Wow! I have never been with one but have always read that Leo females are a good match, that and with Aries men. :/ Im sorry he was a prick.
I forgot to add* lol
that when I looked back at after we first met, the times he was able to give me was minutes and hours, squeezing me into his busy schedule. It never dawned on me before. Hed come over for a couple hours before leaving to go back and do school work. It was prob just getting too hard for him.
And I never sent a goodnight text, as he stopped doing that too. Hence, backing off from him. Its too much too soon.
last comment I promise.
So its bad that I tell my virgo that Im thinking of him when I know hes busy and doing his thing? is this a sign of dependency to him and did I ruin it?
Should I just completely walk away from this relationship aka go with the flow and let it all happen naturally?
Thanks RA, I didn't know and no one told me I sounded insecure. I will work on that! Thank you again!
I will work on affirming to myself. Never had anyone tell me how to address this. I will let him be and work more on myself.
So-----advice: shut up, stop asking questions, let things quietly play out, enjoy your time with your Virgo, experience moments with them, make plans, add in the possibility they might cancel because to them "they don't deserve to have fun because they're behind on the bills" or whatever else. Keep communicating, asking question
thanks for posting this, I am glad I read it all. I am bugging way too many people and overanalyzing, and I apologize for it all. I only asked him once, days ago if he still wants to see me, and he said yes of course, and he says he likes me. So all I can do is just every now and then let him know I am thinking of him. that's it. the rest is out of my control. With his 3 jobs, lol, workaholic!, and busy life, I have no place in it yet. I can only wait patiently for him to come around.
I had to remind myself overnight, to lower my expectations. I realized what a hypocrite ive been acting/sounding like. I am fine with him doing his own thing, but I need to physically be fine with it too, as I was before I met him. No expectations, no obligations. That's my motto.