Is the money for you or for the child? I can't tell. Is what he pays really half of your expenses for the child, or does he get off light and pays very little? If he is pulling his weight, I personally would not ask. Having a child with someone does not make them your personal bank. If he really isn't helping like he should, then what he does give you shouldn't really be repaid.
I know someone that pays $ 800/month, for example, and I cannot imagine that woman wanting to borrow on top of it. But if he is giving you some measly amount of money, then that makes a difference.
I have never known a Taurus to move so quickly within 2 weeks. If she really likes you, she may want to take her time with you and build up confidence. Personally, I would never meet someone online and be ready to meet within 2 weeks. If you have been sexting, she also may feel like you will want sex upon meeting, so she will want to really get to know you beforehand, to be comfortable with that. Also, I know personally with me, I love to savor getting to know someone and building up anticipation. Makes the sex that much better if it's going to happen. Also, makes it easier to let someone go if I figure out that they aren't the one before sex.
Loyalty cannot be overstated. Once I decide you are worth being in my inner circle, if I lose trust for any reason, it will never be the same. Be genuine. Be honest. An ugly truth is always preferable to a pretty lie. I lose respect quickly for liars and fakes.
I'm a Taurus female, hubby is the Virgo. As of next year, 20yrs in so...
Interestingly, hubby's mom is a Taurus and his dad was a Virgo and they were together many years as well.
One thing I love about my hubby, is that what you see is what you get and he NEVER sugar coats anything he says. No question about knowing where one stands with him.
I'm a Taurus and my husband is a Virgo. Been together 19 years, married 14 years. He is the most distrustful person I have ever known. The only person he seems to totally trust is me. Not family, and DEFINITELY not friends. His trust shows his love for me. He's not demonstrative. He will act, and never say. I had to learn to read into what he does for me as his show of love. No mushiness. Which is all good.
I HATE compliments. Always have, and I get them on my eyes all of the time. It makes me feel weird.