Signed Up: Feb 09, 2017 Comments: 0 · Posts: 25 · Topics: 5
Ahahhahaha. Anyone who says that 'Im the most honest person blah blah blah' immediately gets registered as something 'fishy' in my mind. LOOK HERE PEOPLE. A self righteous piece of shit. Give him a medal.
Mine is ENTP/Debater. My friend said thats because i have a gemini rising. How many pisces would be introverts? Thats a generalisation we pisces have. Just wanna know more.
I never really believed in astrology. But recently i saw this pattern. Every happy relationship ive ever been in is with aries women. Is this just a coincidence? I put my birth details at this website and it told me that i have pisces sun, capricorn moon,
Just when i almost stopped giving a f about her she starts staring at me. Ive seen her doing this alot of times for the past few days. My friends have also seen her do this. We just lock eyes outta nowhere. Across the hall, At the park. Its really weird b
I believe in god. And i believe in paranormal. But i believe religion is bullshit. Maybe it started out with good intentions but politicians use it just to divide us and it has led to countless wars. Thoughts?