Chinese Horoscopes
:( seems like there aren't any on hea...or, their awefully quiet hey!
I love you caps!! I've never met such a loyal sign like caps...loyal to their own kind! That's for sure... I can spo
So caps, how about we all just get to know each other alittle bit through a couple of questions, and if you feel you hav
I see a lot of cap threads where we're constantly apologising for who we are, we're constantly comparing ourselves to ot
i find the cap forums kinda,lets liven it up a little. Im gona ask a question,but the one that answers it,asks
Pisces Moon
Piscean moon personalities are romantic, idealistic, and creative. Quite a few lunar Pisceans are gifted writers, actors
You are 53% Capricorn You are 53% Capricorn How Capricorn Are You? Blogthings: Quizzes and Tests and Memes,
Pisces have you ever felt that at the beginning of a relationship this person you're dating really inspires you and help
I have always been a believer, and I've had times when I felt really close to God, and times when I felt far away from h
What is your venus and mars? What is your bestfriend's sign? What attracted you to this person? Why are they your be
Capricorn...what are some of the strangest things you crave to actually eat? When it has begun raining lightly, that
Have you ever experienced a moment of perfection? Equilibrium...such perfect calm...your best state of mind capricorn...