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KlozeurEyez joined January 10, 2008



I agree with sagigoat...if you can't be his friend, then I think you should just let it go. I was in a similar situation with a cap. I had to tell myself that I deserve the BEST, and I won't settle for less. It took me a while to get over this guy and when I did...guess who was ringing my phone. I choose never to talk to him again. It was hard, ooooh boy was it hard. There were many days I wanted to pick up a phone or e-mail him and just tell him exactly how I felt. I couldn't do it, because I couldn't take him hurting my feelings AGAIN. I said for every day he didn't call me I would work out for one hour...I've lost 20 pounds...Girl I look like tight work. Not calling me was the best thing he could have done. I am soooo sorry you're hurting. Time will heal. Cry, scream, yell, call your friends, pick a hobby, do whatever it takes to keep your mind focus on something other then him. Oh and don't think he won't call again, just give him time to miss you. Go on with your life and do what makes you happy...thats right!!!!!! it's ok to be selfish sometimes.
Whow!!! I would really like to know the answer to this question.
Starfish?Mr. Taurus was very difficult to be with in a relationship. He was EXTREMELY jealous and possessive due to his own securities. We were together for 13 years and it was a challenge. I felt like I had to consistently prove my love for him to feed his insecurities. Example?If I do groceries on Tuesdays and then couple months later I decide to do groceries on Fridays he would get upset and question me. This type of behavior distroyed me. After many years of arguments I decided to give up. I was mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually drained. I had to turn my back and walk away. However during the time of the relationship I held on to faith and hoped maybe one day he'll wake up and realize that I love, respect, and cherished our relationship. I never cheated on him, or treated him badly. After a few therapy sessions with my psychologist I realized that he was not the man I wanted to spend the rest of my life with??.. hope this give you some insight as to what I meant by ?my faith in God?. Now we are the best of friends and it works for us.
Oh!!!! and to add I think Taurus men are WONDERFUL, and VERY LOYAL. He took care of me and our family with no questions asked?.He is a GREAT father to our 8 year-old daughter, but we just didn't get along.
Yea! well I'm done with Cappy guy. He doesn't interest me anymore. Besides I like to keep my options open life is too short. Thanks ladies for all your help.
Got to kiss many frogs before I find my prince. BTW, I am not intimate with any of these guys?..Men really do love the chase!!!....and I love them even more for trying.
Hey ladies, thanks for your help. DD, any suggestions would be helpful. From what I can tell, everything that he hates about him self I like and he don't understand why. I can pretty much read him like a book, but I don't know how to express myself without being to direct and frank. The one and only time I was direct and frank he disappeared for a couple days and reappeared with new BS (lol). I'm so happy and FULL of energy almost all the time...and he can be so gloomy and moody BUT I like him. The problem is I scare him away, because when he thinks he's figured me out I change (kind of sort of his words)...and he associates that with dishonesty. So I told him if you feel like I am dishonest, then why continue to contact me. When he asks me a question about my personal life; he almost always includes "and please be HONEST?. This is the same guy that told me ?relationships are bogus?, and I responded ?people are bogus?. LMAO, this guy is a great mental exercise for me. BTW, he's a director of a mental health institution (yea the games keep coming). I think he should be the patient?.LMAO.
Well he's still playing his games. All he does is sends me texts with good morning, and if I don't respond couple hours later I'll get a good evening. The last text I sent him was?.All I get is a text message with good morning and good evening. Now I know EXACTLY where I stand. OMG he's been IMing me, and texting and had the nerves to tell me when he texts me it takes me like 8 hours to respond. I didn't respond, and I'm not going to respond. I don't have to tell him he's playing games because he know he is, and I darn sure don't have to tell him I'm not going to converse with him or play by his rules?.yadda yadda ya. Sometimes the best response to a question is silence. If I feel like talking to him I do?and if I don't I ignore him. The same way it's been since 2006.
OOOOH YEA LADIES! I've known he's a little off beat since I've met him. However I know where he lives, works, etc?.he doesn't know where I live and he doesn't know where I work. Those are privileges he has to earn. Besides he's definitely not the only guy I talk to?Yea rite. I have a Pisces (sweetin me up and think he'll get his way?NOT), Scorpio that's been trying for 4 years (wants to cook for me wind and dine me so I can be his dessert?NOT), then there is Mr. Taurus (he is my faith in God) Oh he is stubborn, Oooooh wait?the eccentric Aquarius this guy is more talk then any
a number to you? He replied ?you know I didn't meant it like that? I asked why the big change? he answered?God (the night before he was telling me what he was and was not going to do too me sexually). I told him that was wonderful. So I asked what are your plans with me? And he replied friends as always?.and ended the conversation just like that. He told me I'll call you back. OK THIS GUY JUST SET ME A NEW ONE?.and I am now soooo confused.
