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laurathealien joined February 13, 2012
from Montreal, Canada
asc: libra sun: leo moon: pisces merc: virgo venus: cancer mars: taurus you can check this out if you feel like it:


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i am this!! and i often think of the kind of effect it has on me.

* "This combination, in any case, will exude a lot of creativity and heartfelt interest in others, but the problem will be inner conflict, and a consistent need to "adjust."
i am a super nice/friendly person, and i come off as sincere (i think), but at the same time i feel conflicted between two personalities.
sometimes i am sunny and extroverted and other times i just want to be super anti social and i become shy and nervous.

** "I do see however how we have a twisted side... I have a tendency to over rationalize and empathize about things until finally, much much later my leo anger says "OKAY I'VE HAD ENOUGH"
I also feel this way, although i do have a libra rising which may have to do with keeping things fair and empathize with people.
but i it's not always about that, i feel like everyone kind of deserves a chance in whatever situation, unless they seem kind of ruthless. though even then i do tend to emphasize, and try and find the reason behind their behaviour.
*** "I dated a Leo sun and Picses moon not too long ago. He was incredibly hard to predict. Sometimes he would become verbally abusive through texts. He would swing from telling me he loved me to being completely cold. He was quite cruel at times too. I believe it goes back to the self-centred nature of leos mixed with the emotional and changing nature of picses. Its like larger than life drama plus emotional sensitivity."
I was also seeing a Leo sun Pisces moon guy for a while. he in fact had the same birthday as me, weird. but he kind of was like this actually, i expected him to be a lot sweeter because of the pisces moon, but he was kind of a jerk actually.

i'm often confused, but i like being the cat and the fish.
gives to super different aspects to things.
Hello. I am a leo but I definitely can relate to this.
I obsess and am fascinated with things but tire of them quickly.
It can be very frustrating, particularly when people are involved.
I also have my mercury in virgo.
That makes things tough sometimes, always analyzing.
How do you guys do it?!
deezie that's very interesting.
he also has his venus in taurus! coincidentally.
you're right though, i do have to be patient. i definitely have a tough time with that. i am the type of person who gets comfortable really quickly and i guess i have a hard time understanding when others don't respond the same way. but i am learning!
and that's funny, scenic & deezie.
i have my moon in pisces and i do sometimes encounter that problem.
i have to think through something i want to say about a million times to make sure that i get it out properly, or else it will most likely not come out the way i intended at all.
other times though things just flow out of me and i have no idea how i could have possibly come up with that.
i suppose it depends the situation, the topic and of course my comfort level.
when i was younger i would write a lot of notes. like if i had a problem with a boyfriend, rather than try and explain everything in person where i would likely mess up, i would just write them a concise note expressing whatever the issue was in a way that would leave no space for misunderstandings.
though this kind of thorough way for dealing with communication may also be my merc in virgo talking.

thanks for the feed back!
this is all very helpful!
limited, i feel like what you've written for the most part does really resemble this aries fellow of mine.
it's interesting that you don't even quite understand how things are being processed in your own head, and i definitely do get that sense about him as well.
i feel like he might have a hard time identifying or describing how he thinks and how he processes things mentally.
which is something that i definitely do not have a problem with, having my mercury in virgo means i am constantly aware of how i am thinking and very concerned with how others think as well analyzing conversations to the very detail.
this is probably why i am having such a hard time syncing with his way of communicating.
well i know that he thinks i'm funny, which is a plus.
but having my moon in pisces i tend to get introverted and quiet as well at times, and i just wish that he would take the initiative to start more conversations with me rather than me being the one to ask questions and start convos all the time.
i posted this in the pisces thread as well, and they pretty much said what you did, that if the conversation is interesting you are more likely to interact and if it seems kind of pointless than you don't really bother.
which is good to know.
thank you both for your answers.
perhaps it is a matter of getting comfortable to some degree, we have only been dating for a couple weeks so he may not be totally comfortable opening up to me just yet.
although i think he knows that i am a very accepting person, and he has told me some personal things, but i guess i just wish the conversations would go on longer than they do.
this is a random example but it's the only one i can think of.
basically i asked him if he was a good swimmer, and he answered me (the answer isn't important) and then that was it. the conversation ended there. and then it was quiet. i know it doesn't seem like much, but he didn't ask me about myself.
it's silly, but i know if it was me i would have continued on that topic and asked questions etc etc.
but also, he simply could have just not been interested in that topic, as you've both mentioned is likely.
or it at least opens the door for conversation.
if i did that, it would be flirting.
hello all! i would like to know more about what it is like to have your mercury in pisces.
i recently started dating an aries man, and i find he is quite quiet for someone of a fire sign.
he has his mercury in pisces.
sometimes i feel like i am the only one initiating conversation and that i am often talking my head off.
i know he thinks i'm funny and is more or less interested in the majority of things i have to say, though as a leo i know i do talk for no reason alot of the time so i can understand that he won't have something to say to ALL my jabber.
when he replies to questions or a topic, he often do so in a very simple way and doesn't further extend most conversations.
we have a lot of quiet moments, which is fine, but i am not really used to that and definitely look for talkative people.
so if anyone has any insight about this, that would be really helpful!
(i also posted something similar on the aries board)
i'm trying to understand him, and sometimes i really have no idea what he is thinking!
hello arians! i was wondering if any of you could tell me a little bit about having your mercury in pisces (if that is the case, of course)
i recently started dating an aries man, and i find he is quite quiet for someone of a fire sign.
sometimes i feel like i am the only one initiation conversation and that i am often talking my head off.
don't get me wrong, he definitely is more or less interested in what i am saying (as a leo, i am quite used to talking for no reason, and i know this) but he often replies in a very simple way and doesn't not further extend the conversation.
so i'm just wondering if any of you aries have merc in pisces if you can relate to that or perhaps clue me in to something i am missing.
also, if this relates to being an aries in any way i would love to hear more about it.
i'm trying to understand him, and sometimes i really have no idea what he is thinking!
~a leo lady
RE: Yummy.. Mars in Capricorn is how I like my men.
earth&earth. so good.

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