I relish a challenge. Sometimes I'll chase,perhaps even play with my food before eating it. I love the hunt. I enjoy the newness of meeting a new person and learning about them through (annoying as it may be at times..) an onslaught of questions. Believe me(as an Aries female),we do have stellar instincts and intuition. We can detect b.s a mile away. Generally as a rule of thumb for me-I'm straightforward. Not a fan of guessing games,trying to read between the lines,or worse yet-not knowing where I stand with someone.
Other times I enjoy being chased. But lord-NO stage 5 clinging or more so-no smothering. All that being said,if you find yourself wondering where you stand with an aries,for me,I'd say just ask. I have a deep respect and appreciation for being upfront.