i met a cancer guy and we only talked for several days but it seemed as if we knew each other for at least a decade. he is a very intelligent and shy engineer - i fell in love instantly. after several weeks, we made love, and i thought he was the only person in my life i could ever imagine living forever with. last september was our 3rd year anniversary but i knew things were not the same. our constant silly arguments, i knew, piled up and i knew he was ready to say goodbye. because of my pride, i wanted to say it first. but when he agreed without a fight, i cried an ocean and asked why was it so easy for him to forget all of our 3 years of happiness, then i nagged and nagged and asked so many questions, he said nothing but sorry. then he left - no greetings for christmas and new year, until i decided to swallow my pride and greeted him a late happy new year, he sounded happy and eager to hear my voice over the phone.
i am guilty - i texted him almost everyday, called his number, office number, everything. i even started making friends with his other friends. i wanted him back, i needed him back. he went to my office after my persistence, we just had coffee. no physical contact, i didn't have the courage to hold his hand or kiss him even on this cheek. when we said goodbye, he didn't even look into my eyes. but when we talked in the coffee shop, he smiled at my jokes, he told me about how his little sister got pregnant by accident and now he's attending to it and might have to go to the province to support his family. i asked if i could join him, he said he was fine. i pushed and asked if i was invited to the wedding, he said no, that it was just a small civil wedding and that he has a cousin who will be driving. i was a little hurt, but after reading some posts in this website, i decided to not personally take his comments and just go about the conversation.
after the coffee shop meeting, i was head over heels again for him - every night i whispered his name and i cried, then pray and ask God what could i do to get him back. this has never happened to me before - i never cried for consecutive days. my officemates noticed how much i lost weight - from 76kg, now i'm just 65kg after a month. HELP... i want him back in my life, i want to marry him. how do i do it right? please help me anyone...