I found this and thought it was cool: enter your details on the right and get a sample of a paid reading. Once you scroll down you get to a section that says, "Your Sun Sign Or Not". The following paragraphs tell you what sign and planet she thinks are do
I thought you might find this interesting. Finding your oriental planet is easy. You simply locate the planet immediately after the Sun when you count clockwise. So, if your Sun is 17 degrees Leo and your Moon is 2 degrees Leo, then the Moon is your gu
Just a random thought. Since the ascendant is your public mask and your preferred image, which dictates where your other houses are placed, surely the planets positioned in those houses is related to your "mask" (or the overall image you project to oth
deal in astrology/tarot/occult subjects. Some of their stuff resonated for me. They were offering free readings a while back, but it looks like that's been scaled down to free Sun and Jupiter reports. A lot of the focus is on house placements at
The Man Cave
Strong grower here. Them urinal fears tho'....