ajajjajajaj , an aque acquintance of mine[aqua] did that 2-3 times in 2 years. And he came back ofc.
Some months ago , i believed Scorpios were very good for Pisces / me , but now that i have matured more , i have seen even more through their lying and manipulation.... and it's now hit and miss.
One betrayed me although he knows me 10years , even though i was there for him , as a friend....... Plus i have told him before betrayal is the worst thing someone can do to me.
As for Scorpio girls , i don't have much experience. I know only 1 coworker , who has secretly told some very precious secrets i told her, and i will surely find a way to revenge . Other than that , 1 girl i knew 7-8 years back , i dont remember much/
From now on , i know at last that no one can match Pices and Saggitarious as the best..... These are the 2 zodiacs i adore and respect the most now ,,, fuck the rest , they all have more flows than us.
I am very happy/blessed to have one good Authentic Sagg as my brother. The other sagg bro i have has a leo moon , and it shows it self many times , so dissapointment.
@sensitiveblue selfish maybe sometimes when wronged mostly but weak rarely[or on purpose]
at least for me and the pisces i know. We hide our strength and reveal it when others think we are chickens , it is the best defence i believe.
You never see it coming jajajajaja , it is passive and cheeky but who cares , most ppl do it anyway.
I am probably the best pisces in here due to my magnificent chart but anyway have it your way for now .......ajjajajaja
Do you feel more pisces or leo or your rising???? which do you like the most
i feel most sagg right now and less pisc and taurus , and it's the best , plus the aqua in communc , and the mars in leo , they all play a small part in me i have noticed.
mmm possibly , good behaviour , respect and aprecciation when is needed and deserved it.
Other than that , lately i am ungrounded as ever. i even almost fought with my school principal and a teacher.
I will surely fight them next time , if they keep making me mad.
It looks like you will be the last to die[aka survive everything] ....ajajajjajaajaj ... great chart but i believe mine is a bit better.
Since i have at least 3 scorp friends in my life for years ... i believe i can talk abou this surely.
They look for love , care , honesty , and truthfullness but also can take advantage easily.[aka pisces woman or virgo or maybe aqua]
They must find a woman with a full package [body,character , everything at balance] to stay monogamous.
They are the same as me on this.
I am gonna talk with full experience on this ...My mom is a full sterotypical aries , and my dad a full pisces. 2 sag bros and 1 gem
They don't go together period. It's very difficult and they are fighting everyday, i tell him to abandon her once a month at least but is too chicken and loves her to do it.
Their biggest problem is communication though.
Some of the answers are dumb and funny but anyway.
It depends , we sure are unpredictable as hello , so you never know .
But mostly , i treat like i am treated. but i have realiased recently , that actually saggitarious is the most brave and fighting sign of all[doesnt look like it , but shows it when needed] so we pisces are 30-50% saggs so we can be courageous if needed.
in terms of power and courage ...1st . sagg , 2nd . aries , 3rd scorpio , 4rd pisces , 5th leo , 6th taurus , i dont care for the others at the moment[Charts allowable].
i have used weed many times , and have had deep consversations with ppl about it / plus looking it up too much .
and i came to the conclusion , that it's one of the lightest drugs , better than coffee , and a healthy life is always a must.
I would say once a day max for weed ..... i wouldn't take antidepressants , i have heard bad things about them , it's better to use 2 times more weed[or vitamins b/taurine/gaba/l-theanine[all antianxiety] than antis or pharma drugs..
Things to advise : use salt if you are too stoned cause weed drops Blood pressure and rises heart reate , salt does the reverese [ helped me many times]
Drink water, exercise , and eat healthy, enjoy the little things in your day , and you will certainly enjoy weed and life.
I am 100% sure about all those i wrote. Good luck.