First he wanted to wine and dine me with the dinner and massage thing
Then he wants to be my lover (which we've never been intimate with exceptions of a few naked pics here and there)
Now we're friends as always??.
What should I do? FYI, I deleted my dating page on Jan 2 to concentrate on my Masters degree and my friend told me two days later he deleted his page. I mean I don't want to marry the guy but I love his serious demeanor. He tries to make me laugh because I told him laughter is good for the soul (his jokes are soooo dry but hilarious because they catch me off guard)?Oh get this?.I can make him laugh as well, and compliment him every now and then. He thinks I'm drop dead gorgeous (he tells me all the time). I just want to get to know him without the games, and this ridiculous picture he paints like he a player. Or do you think I should just back away and leave him alone? Any advice would be wonderful.
Now I'm really starting to think this guy is strange. FAST FORWARD?He started texting me around Oct. 2007 EVERY MORINGING. So he invited me to dinner and I agreed (I was so nervous). Anyhue I arrived two hours late?OH MY was he upset. Anyhue, we did the dinner thing and watched a movie. He asked me if I wanted a massage and I politely declined. I didn't do much talking and neither did he. Honestly, I didn't really find him physically attractive. Left his home, and then he called me three days later with?.?it's like that? I was like hmmmm?.you're kool. Make a loooong story short? started to get very sexual with me, and sharing his sexual fantasies as if I cared about them and continued to do that too date. Again, sometimes I play along and sometimes I wouldn't?..ONE day he got really upset with me and told me he all I want to do is ?degrade him? and this was all about me. Just because he expresses his sexual fantasy doesn't mean he isn't intelligent. Then he proceeds to tell me he's insecure and doesn't like the way I treat him and he's a human being. So I told him you seem like you're VERRY secure. You're successful, and handsome?he's accomplished a lot to be only 27. He replied with looks are deceiving. OK, I felt a tiny bit bad and started to tell him little things that happen in my personal life, or at work. WHY DID I DO THAT? Ever since then he's been playing games. He stop texting me and IMing me. I asked him how he felt about me and he didn't answer that question. I asked why he doesn't answer my questions (which he had a habit of doing), and he replied with some bogus response ?answers to my question would only benefit me, but answers to his questions would benefit the both of US.? WTF is this guy serious?I answered?.that would only be true for the questions you don't want to answer.
Moving right along?he called me for turkey day?not for Christmas, and called the day after New Years, and I sent him a little happy b-day?he calls me the next day with thank you. I said bump this?I blast this dude with my Aries tude (he disappeared?and that made me happy) Then he reappeared, DARN. He called me with I really really want you. So I said to myself?Since I can't beat him join him. So I started being really sexually aggressive?and he responded with?.I wanted you to be the last woman I slept with, but I need to grow up. I am not sleeping with women anymore. I respond with ?thanks that made me feel really good to know I was
Sun Aries,
Moon Leo
Mercury Pisces
Venus Pisces
Mars Pisces
ASC Virgo
Mars Virgo
Sun Capricorn
Moon Libra
Mercury Capricorn
Mars Virgo
Venus Aqua
ASC Aries
I apologize for the length but I wanted to give a clear picture of my situation.
This is my first time posting on this site although I've been reading posts for almost a year. I have a little dilemma on how to address this Cappy man I met on a dating website Oct. 2006. Ok, when he first responded to my page I wasn't really interested, and I didn't respond. Then he sent me couple of notes and finally I gave him my IM name on Yahoo, so we can engage in a private chat. The first time we chat he invited me to his home. He left me with my mouth wide open because I thought he was some type of crazy dude. Anyhue, I polity turned him down, and explained that I engage in such risky behavior. So, I stop chatting with him and we lost contact. Few months later he sent me another note and asked for my phone number. He texts me right away. I asked him what are your intentions with me? He answered to please me. What does that mean? I have no idea and he never elaborated. Anyhue, we did back and forth texting for a month which didn't interest me, but I played along for entertainment (sometimes I'll text back and sometimes I didn't). We had our first conversation and he seems SOOOOO SERIOUS?.It turned me off so I didn't answer his texts or IM for about a month. Then in Mid January he sent me a text?.RULE #1 Don't chase. I responded with ?What ?? I didn't think about it and I never texted him again. I gave up the dating site for a while, then I tried again in September 2007. OMG??.He found me AGAIN. I said this guy must really want to get to know me so I gave my number again and he started with the texting. I asked him why do you text me and not call me and suggested it would be nice to call me sometimes. So called me couple days later, and he sound like he was going to s**t in his pants when he heard my voice. I could barely hear him and he sound like me was mumbling his words. The second time he called me??he told me ?I wasn't ready for him? I asked him over and over what he meant my that, and of course he didn't answer. I ended that conversation FAST.

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