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lal joined October 24, 2012


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A few years back inspite of all ups and downs i was the master. There was hope and there was freedom of mind to give the direction i like. Today i still get told 'u r free'. I can see now that how caught i am in the web. I am free no more.
I can now understand why it is said that detachment is the key to live a peaceful life.
Nala i understand that taking advice here is not the best option but situation in my real life is such that i am not the best person to explain my difficulties well and he on the other hand like i said is very popular among others so when any body who knows us think that there is a problem with me as according to them he is perfect coz he is perfect to them. Actually i am surrounded by his friends, his family etc.
I am here just to understand or rather interpret what actually is in his mind by his behaviour.
First of all please only genuine replies. Mainly from either only Leo men or those women who have successful longterm relationship with leo men.
I am a capricorn woman married to a leo man. He is a nice person and seems to be a nice husband to the world. My problem is i do not feel happy with him. I love him very very much and he is the most important person for me and he claims to love me too. But i have somehow stopped believing that he loves me. The reason being i do not get the importance that i would give to him. Major problem is his social life. Every body just loves him and every one wants time from him. Which hardly leaves any time for us. More than others i always see him being intersted in others. He is so active in outer world but at home he is so lazy. I hardly have a good conversation with him. He is just busy with his ph or laptop or TV. At times he tries to make up for not giving me time but somehow i do not feel satisfied. I am a very passionate person at heart and when i love , i love very deeply. And i want that back. Not a casual love.
Because of all this i have lost interest in anything. All i feel is wanting to drink and smoke. Every time the issues are raised we fight like cats and dogs. During initial years i use to fight equally but now he fights the most(and his arguments are completely illogical but to him it makes complete sense)I feel very week because of our frequent fights.
My question here is i want to know if he genuinely loves me. His not giving me importance the way i need makes me believe otherwise. I need to know this so that i know if i should hold on or try to move ahead in life. And if he loves than i want to know what can i do to genuinely improve our relationship and get the importance that a wife deserves.
I am talking about product trade sites not stocks
Hi can some one please help me with tardesites in African countries ?
This is just a suggestion.
All i want to say is that their is no hidden meaning or hidden message in any damn thing. See what your eyes show , feel what your feeling share. Please do not assume what "could be there" .
First of all I hate you bloody bitch. I care a damn about your sweet words. i dont need need them n neither you. Why dont you leave us alone. Dont get me wront I want you to exist and i want you to be fit and fine but thats about it. It would matter a lot to me honestly if you are not fine but lady please understand you are the most irritating person i have ever met. You have been the greatest interference in my life.
"For him to show up late for dates and being forgetful, that's sorta a Leo thing or it could just a personal thing with him. But 3 hours waiting? nah chill homegirl that's not cool in any Capricorns book."
I agree with SirB that its not cool in any capricorns book. And also that i guess its a leo thing. My leo is known for his never turning on time habbit. He always tell every one that he is coming in "few mins" . His few mins lasts uoto days aswell. Such habbits are very very irritating for a capricorn.
Mini Hi! I am a cap woman married to a leo man. I just have a warning for u that it is not a eazy relationship. There is one thing that is missing between a cap woman n leo man and that is peace. The basic nature and wants are so opposite that even if both have best intention still they cannot completely keep each other happy.
To be very honest i could not read ur entire post but if i understood it correctly then ur concern is that he is not being in regular touch with you. Let me tell u one thing- LEO MEN ARE SUPER BUSY PEOPLE. They have somany things going on. Work , friends, family, relatives etc etc etc. They are wanted by every one and they feel its their duty to be there for every one. And hence no matter what they are never going to be a normal homely man that a cap women needs eventually.
I am very bad at handeling stress. If i look back i think the only thing that worked for me and the only way i have been able to handel stress and difficult situations in my life is by solving the problems i had. I did never know how to take my mind off a problem until and unless its sorted.
Having said that , today i know every problem doesnt have a solution. And at times like this only accepting helps.
When it comes to others, it helps only when they understand truely. And like LoversInLove3 said that advice is not needed.
Posted by CreepyPants
kicking bad habits and starting good ones is the toughest thing ever. i wish i knew the trick to success... but im about to read The Power of Habit. Hopefully I can glean some useful tidbits. I'll post some notes when I'm done.
I just made a really tasty fennel avocado salad. I'd never had fennel before. at least not that i know of. so good!
thinly sliced fennel bulb, thinly sliced red onion (1/4cups), half avocado sliced, juice of one lime, grapeseed oil, salt and pepper to taste. very healthy for you!

Its been 7 years now that i started to smoke. In the begining i was very much in control and would smoke only occassionally. Later i started taking resolutions to quit but of no use. Today i smoke if i have to celebrate or if i am upset or whatever be the reason and the scary thing for me is that i no more feel scared of the ill effects of smoking.Today I turn the cig packted when i see the warning signs or pics or close my eyes when i see warning adds before a movie in a theater.
How cig captures your mind u dont even come to know.
I have got so bitter that i can not recognize myself anymore. I am been labled as selfish and insesitive towards others today...i cannot even deny it. The problem is i cannot do anything about it. The hatered has taken over me. I feel so bitter and angry all the time.
Forget what it does to others but i am harming myfesl more than anybosy else. I cant have a peaceful night sleep. I feel week in my legs. My eyes i know clearly give that cold angry vibe to most people. I answer back bitterly showing no sign of patience.

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First of all please only genuine replies. Mainly from either only Leo men or those women who have successful longterm re
Joined: Oct 24, 2012 · Topics: 3 · Posts: 34
Hi can some one please help me with tardesites in African countries ?
Joined: Oct 24, 2012 · Topics: 3 · Posts: 34
This is just a suggestion. All i want to say is that their is no hidden meaning or hidden message in any damn thing.
Joined: Oct 24, 2012 · Topics: 3 · Posts: 34

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