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iluvmecancer joined March 24, 2007
41 years old female


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Posted by Nights22
Ah but lets be honest. If he was giving you all that attention you may be turned off eh.

I only get turned off by receiving attention from others I don't have interest in. I gravitate to the person I have interest in that shows me attention.
Posted by Nights22
Who is to say he is swimming away?
He just wanted to reschedule..

I understand the rescheduling however his excuse just wasn't believable at all. And especially after the first time him and I have met he hasn't really showed interest. He said he was going to call me, never did. I would get like a random hello text. We were suppose to meet a few days after him and I met and he didn't say anything about it. I just happen to text him that day and he mentioned he was going to a game. Cancers yes we can be naive sometimes, but c'mon this is crazy. I give up on this pisces. I wish it was the pisces that was showing me all the attention and interest as this aries guy but oh well everything happens for a reason.
Posted by EusiveSoulll
@ Iluvmecancer??_??_zone back into your ???cancer?? self ??_.dwell on your options for a some while deciding which way you would like to go.
I can tell you this this much??_whilst you??re doing your own thing?? will be knocking on your door soon enough

Thank you so much :-)
Posted by EusiveSoulll
Posted by iluvmecancer
So guys I just received a text from the pisces and he asked that we reschedule. The funny thing about it is I knew it was going to happen.

Let him swim away hun !!!!!!
Write this one off ....
Just saying this to protect your own feelings!!!!

click to expand

Thank you; I will certainly let this one go.
And you know what's so crazy is that there is this Aries guy that wants to spend so much time with me and give me all the attention (you know how us cancers love attention) But I am trying to stay away from him knowing that Aries is not my match and also with hopes me and Pisces will actually hit it off. And this Aries already made it clear what he wants and it's not a relationship. So obviously we're not on the same page as far as intentions. I guess I may have to chill out for a moment. I still believe there is someone out there for me :-). But thank you to each and every one of you that has replied to my posting, it's greatly appreciated.
So guys I just received a text from the pisces and he asked that we reschedule. The funny thing about it is I knew it was going to happen.
So I met this guy through a mutual friend who obviously thought him and I meeting was a great idea. So we connected on facebook initially he sent me a message asking that we meet within a few days. We exchanged numbers, and one Thursday we met for coffee in the city. When I saw him in person, all I could say to myself was "thank you to my friend" because this guy is a great looking guy with the most beautiful teeth I have ever seen in my life. His smile is mesmerizing, and most of all he has a great personality. Just to give you guys a little info on him and I. I am 29 (cancer) and he's 32 (Pisces) we both don't have any children, love to travel, and we have great jobs also. So this is a big plus for me. Now the day we met for coffee we talked for about an hr and then he had to go off to meet with one of his family members and mentioned that him and I could possibly get together over the weekend. So we gave each other a hug and parted ways. NOW. I am the typical shy cancer so I awaited his call/text and after 3 days he finally reached out to me in which I was very happy. However, on the day he mentioned we would go out he said he had a game to go to. I didn't bother to mention him saying to me that we would possibly get together that day. I just left it alone. My friend then asked me what was going on between us and I didn't have much information to tell because I swear this guy is so hard to read. I am not sure if he has interest or not, and this is what I was thinking. So she then spoke with him and I guess after their conversation he text me to say "hello" "How are you" Not really much conversation. Now I thought when we met we hit it off pretty well, but still was a bit confused on what this guy was feeling. Okay so the other day I sent him a text pretty much stating that I thought we hit it off pretty well, thought he was handsome and if nothing came out this it was a pleasure meeting him. He responded after a while and mentioned he had been so busy with work and would like for us to meet this week. Well tomorrow him and I are suppose to see each other again. Now my question to any of you that have dealt with a pisces male. How do you know if he's interested? I am usually good at reading people but with him this is just way too hard lol. Me being a typical cancer we like to know what's going on, what a person is feeling, and where is it going to go. Yes I must admit we over think at times, but we just want to be sure and not waste anytime. HELLP!!!
@VirgoM20 That sounds like a good idea. Thank you so much for your input as well as everyone else.
He is in his 30's he will be 33 this year. I am not yet in my 30's, will be 27 this year. Lol @ those who feel he's guy. I totally disagree. From what he has mentioned to me the other night when we spoke; his past relationships the woman were really aggressive and he seems to be accustomed to that now, so that's pretty much what it is. I don't think he has any type of dysfunction. I do believe since he is a virgo he does over analyze pretty much anything which can cause this as well. But we'll see how this whole aggressive thing goes. I don't feel comfortable going to any herbal remedies or any type of medication especially since there are so many side affects. I don't want to be the one to cause a bigger issue than what it already is you know. However, I do thank you ArianPride for your input and help as well as everyone else, even the ones who came up the conclusion that he's gay. Lol too funny.
@Jason22131 yep he sure does.
Thanks guys for all of your input, it's greatly appreciated. I know some have asked how old he is, he's actually 32, turning 33 this year. And others have asked if I have spoken to him and asked what he likes and he was pretty vague and so not helpful. However, last night him and I had a really deep conversation, and with much thought. He finally revealed to me what it is he likes. He wants me to be more aggressive because that's what he's use to . So now I know, and have some aggressive tricks under my sleeves lol. But seriously, I am glad him and I talked things over last night. And Im hopeful that things work from this day forward. He's such a great guy and I don't want this to be such a huge effect on our relatiohsips.
Hey guys, I know I haven't been on here in so long. Unfortunately I have an issue. First let me start of by saying my boyfriend is amazing, he's a virgo by the way. He's sweet, genuine, we have so much fun together. We're like the perfect couple (cancer and virgo). But there is one issue. The physical aspect of our relationship; He says that he's attracted to me, however it's difficult for him to get aroused. Now this doesn't happen all the time, however it is quite often. I try other means to get him aroused and it just takes a little longer than what I am use to. I am not use to this so I have the slightest idea on what to do here. I have talked to him about this, and he continues to reassure me that he is attracted to me and that's it's him and he's going to work on it. Now I know that he's not seeing someone else, or even have interest in anyone. And although he has told me he is attracted to me I feel otherwise. I often wonder why? Now I am not willing to give up such a great relationship because of this issue; I am willing to do whatever I can so that we can work on this situation for the better. Please help me out here guys. I don't know what eles to do.

Thank you all in advance.

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