I'm a libra moon. I don't hate my moon sign but I hate being sooo indecisive!
I'm wondering why hasn't he even spoke of introducing me to his family it seems like everything is ok but I'm wondering is he having second thoughts about me. Then I told him I loved him the first time after 10 months of dating and no response. Which is so unlike him. I know Taurus disappears at times but I thought we had moved past this stage! Ugh so confusing and frustrating. Do you guys ever give clear straight forward signs or what
I've been dating a Taurus guy the last 10 months
Everything seems ok, but he hasn't once mentioned about meeting his family. He will be meeting my kids soon this month. For some reason I'm thinking he is unsure of me. I asked did he see me as his girlfriend he said yes but to what end, like what is the end result. Then asked me if I ever considered having more kids my kids are 7 and 13. I'm being patient and just going with the flow, but he leaves me wondering at times.
I met a Taurus guy about 4 months ago things heated up quickly then he moved to a new city about 1.5 hours ago from me. We were in contact .mostly text. It slowed down a little since both of us started new jobs and I was trying to be understanding with him. He came home the first weekend he could we had sex and hung out. Then he left and barely any communication. Well I got pissed which I know was wrong but I was angry. I told him he had bad communication skills and was selfish. I got word vomit and told him I hope he finds happiness then regretted what I said later. A week later I text to mail him things I had gotten him for his allergies prior to all of this and I told him I was sorry. He told me maybe I don't speak his love language and I broke up with him and hurt him. First of all I didn't know we were together but I guess it was unspoken since we had gotten so close. Now we are back talking and it's not the same. I know he talks to others I see him on dating apps and he says he is barely on there. I really want to move on but its so hard. We connected on such a deep level. I tell meself I'm not talking to him anymore at the most I'll go 2 days then poof he text after not texting or when I text prior he takes forever to respond. I keep wondering if he is manipulating me? Deep down I feel like it but I dont want to believe it. Do I have build up trust again or should I trust my instincts and just really move the heck on??