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LadiiScorpio joined February 28, 2014


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Posted by TaurusLovesScorpio
Posted by scorpgal76

This pic is awesome!!! Hope u don't mind me stealing it for my avi....assuming it will actually upload lol.

Sure - have at it.
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What is the meaning of this picture tauruslovesscorpio?
Ohhhhhhhh and thank you for the compliment!!! ????????????????????????_??
Posted by TaurusLovesScorpio
Posted by LadiiScorpio

You sound grounded/stable. I'd be interested to see the rest of your chart. I think you're probably right that he's jaded from past relationships and maybe wants to preserve what you have, rather than have it end like the others. We take things reaaallly slow. Key is just reassuring him, and keeping an ear out for those rare times that he expresses things he disliked about his exes, fears about future relationships, etc. If he's damaged, you really have to address that stuff, help build his confidence, and convince him that you're safe and not like his exes. I would try to spend alot of time with him, in his actual presence too. You're very pretty and we aren't all about that, but it certainly never hurts with
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You know...with how accomplished and handsome he is, he seems like he lacks a lot confidence. Although, people around me always think they need to prove something to me. He doesn't do that and I love that! I like how real he is with me, saying things, or doing things that others might judge.
I always try to reassure him. Like I said in an earlier post, when he was talking about us being physical would negatively effect out friendship, I told him I didn't agree 100% . I told him I that I would agree he would need to get to know me without the physical stuff because obviously he doesn't know the type of person I am by now with saying that. I also added that I think there would only be drama and headaches when dealing with immature people.
Please help me with my chart!!!!!! I would love that!!!!!!!!! _??_ I'm not sure what you need, but here is all of what I got. Tell me if this is wrong.
Rising Sign -10 Degrees Capricorn
Sun - 15 degrees Scorpio
Moon -13 degrees aquarius
Mercury - 26 degrees Scorpio
Venus - 10 degrees Scorpio
Mars - 18 degrees aquarius
Jupiter - 12 degrees Pisces
Saturn - 09 Degrees Sagittarius.
Uranus - 20 Degrees Sagittarius.
Neptune - 03 Degrees Capricorn.
N. Node -20 Degrees Aries.
I have no idea what any of that means!! Lol
Posted by justbeingscorpio
Posted by LadiiScorpio
Honestly- I am a very calm and laid back person. Everyone in my life comes to me for advice because I am very honest about what I say. Taurus and I text everyday so I know he is interested, but as soon as he takes 2 steps forward in our "relationship" he all of the sudden takes 2 steps back. He confuses me because I believe he is confused. I would never push someone to do something they may not be ready to do so for now I will continue to be there, as I have been for over a year and see what happens. I care about him enough to let him come around when he is ready. (If ever) and I care about him enough to be patient and if nothing ever happens, I will have to be okay with just being friends.

I can understand you because I dealt with a taurus man few months ago and was the same story : forward-back- too forward- hardly back.
I think he's waiting for you to make a direct straight forward action. Up to you to decide, but if you really like him, why don't you tell him clearly your feelings towards him? You can express your thinking in a neutral way to make him know that he's special to you but at the same time you're not asking him to get engaged with you. The person that we care a lot is to supposed to be the first one to know about our feelings.. ins't it?
Otherwise, "just being friends" attitude would alert him. If he's really that into you he will have to act definitvely.
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Honestly- I am a very calm and laid back person. Everyone in my life comes to me for advice because I am very honest about what I say. Taurus and I text everyday so I know he is interested, but as soon as he takes 2 steps forward in our "relationship" he all of the sudden takes 2 steps back. He confuses me because I believe he is confused. I would never push someone to do something they may not be ready to do so for now I will continue to be there, as I have been for over a year and see what happens. I care about him enough to let him come around when he is ready. (If ever) and I care about him enough to be patient and if nothing ever happens, I will have to be okay with just being friends.
I am a 27 yr old female Scorpio and have been "friends" with a 36 yr old taurus make for a little over a year now. We met at my previous job and with his position, he was not suppose to be communicating with me, but we texted all the time. Finally when I left that job he invited me to his house. Made me the best margarita I've ever had and I slept over(nothing happened). I honestly was so nervous and I am not a nervous person, he could tell and kissed me and asked me if that made me feel better. Our connection is really intense and he seems to know all the right things to say to motivate me when I am down. He is very encouraging, but throws me mix signals.
To give a little background we both have sons, his son is 5 and my son is 6. Both went through rough relationships with our sons other parents. He still sees his son all the time and is a great father. However my sons father is no where to be found.
This taurus man I admire so much. He is such a hard worker and such a good dad. If anything I do not want to jeopardize our friendship, but I believe that we were meant to be more than friends. I am willing to be patient because I believe he has just been burnt and thinks that all woman are crazy. I am trying to show him that I am not like that. I am a very calm person and I have been through so much I am not willing to except drama.
So recently he has been talking about sexual things through text. Obviously I am so into him so it turns me on. Now he has sent me a message saying that he thinks if we are physical it will mess up our friendship and we should spare the drama and headaches and our goal is to be friends. He obviously is attracted to me or he wouldn't have even started it. I am thinking that it must be because of his past. I know for a long time I had no interest in a relationship or marriage until I got over my hurdle of pain from the past.
I mean why is he confused, or am I? Can some fellow Taurus help me out here?? Please!

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I am a 27 yr old female Scorpio and have been friends with a 36 yr old taurus make for a little over a year now. We me
Joined: Feb 28, 2014 · Topics: 1 · Posts: 7

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