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James the13th joined January 18, 2005
38 years old male from KY, USA
"I'm a Senior and Proud well I supposse don't think it means i'll be going to more games 'cause I won't. I don't think.... Rising Sign:Scorpio Sun:Pisces Moon:Aquarius Mercury:Pisces Venus:Capricorn Mars:Taurus Jupiter:Pisces Saturn:Sagitt
"I'm a Senior and Proud well I supposse don't think it means i'll be going to more games 'cause I won't. I don't think.... Rising Sign:Scorpio SunTongueisces Moon:Aquarius MercuryTongueisces Venus:Capricorn Mars:Taurus JupiterTongueisces Saturn:Sagittarius Uranus:Sagittarius Neptune:Capricorn Pluto:Scorpio N. Node:Aries From a friend from another county told me this qoute,'Let your heart be filled with the joy of a thousand goats.' From a book by Dorthy Gilman, 'Mrs. Polifax, Innocent Tourist' : ' 'I give you this one thought to keep- I am with you sill. I do not sleep. I am a thousand winds that blow. I am the diamond greatson snow. I am the sun lighten ripend green. I am gentle autorran. When you waken in the morning'shush, I am the swift up lifting, rush of a quiet bird in cricled flight. I am the soft sun that shines allright. Do not think of me as gone- I am still sith you-in each new dawn.' - This is a Native American Poem Found some where unkown: Not all who wander are lost. To be is to be presived. ""Even if u don't know what u are be the best at what u are."" ""Nothing is forever."""


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how nice. someone outisde of the bowl.
Actually the wedding dress were in pink and it seems strange because I talked about like it was insainly bad for my mom. Well, my mom may have breast cancer. It seems oddly related.
until then,
James the13th
I understand that starting feeling and never going anywhere. I get that somedays at work or at school. I know I've done things but I come home and still there's nothing accomplished. Knowing how things are going to turn out 75% of the time is uhhn not so w/ me. I think of to many possibblites or just expect the worst one. The project not satifsying me, yes I'm hugely guility that's one reason why I never get some things done because it doesn't matter it's not to satisfy me so I leave things the way they are. The concept of reality will contuine to exist, baffle, and amaze any picsian who will contupalate the idea and will never come to an aggrement.
until then,
James the13th
Yesterday, before church I had a dream w/ in a dream. I had dream about being forced to go to a wedding and this dog chased me out of it. Well when I woke up I was being forced to let my Mom marry a bad person and this other person who was "roughing us up" was in the pervious dream. That's when I told the character Pim Diffy that I had a premention before this about the wedding. It was strange.
If you'll have any help thanks.
until then,
James the13th
There was no Ox.
no, old jake i wasn't run over by a headr of mules then.
until then,
James the13th
Feb. 25th, 1987
You need them more then you think. Without them everything would be about your benfeit and your advancement in the world. Not about someone's well being.
until then,
James the13th
It'll be hard. But you shouldn't let that effect you. Understand that there are plenty of fish in the sea.
until then,
James the 13th
Frist Decan: Piscian
Second Decan: I'm in between Aquries and Pisces
Thrid Decan: Is the same way divided.
So what Decan's am I?
until then,
James the13th
You will find it don't give up heart. good luck in your travels.
until then,
James the13th
Why do we help, because we have the urge to do so. We don't understand it we feel it's our duty to help if you can. You need help? What with?
until then,
James the13th

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i had a dream where i had to heal a black cat and a frog. this is was quite odd.

Then another dream where we were driving on a bridge my mother and me a swaying bridge that had broken and it was hard too back up. Any ideas?
James the13th
@James the13th
Joined: Jan 18, 2005 · Topics: 85 · Posts: 1362
Yesterday, before church I had a dream w/ in a dream. I had dream about being forced to go to a wedding and this dog chased me out of it. Well when I woke up I was being forced to let my Mom marry a bad person and this other person who was "roughing us
James the13th
@James the13th
Joined: Jan 18, 2005 · Topics: 85 · Posts: 1362
okay, my gandmother's home is a pink room, my moms, old room. Well i never liked the room due to the old pictures of dead people they scare me... I slept there the day before i left for the funeral. I had a dream of someone was tring to kill me. I wok
James the13th
@James the13th
Joined: Jan 18, 2005 · Topics: 85 · Posts: 1362
Hey, I haven't been on here in forever. School (college) is going well. I've had the chance to run the store for a week as the manger. Then ofcourse Christmas wasn't too bad when I wasn't working and the same applies for the entire break. Yeah, good ne
James the13th
@James the13th
Joined: Jan 18, 2005 · Topics: 85 · Posts: 1362
Hello to all. It is I once again. I haven't been on here in over many months and even back then I was too busy to keep up. I was just dropping a line to say soon, I don't know how soon I will have my own personal computer to actaully keep in touch w/ al
James the13th
@James the13th
Joined: Jan 18, 2005 · Topics: 85 · Posts: 1362
Well, not much is going on. We finshed up "Le Miserables" a really good musical. My mom is getting along well enough. I'm going to a local college to my grandmother's dismay and won't be using her money. My cousin is in the hospital with post-martern
James the13th
@James the13th
Joined: Jan 18, 2005 · Topics: 85 · Posts: 1362
i was killing this evil thing that came into my house faimly palace home thing. it was evil badly evil and bloddy. i was climbing on the walls and celling and everything. i enjoyed it. then i got losse trying to get back to my family. my mom was upset
James the13th
@James the13th
Joined: Jan 18, 2005 · Topics: 85 · Posts: 1362
How would you make this site better?
On, the dream sight I have posted killings, well it says I have 12 repiles I'm only seeing 3 repiles. Thanks, dxp. hope ur T-day went well.

Your's Turly,
James the13th
James the13th
@James the13th
Joined: Jan 18, 2005 · Topics: 85 · Posts: 1362
I know a few Gemini's that always talk and are quick to judge without much of an explaination. And care for other's but sometimes go to far of compling of their promblems does that just come with the terrritory or is that more one's own uniquness?
James the13th
@James the13th
Joined: Jan 18, 2005 · Topics: 85 · Posts: 1362
This was a long time ago. About a week ago I've been meaning to start a new thread. So, i worked Sat. and Sun. helping my Senior class with parking. Courtday is a big flea market carnival like atomsiphire it's great. Either you love it or you hate it.
James the13th
@James the13th
Joined: Jan 18, 2005 · Topics: 85 · Posts: 1362
My family is great. I finnaly have a family. in other words people or are family near me all the time I can take care of and have more fun. U see my mother and father are divorced. and with good reason my mother is a controling person with the rudess ways
James the13th
@James the13th
Joined: Jan 18, 2005 · Topics: 85 · Posts: 1362
I have to write about this in a two page report for my senior engilsh class, tips? due Wed.
James the13th
@James the13th
Joined: Jan 18, 2005 · Topics: 85 · Posts: 1362

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