Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShowDownright Evil ?
My dad is a prime example of that. Just all around nasty.
Posted by Sc0rpi0sityThank you. And if this helps you become better I'm glad it helps. But I doubt you're the same, I left out so much of my story bc I was desperatly still hanging on. I could write it all down ofcourse, but that would only mean I will get scorned by some who will call me a fool for staying. I am well aware of that already and I am just utterly ashamed to talk to friends or family about what I went through.
Jesus. This thread has been.....eye-opening.
I can see a lot of myself in this guy you're talking about OP. I'm seriously sorry you've gone through this. Don't take his last action with the new girl personally, it's probably yet another way he's irrationally keeping himself from being hurt by the "love of his life". She's very likely someone he doesn't care much for, and somehow, can't hurt him.
Again, I'm sorry you've gone through this. I hope it (and we) get better.
Posted by WalkergrlPosted by EveryOuncePosted by IridessariesPosted by EveryOunceYou are right. I didnt see it before, but after some soulsearching I have come to the realisation that I am an active co-dependent ?Posted by IridessariesThis behavior sounds co dependent and mother/son like. He is a grown man he does not need to be coddled. Just doesn't seem healthy.Posted by EveryOunceHe doesn't ask me to do these things, I just do. I used to take care of exes for sure, but never like this. Even pourring him coffee made me happy. He never asked, was mostly shocked that someone cared so much. I made him pancakes one morning, no reason. He cried bc no one had ever done that for him before. He took a picture and posted it on fb, saying it was the first time ever he felt real love.
Why is he allowed to be emotional, have temper tantrums and disappear but you can't even attempt to do anything less than serve him your undying love and devotion? I just don't get it. How can you give so much of yourself to someone undeserving of it? Don't you think deep dowm you deserve more? I also, think too many people put way too much emphasis on a person being a scorpio as an excuse for them to treat them like crap because they think it is cute and mysterious. Oh please, he is just a s hitty boyfriend who needs therapy not a woman at this time.
He just couldnt handle it. And I love him to my very core. How do you walk away when you feel that? I don't mind doing what I do, I feel for him bc he runs every time he let's me in just to close up again
Which means either 2 things: He was just a hurt Scorpio and I pushed him away by being there so persistently. Or, bc the traits are all there, he is someone with BPD and this relationship was a disaster anyway. I honestly hope the latter, I can't cope with the fact that bc of my co-dependency I drove off the love of my life
Even after coming to your realization you're still making him the vain of your existance. So what he left? Good it easn't a healthy situation. You just miss having someone to coddle. You have got to love yourself first before you can love anyone else. It is not you it is him.Count your lucky stars and work on you for a while before dating to expand
Posted by EveryOunceYou are right. I didnt see it before, but after some soulsearching I have come to the realisation that I am an active co-dependent ?Posted by IridessariesThis behavior sounds co dependent and mother/son like. He is a grown man he does not need to be coddled. Just doesn't seem healthy.Posted by EveryOunceHe doesn't ask me to do these things, I just do. I used to take care of exes for sure, but never like this. Even pourring him coffee made me happy. He never asked, was mostly shocked that someone cared so much. I made him pancakes one morning, no reason. He cried bc no one had ever done that for him before. He took a picture and posted it on fb, saying it was the first time ever he felt real love.
Why is he allowed to be emotional, have temper tantrums and disappear but you can't even attempt to do anything less than serve him your undying love and devotion? I just don't get it. How can you give so much of yourself to someone undeserving of it? Don't you think deep dowm you deserve more? I also, think too many people put way too much emphasis on a person being a scorpio as an excuse for them to treat them like crap because they think it is cute and mysterious. Oh please, he is just a s hitty boyfriend who needs therapy not a woman at this time.
He just couldnt handle it. And I love him to my very core. How do you walk away when you feel that? I don't mind doing what I do, I feel for him bc he runs every time he let's me in just to close up againclick to expand
Posted by vesperYou? Or are you talking about him? He is hurting. But why push people away who don't hurt you? I know about testing, I used to test people too till I got older. Do they really not see? Or they do see it, but don't believe it?
Posted by spurPosted by krimsinandkloverYeah same here, I like to think of myself as a mirror, so if a person ignores me long enough. I will just stop talking to them. Same treatment. What is good for the goose is good for the gander. So ignoring will not work in the OP's favor most likely, better to be straight.Posted by IridessariesVery true. NEVER ignore an Aries. We absolutely hate it.
NEVER ignore an Aries!!!!
This will drive us insane. Sometimes it will make us act crazy too ?
I can't speak for other Aries, but I don't ignore someone unless I am busy and have forgotten to get back to them. It takes a lot for me to actually mean to ignore someone; like if they have persistently annoyed me, or I'm just done with them all together.
This virgo has ignored me for 3 weeks. Normally I wouldn't have tolerated it for that long, tried really hard to understand her excuse for doing so, but I gotta take care of myself. I just deleted her. Cause honestly not good for my mental health, Normally I don't delete people from facebook (3rd person I have ever deleted) I told her that and left. Ignoring confuses the hell out of us because we may have thought you liked us, and now we think you don't. Makes us go insane emotionally and mentally. For me anyway I can't function at all. Can't work/sleep or eat. Almost like depression except I can be happy still haha. Our emotions as Aries can flip on a dime so in 24 hour period under these conditions we can go from happy/sad/angry 75 times in a day. That's what ignoring will do to me to expand
Posted by EveryOunceHe doesn't ask me to do these things, I just do. I used to take care of exes for sure, but never like this. Even pourring him coffee made me happy. He never asked, was mostly shocked that someone cared so much. I made him pancakes one morning, no reason. He cried bc no one had ever done that for him before. He took a picture and posted it on fb, saying it was the first time ever he felt real love.
Why is he allowed to be emotional, have temper tantrums and disappear but you can't even attempt to do anything less than serve him your undying love and devotion? I just don't get it. How can you give so much of yourself to someone undeserving of it? Don't you think deep dowm you deserve more? I also, think too many people put way too much emphasis on a person being a scorpio as an excuse for them to treat them like crap because they think it is cute and mysterious. Oh please, he is just a s hitty boyfriend who needs therapy not a woman at this time.
Posted by julietteI think I screwed that up when I had my impulsive meltdown earlier this week. I already mentionned it here. But I was mad and hurt Tuesday and before I knew it I had messaged his friend about everything I'd done for him and how he still kept questionning me. I know that's a big no no for scorpios. Even if his friend gives insight, it s still a bad thing to do in their mind. So, not sure what a poem will do.
Anyway, my opinion on him is irrelevant, you want him still, so idk, do something extraordinary for him. Write him a sad love poem using your blood and tears. That will calm him for a certain period of time. I'm not joking.