Just an update for those who are interested. As suggested by you wonderful folk, I took a deep breath, and stopped stressing.
Then later in the week when I caught up with my Aries fireman, I floated it all by him, and he had some great insight to offer as well. He suggested that I send the Irishman a text at the end of the week, but not too late, keep it simple, unemotional, and suggest if he was so inclined, we could catch up over the weekend. So I did that Thursday, and got an immediate positive response from the Irishman. He invited me out Saturday night with a group of his friends and he asked if any of my friends would like to come too. We had a wonderful night. I liked his friends, he liked mine. Much happiness.
So, everything has recalibrated, I'm not feeling overwrought by imaginary things, and content to let the Irishman take the lead. In the meantime, I'm keeping busy with life, and hanging out with friends, including my Aries fireman, who is a real hoot, and gives great advice!
Gemitati, great advice.
I was definitely feeling much more laid back when I was fielding multiple suitors. So perhaps I'll throw a line out on the dating app and see what fishes bite.
I do have another Aries that is chasing me that I've been on a few dates with. I just let him go for it, and as soon as he gets days off, he is hitting me up to see me. These two are chalk and cheese! Fireman Aries connection is like long lost friends with an edge. Irishman Aries (the one I'm getting my knickers in a knot about) it's like two cautious people circling each other. LOL
There was a Taurus skirting the scenes, but man, we were only talking on the phone, and he was planning our whole future! A total run for the hills for me!
I haven't hurt the Irishman, just showed a bit too much keenness last week.
It's nice to be able to talk about it, and hear other peoples' stories.
Thanks AriesJo,
I definitely give good eye contact LOL. First date with this Aries, he kept leaning back in his chair and smiling, as if he liked what he saw and wanted to take it all in. And damn, if I didnt like what I saw too. He gave good eye contact, oh boy! The energy isn't some burning inferno, its a smolder. He's not some Taurus trying to bulldoze my doors down (what is it with those guys?)
I'm not in love, my world wont end if we are not meant to be more than 6 dates. But I like how each date starts out shy, and builds from hand-holding to kisses, to passion. I like how easy he is to be with. How unhurried and in the moment our time together is. I like that he didnt even know my surname until he asked me on our last date. Ah, listen to me wax lyrical on this Aries. We will just chalk that up to my Venus being in Scorpio (which is a right pain in the butt.)
Endless, you are right, gotta let Venus go direct, 'cause dang if these last few days aren't wooping my arse! And I'll be doing my darndest to avoid anything of importance on Friday *shudder*. On a positive note, 'cause you know, sunny sag here, us Saggies have Jupiter coming home to us for the next 12 months, so good stuff should finally be on the horizon.
Thanks for the replies, people. Having this forum to come to and express my fears and confusions on rather than going off like a frog in a sock on this Aries, well just much gratitude. Thank you.
Thanks AriesJo, I appreciate your responses.
- Having been single myself for over 4 years, I appreciate this Aries is used to his freedom and his own company, I sure am. I don't know how to convey I'm no more interested in taking his freedom than I am in losing mine, except to back right off and give him space.
- yeah, taking it into the bedroom has definitely gotten me feeling invested, which I totally didn't want to have happen. So my bad for letting it go there. I felt ready, and felt he was patient.
- I guess the dating app thing goes both ways, although he disappeared from the app for a few weeks, Ive kept my profile active as i have 'tried' to have a wise head and not get invested in something that might not go anywhere.
- thank you! I will not ask if he's interested. Honestly, until this last weekend, his interest was obvious.
- and yes, i absolutely think I showed too much interest and enthusiasm last week, trying to take the lead when previously Id left it up to him to make contact and pursue me for dates.
- and yes again, no need to dwell on the past. Which is one of the things i enjoy about spending time with this Aries: neither of us talk about the past. We both answer the occasional question, but otherwise we never talk about our exes. They don't matter. We talk about background, family, aspirations, but not exes.
I know I've got to get out of my head, I'm just thankful apart from being over zealous last week, he doesn't know I'm going through any of this stuff, worrying, overthinking everything.
Fingers crossed I'll hear from him again. I actually really like the cautious pace we had going, and I'm sorry I pushed it a bit last week, I wanted more of the good stuff and I chased after it instead of letting him deliver it.
