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james joined February 17, 2006


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p-angel i think she is doing one of those hearing but not listening thing. not matter what we say to her, she has already set her mind to get him back. her determination is commendable, but such wasted energy. i hope she learns how to diversify her energy better.
scorpio702 it is done with, but on your part. he will come back when he sees you have become stronger than ever, however by than someone better will also notice and will want you. by than you are going to laugh at the pisces and move on.
again it's all about him in the words you speak. please stop being so blind because you're showing me the reason why he left you. it's all about him and not you. pisces men love women who are independent because that is what we are, but when a women loses her self than the pisces male loses all respect for her. he's a loser and he let you go, don't think about this trash. the only reason why you can't stop thinking about him is because you have no other guy there for you. he blindsided you and had a safety girl by his side. trust me go out, have fun, date other guys for fun, and screen them...
hahaha p-angel i'm actually just 25, however i grew up in one of the worst areas in toronto and being the only korean in that area i had to develop my own strengths. so i was lucky to learn and develop the will to fight at a very young age. that to me is what the pisces need to develop the most is the will to fight for a dream and a purpose. i was lucky to find it that purpose last year and i know my dream seem impossible to others, i just have a quiet confidence that my ability to be innovative and imaginative will get me there. but of course being pisces we always somehow find loopholes in this life to make reach our goals much easier than others. damn we are lucky if we find our purpose to use our gifts to reach that level.
Wake up please. This pisces will not change. Trust me he chose his path and he will forever go down that route. sorry to say people are like stocks, you need to know when to buy and when to sell. however in stocks the hardest thing is knowing when to sell. people are much easier to know when to sell because all you have to do is look at their patterns. this man's pattern in life has always been the path of least resistance. trust me he is a lost cause and is not worth your time. he says he wants you to be more independant and grow up. trust me when i say the scorpio women i have met are the most independant women i've have encountered and that is why i always have an intense moments with them because i'm attracted to that. that is what this pisces man fell for you because he was in awe of your independence and spirit of strengh. however the weakness scorpio women have when dealing with a pisces is we just have that something even i can't explain. people say aura, charisma, outerworldly, or whatever it is. because all pisces just have that something, i find scorpio women want to just be consumed by it and give their all to it. when a pisces and scorpio come together it seems almost magical and a fantasy that to the scorpio women i have come across they become addicted to it that they become consumed by it that they start losing what has always been their greatest strength. Their passion and independence are lost when dealing with a weak pisces. pisces aren't weak in a sense that were dormats, pisces are weak in that we really at times are just really lazy and want someone else to carry us. he saw your strength and wanted to ride on it, however when he sensed your stengths were waning, he left. you were rolling with those really lazy pisces who just wanted to consume your stengths because he is to lazy to find his. i still say pisces male are the best but only after 30, but before 30 we pisces male are a mess. haha
scorpio702 not to sound cold, but i have to be. THIS IS LIFE, you're only 20 and life is all about evolving. All events and experiances we go through, in my belief is preparing us for greater things in all our lives. The events we go through in our 20ths is what it is... a test. we learn and it is through the difficult periods that we gain our greatest insights and lessons. I find it funny how his excuse is because he is pisces... that's a cop out. A man using his own sign to justify his immaturity is comical, so I know it hurts and it will sting for a very long time, I actually believe you got real lucky. Your ex. is going through the test that all pisces go through, swim upstream or downstream. This test usually happens to all pisces usually during their 20th where the pressures of their calling comes at full force and they have to either choose to step up or escape from their calling and retreat which is the ugly side of a pisces. Your ex. chose downstream, and trust me their is nothing uglier then to see a pisces self-destruct. Let him fry in his own weakness, because trust me in time when you take better care of yourself he will most likely come back but by than you will not want him. Something about scorpio and pisces dynamic that last a very long time.
I have never honestly believed in sun signs and all that things about Pisces before. However at the beginning of the year something out of this world happened where things were just not right. I was 23 and very immature when it came to life in general where I was very versatile in talent in many fields however I hated how the environment around me was so fake and messed that I just kept it to myself just wanting to live life by being basically a hustler and a man who just liked playing games to mess with people who I thought were generally stupid. I was born with freakishly high intelligence and had some original ideas however I thought to high of myself that I thought I would rather live in my dream world instead of the bs in reality. I ignored my studies but still passed university however the things that help a person advance in their careers like joining groups or networking I did not care about for I just thought I would live quietly with disdain. I challenged my intellectual needs by using my ideas in the underworld when I was young for the freedom it offered with no restrictions from this system. I looked down on emotions for the truth was when I did show feelings and opened myself I just got burned. Most likely because of my Aries moon instead of fleeting into a dream state to protect myself I rather go on the offensive for the anger in my heart. Trust me a pisces ability to use their imaginations to play mind games and also motivated for revenge is one destructable force. People took me for granted because it's true we pisces are natural actors in any situations that when I found the person's weakness and trust I inflict pain on them and the great thing was it was so quick and precise that the people I hurt did not know what hit them.
Why I wrote all that is to show where I started but at the beginning of this year someone real close to me I thought was in huge trouble. For the first time in my life I was confused for I finally had no answers to help her so I finally prayed to God to give me all her pain for I believed I was stronger to handle it. It was the first time I ever gave myself up freely and willingly without any selfishness. From that day on my reality began to change around me where it felt like I was in a time machine where everywhere I walked there was some trouble and I always felt the need to help. Somehow my intuitions were at a higher level where I just could sense people emotions better and most weird of all was how some of t
Any man can be like this not just pisces. This dude is just a cheapass nothing else nothing more so don't think that it's because of his sign. Remember to use this stuff as a guide but do not let it run your life to start judging a man because of his sign.
One thing I will say from my experiance being a pisces man is yes i have my head in the clouds, yes i'm lost many times, yes i can be very sensitive, and yes i have done my fair share of damage to girls. i have burnt girls but i also have been burnt by girls but it is from those experiances where i believe or i hope pisces male sees the damage but also the good they can do in any relationship if they just stay grounded in reality. trust me, when you find a pisces guy who finally get's it, he will be a catch for any girl.
yeah piscesjimmy is right when i first dealt with the scorpio girl i didn't get lost in her eyes just the opposite. i look at anyone eyes when i talk to them out of sign of respect to them but also they need to respect me that i won't feel intimidated. it was actually the scorp girl getting lost in my eyes that she always felt relaxed and easy going when she looked into mine like i wasn't judging her. it was funny how her friend said to me to stop making my eyes sparkle with those strange light everyone could see in pisces eyes. but i will not underestimate scorpio eyes when i made the mistake of ignoring her, i could feel the intensity of her eyes not a death stare but more of that i broke her trust and i felt it. even when we weren't even dating or in a relationship it felt like i hurt her so deeply like a husband does to a wife. and i understand scorpianlady when i knew the next time i saw she could never stare me in my eyes because i know she really likes me but she could not forgive me for what i did. it has been 2 month later and now she is finally making her presence known but i know she is taking her sweet time just to make sure she could trust me again but right now just as a friend. i'm cool with that.
weaker sign? ah man i'm depressed already... hahaha. don't worry about me
thanks alot today i felt free thanks in part to juwanapla telling me that she went through the same experiance. the thing that pissed me off was i felt her possessiveness was limiting me and i began to feel like i was obligated to her. but knowing that i was bigger person in all of this of still taking her challenges and as well as swallowing my pride through the crap she put me through and still take this as a positive experiance whatever she does to me i could care less. i got the answer that i needed now its time to move on and enjoy myself.
no disrespect or trying to generalize.. just the geminis i've met

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