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IntuitGnosis joined April 25, 2016
34 years old male from Michigan, United States
Sun Moon Rising
Interested In Many Things 🎦 🎶🎤🎹🔮ðŸˆðŸ• Life Path: 29/11 Motivation: 8 Inner Self: 5 Destiny: 22


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I can honestly say it is very difficult to interact with and be compassionate toward people who have a severe lack of self-awareness and awareness of others.
Wow. Uhm. That is a definite no. Do not have sex with anyone in hopes that they will care for you. Regardless if you are a virgin, it's clear he is able to express his love of physical pleasure and that is all. You are worth more than what he is willing to make an effort for.
The amount of information online concerning Chakras is incredible and can be overwhelming. I would even say that it has the most areas of learning when searching metaphysical/psychic topics. One way of searching and being able to download information is if you type in the search engine "Chakras pdf" or whatever topic + pdf. Here is a link to a pdf with some basic facts. I'll try to find some bookmarks and post a few
That chihuahua is his guru.
Hard say just one! Aquarius, Aries, Pisces, Scorpio, Sagittarius. Wow. Clearly I have some astrological commitment issues... ! Big Grin

Great site with free numerology report, accepts only donations. Enjoy!
Another quick way is to simply to interpret individually the numbers from which the 6 draws from (1) Initiation,Leadership, Ego, Personal Identity (5) Freedom, Expansion, Learning, Change, Constant Motion


Working 15/6 in the Positive

Inspired and uplifting, these individuals reveal visions of new possibilities and a brighter future. As high-minded strategists, through focus and discipline they apply their active creative energies to awakening people from the mundane into the more sublime, more peaceful, liberated beings that they really are. At their best, these creative visionaries embody and channel the very force of human evolution to help change their world and themselves. Accepting themselves and others, they work with patience to convey positive laws of living through their work. They show the way to perfect freedom.

Working 15/6 in the Negative

Picky, judgmental, and disappointed with life, these individuals search high and low for the right person, idea, system, or scheme to make life better and to make themselves better, but their search only reinforces their sense of incompleteness. They are unrealistic dreamers and unprepared idealists who often become martyrs to a cause. Frustrated with themselves and others, they misdirect their stifled creative energy, discharging it in self-destructive ways. They use drugs or other means to tune out a world that falls painfully short of truth, justice, honor, or peace.

I'm pretty sure that's the only extensive site out there. I've been doing these for a few years and literally all I have found is the one book and the site above.
Has anyone studied Name Diagrams? The only book i've ever found on the topic is called Numerology by Norman Shine. It shows the flow of energy via numbers 1-9 and the lines and patterns they make up within a person's name. (that is only one aspect of what the book covers) I've studied the book fairly thoroughly but I was wondering if anyone else has heard of this sub-category within Numerology.

I've posted a photo of my own name diagram on my profile (hopefully you can read my kindergarten penmanship) if anyone has researched the topic themselves or are simply curious as to what the flying fuck I'm talking about. Big Grin

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Relationships & Astrology
Joined: Apr 25, 2016 · Topics: 5 · Posts: 14
Joined: Apr 25, 2016 · Topics: 5 · Posts: 14
site with free numerology report, accepts only donations. Enjoy!
Joined: Apr 25, 2016 · Topics: 5 · Posts: 14
Has anyone studied Name Diagrams? The only book i've ever found on the topic is called Numerology by Norman Shine. It shows the flow of energy via numbers 1-9 and the lines and patterns they make up within a person's name. (that is only one aspect of what
Joined: Apr 25, 2016 · Topics: 5 · Posts: 14
Moon Signs
Here's a great site linked to information on moon signs and also a wealth of information on other topics:
Joined: Apr 25, 2016 · Topics: 5 · Posts: 14

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