Thanks Sag898. I was married to an Aries, and I do have another Aries pursuing me. Aries men seem to find me attractive, which I'll chalk it up to my Aries Moon and Aries Rising. I'm a long way from wanting "commitment" or a "traditional" relationship, but am enjoying this man's company, and would like to enjoy it further. There hasn't even been the whiff of a "relationship talk." I'm just so perplexed by the sudden withdrawal. Interestingly, I believe this Aries man has a Sag Moon and Sag Rising. LOL
Hi. I'm a Sag that was being pursued by an Aries, right up until the weekend just gone. We've only been on 6 dates, and the last 2 we were intimate, where he asked me to spend the night at his house, and meet his temporary housemates. That last weekend we spent together, I willing stayed the night, then he took me out kayaking the following morning. The connection felt great, and he was very easy to be with, un-rushed, and not heavy. I know he has been very hurt in the past by the woman I think he considers the love his life, and the only woman he said he's ever wanted to marry. I believe she actually has married in the last couple of weeks. He has remained single for the past 4 plus years, having had only the "occasional fling." I was ambivalent on the first few dates, having also not dated for more than 4 years, recovering from an abusive relationship. I've been out on a few one-off dates, this is the first guy I wanted to see again, and the first one I've let touch me. After pursuing me persistently, and eagerly setting up each date consecutively, and being respectful when I declined to hit the bedroom with him, for our 5th date, he took me to his work Christmas party and introduced me to his boss, colleagues, and friends. His friends pulled me aside and said in the past 4 years, he has never brought a date to anything. At the end of the evening, he again asked if I would spend the night with him, and made it clear it was okay if I said no. I accepted the offer, and we had a beautiful night together. We then teed up to spend the next weekend together, he asked me over to his house, cooked me dinner, was attentive and loving. The next morning, he took my kayaking. We had a lot of fun, and he apologised that things were rushed and he couldn't spend more time with me due to other obligations. From the first date, there was never a lot of texting, just get the next date lined up and we're good, and then an occasional, "how's you're week going" message. The week after the Christmas party was probably the most we texted, when he checked in with me on a daily basis. Last week, after the overnight at his house and kayaking the next day, he didn't text me for a couple of days, but responded immediately when I texted him. He showed interest in teeing up to see me on Saturday, but then Saturday morning asked if we could see each other Sunday (yesterday) instead. He worked Saturday, and said he wanted to work on his motorbike (it's the first weekend he's had to himself since I met him between work commitments, and house guests). Yesterday (Sunday) he just didn't contact me, and last night I saw he was back on the dating app where we met. It feels like as soon as I reciprocated interest in him, he has pulled away. Do I just give him space and time to be okay? I know he's seen that I'm also still on the dating app we met on. I'm not pursuing anybody else, as I wanted to see what would develop with this lovely man. I would like to play my cards right, and not make assumptions, not be a twit about it all. If he doesn't contact me in a certain amount of time (I'm inclined to leave it until Venus goes well and truly direct), should I reach out? Should I just ask if he's interested? I don't want to write him off if he's just found the connection more than he expected, and needs time, and I don't want to flog a dead horse. Would much prefer a "Hey thanks for the dates, I don't think this is a goer." I know it's only been like yesterday that he totally blew me off, and I feel like the tail end of this Venus in Retrograde is messing with me big time, but would appreciate any insight or advice people have. Much gratitude in advance.
Just wondering how my fellow Sag's are travelling with the Venus retrograde. I personally am struggling big time with thoughts of the Taurean I'm in love with. Is it unrequited? Is he ever going to step up? Dang, it's hard not to do the reach out! I haven't had any past lovers show up yet. How about you all, anybody having any strange experiences currently?
I've found Aries men want to change me, or think that "I'll grow out of," something.
I've found Leo men want me to mother them, which is cool if we're friends, but not so much if we're lovers.
I've found Gemini men are uncomfortable with my emotional expression. That look of, "Oh dear god, please don't get that on me!" Make great friends though.
My closest friends have been Sags and Cappys to date, though strangely enough, I'm getting a lot of Taureans gravitating towards me recently. And I'm very deeply in love with a Taurus, which is horrible crap 'cause he is moving at a glacial pace. At least, I think he is moving. It's been about 14 months since he indicated interest, and I am yet to see any further development. But I wants him so! LOL
I think I'd avoid Librans.
Sag men seem to find me attractive, but I never feel anything but platonic towards them. Of course, I only ever have romantic feelings for one person at a time, and the rest of the world lives in the friend zone.