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Katness joined August 07, 2014
46 years old female
" Astrodienst Online - Free Chart 60% "


This is a song I wrote, as told through the Tarot. I wrote the song, and hand-crafted the Tarot cards that are pictured here."I wake up each morning," By Kathryn Delaney:
Scorpio Sun, Mercury, Uranus, Venus and Mars. Virgo Rising.
Scorpio Sun, Mercury, Uranus, Venus and Mars. Virgo Rising.
Everyday offers influences from the unknown.
Everyday offers influences from the unknown.
Help shows up in the most mysterious ways...
Where art thou? It feels like I've been lookimg for you forever!
reading up on natal retrograde planets...whoa
just dancing around my kitchen.
Each and every day can be a gift when we live in the present moment.
one may be the lonliest number...but at least it has initiative Winking
one may be the lonliest number...but at least it has initiative Winking

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