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leolady33 joined September 29, 2013
44 years old female


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Mine actually texted me last night without me initiating! I was surpised about that! I kept the convo short and sweet. He planned his day off to be with his nephew (who needs him most) instead of with me, which we have barely dated (1 month). So I was happy for him to be doing that.
Hopefully I will still see him this upcoming Tuesday when he says he has time to see me then. We shall see. Otherwise, I keep myself busy and see if he comes to me.
good luck! Virgo men are VERY unique! and patience is a MUST! Especially when it comes to my big LEO heart Winking
ditto. but I have to be off to FL for some work. So I am still around. smile
Agree with virgoSun Taurusmoon..
My virgo "" whatever he wants to call at this point after only 4 weeks. He would say as he has said before that HE is boring. But whatever. They all almost say that Winking
I just feel like the newness wore off faster for him and he is back off of his cloud 9 high. Im slowly coming down. I still have strong feelings for him, get giggly when I see him walking up to me...etc.
But as we talked about ther other night now that I am moving states away and we have to work on communication to see how this goes...he said its what it will be like after this newness wears off...that will be how we know if its love. Or whatever....I know what you all mean. It grows, in other words, into something. And the newness has to wear off in order for the relationship to GROW.
Wow! I have never been with one but have always read that Leo females are a good match, that and with Aries men. :/ Im sorry he was a prick.
I forgot to add* lol
that when I looked back at after we first met, the times he was able to give me was minutes and hours, squeezing me into his busy schedule. It never dawned on me before. Hed come over for a couple hours before leaving to go back and do school work. It was prob just getting too hard for him.
And I never sent a goodnight text, as he stopped doing that too. Hence, backing off from him. Its too much too soon.
I have decided (here we go again with my brain) that I need to work on my insecurities (as RA suggested) and let him be. As a virgo, when he's ready to come back and have time for me, he can. I am putting too much more into this relationship and expecting that from him right now when there is no way possible for him to give me as much attention as I can for him. Its only fair to both of us. I would hate for him to tell me "this wont work" when it can, if I work on myself again.
I spoke to my bfrother last night who is my virgos age and dating a much younger woman. My bro also works ALOT. My virgo has 2 jobs and school. I told my bro everything and asked him what the best way to handle this was, as it was very hard for me as a woman and having fallen in love. He said he is about ready to end it with his girl because he can't give her all the attention she gives him (5-6 long arse texts a day and then some).
That's when it dawned on me. Its all textbook. He would feel too overwhelmed and appreciate me less and miss me less if I don't take several monster steps back. I am a hypocrite and expecting too much from him too soon and even as he is too busy.
So I have to do this for me. I have to let him go and work on me again. I was such a strong independent woman before we met and I got weak and lost myself and my worth. THanks RA. This thread was a big eye opener. The next several weeks will be a challenge until I can past all this.
** I did cave yesterday btw and texted him, telling him I was hoping he was having a good day, and I was thinking of him.
He replied, Are ya? I am having a good day I guess. Work, then school, then work againSad I have so much to do and I hate it Sad What are you and the pups doin?"
It was good to hear that he was doing good. I told him to hang in there, he is good at what he does and it will all pay off. And told him we were fine, I was studying too (for my work/job) and that I know he was busy and just wanted him to know I was still thinking of him."
So, RA, that's why I wasa fraid that would be seen as a weakness. :/ but as you reminded me, its fine smile I will text him now and then, just to let him know I think of him.
I appreciate your response and words smile This is all very helpful for me. If I told everyone my whole story about my job/life/etc, you would see how long ive lived as an independent professional woman, and taking down my walls was a huge thing. He was worthy. And I want to continue to know more about him. Virgos have always peaked my curiosity! Why I am here I suppose! LOL
last comment I promise.
So its bad that I tell my virgo that Im thinking of him when I know hes busy and doing his thing? is this a sign of dependency to him and did I ruin it?
Should I just completely walk away from this relationship aka go with the flow and let it all happen naturally?
Thanks RA, I didn't know and no one told me I sounded insecure. I will work on that! Thank you again!
I will work on affirming to myself. Never had anyone tell me how to address this. I will let him be and work more on myself.
So-----advice: shut up, stop asking questions, let things quietly play out, enjoy your time with your Virgo, experience moments with them, make plans, add in the possibility they might cancel because to them "they don't deserve to have fun because they're behind on the bills" or whatever else. Keep communicating, asking question

thanks for posting this, I am glad I read it all. I am bugging way too many people and overanalyzing, and I apologize for it all. I only asked him once, days ago if he still wants to see me, and he said yes of course, and he says he likes me. So all I can do is just every now and then let him know I am thinking of him. that's it. the rest is out of my control. With his 3 jobs, lol, workaholic!, and busy life, I have no place in it yet. I can only wait patiently for him to come around.
I had to remind myself overnight, to lower my expectations. I realized what a hypocrite ive been acting/sounding like. I am fine with him doing his own thing, but I need to physically be fine with it too, as I was before I met him. No expectations, no obligations. That's my motto.

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About a few weeks ago. Whirlwind lovely first date. Im a Leo lady, im 33, he is 28. Courted me full on and strong the
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