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lblibra joined August 27, 2012
63 years old male from Southern Ontario
Love doesn??t make the world go around. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile. Franklin P. Jones .



Posted by Marrakesha
@lblibra: Definitely. The abuse of abortion should be of concern, but doing away with it isn't a solution either.

The ruling government has its problems with abortion but its the law a womans right to choose, here and they don't dare mess with that or they will encounter the wrath of the canadian voter smile
We sort of have the same isssues in canada but the ruling party ,conservatives have sort of learnt to keep there mouths shut on abortion and birth control because there views arent' what most canadians want.. I,m all for womens health The only problem I have with abortion is when a woman is using it for birth control To me thats just wrong if she's having several abortions over lets say a 2 year period then she needs to get her act together. I also think that condoms should be tax free anything to make them cheaper for young people if they cannt get them for free.
I would have left before it even got that far.. I,ve dated alcoholics and I can tell you Just leave unless you like fighting and stupidity in the other persons actions. Drugs well I had enough of that crap years ago and wont even consider dating a recreational user anymore. I Just don't want to waste my time anymore on emotionally crippled people.
were the hell is everyone going Sad
there ya go i can see it now smile
it is there you just have to know were to look

upload your image This may take a while

go to your settings in the upper left
click on view all images
Then click update details on the picture you want to make your profile pic
Put a check mark on Make this photo your main profile image.
then click on update photo and wait for a while but don't leave wait for it to update.
all you can do is to change it ( your birthdate and ) hit enter and wait for it to accept it also for your profile picture don't make it your profile picture when uploading it. Just upload the picture first then go into your images and make it your profile picture I found this was the only method that worked for me. yes this site can be painfully slow and you may have to try several times over several days to make it work and it may take 5 minutes to upload your picture.
Hope that helps
it' kind of weird but I'e been online for approx 10- yrs or so and cannt sday that I attract any one sign in particular and yes I do flirt somewhat online at times. But then I'm older then most here on the boards
Posted by libra sun
I love you Libra guys and your willingness to please definately comes in handy in the bedroom however it seems that finding out what a Libra man wants in bed is like trying to get blood out of a stone. In my experience I find Libra men seem to be very versatile and can easily adapt to being the dominant one or the submisive one depending on their.partner but deep down what do you actually want?!

easy we want her to enjoy herself so she keeps comming back for more. If she enjoys herself then she will make it enjoyable for you simple as that... What I think we want is someone who will have sex openly with us without any shyness or reasonable inhibitions it always amazes me when women are shy of there stretch marks or whatever imperfections they think they have .
Nope I,m not being a Virgo I,ll stay being a LIbra
but I,ll have to mull this over Tongue
Posted by venusianbull
Haha! More like some doddering old bat figuring out a touch screen. Tongue

I know I have one too and it drives me batty somedays especially the apple products the corner keys never seem to work right for me
One swift kick to his groin and I,ll guarantee he wont be following you anymore

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I mean it's 2 am and I,m trying to post but this site loads and operates like it's on a windows laptop running 256M
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To all the Men and Women who have served in the Military to keep not only us free but who have have given there lives
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How would you make this site better?
I came to the dxp today and without even logging in I got a warning from avast about this site . Now once I've logge
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Chart Interpretation
well I looked this uip and I,m reading a bit about it but could someone please explain some of this to me please What
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