My mother is a Sagittarius, my Father is a Pisces and I'm a leo.
leo male, I dated a Taurus lady once, she could be a bit prudish, but she was romantic. it can work if the leo learns to back off a bit and not try to control her to much.
I like to draw or blog, I write music and sing, or just chill with friends and play video games
As a leo I ofly enough dont have much and dont really care at all about material stuff. Just more crap I have to put in boxes when I move.
This post made me laugh. And I'm a leo. Mornings aren't my thing either.
To answer your questions though:
Materialism? I'd say we're about equal
Big spender? Equal.
Sexiest? Sexiness is an attitude, not a look, and she had both.
Stubborn? Taurus. I'm a stubborn Leo yes but nope, she's got me beat.
Like Taurus/would date another? Yes.
I dated a Taurus girl years ago. She stuck in my mind for many years, her positives were she had a strong mind and I found her power alluring. She was fluent in many languages and I found her intelligence sexy. She was artsy and beautiful. I felt she had a certain class about her. I felt as if I were dating up and I loved that. Sexy, smart, strong, and she was a fantastic cook to boot. Smitten to say the least.
But the negatives were she was extraordinarily judgmental. Often times she would assume the worse of people, including me and you'd find yourself in the doghouse with out even knowing why. The jealous type, which depending on severity and reason can either be sexy or a huge turn off. And when she was upset was overly dramatic, and would spout very hurtful things. And sexually in the bedroom I was more open to trying things than she was. I think that sexual openness scared her. But it is what it is.
I had some of my most romantic memories with her and as such I remember her fondly despite that she doesn't return the sentiment and very much dislikes me so we don't talk. We had our ups and downs. But yeah, I still think about her once in a while. It's been over a decade. But once in a blue moon she pops in to my thoughts.
Dum de dum, still waiting, you know leo's get impatient right?
Interesting first pic. I'm a fan of italian foods, that or the typical country style d dinner plate, you know, chunk of steak/chicken/ animal, mashed potatoes and some mixed veggies, maybe some gravey and pie. Always room for pie.
*Eagerly but patiently awaits his chart assessment.