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Libragirl445 joined December 06, 2015


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Posted by pheonics247
@libragirl445 admittedly you lost somebody who loved you, but you have to understand that if it ended, even if it ended by a huge mistake you made, it still ended, if both if you were stronger, it wouldn't have ended, it ended because it was needed. You needed this space to realise why things went wrong and how. And where you were wrong and him. He won't forget about you but if he really isn't coming back its because he's given up and he's sticking to it.

You're right and I'm a huge believer that everything happens for a reason. Little things he's done like leaving my pictures up and posting things he knows I'll notice makes me think he still hasn't forgotten me. But I don't think I can wait
Posted by pheonics247
@libragirl445 admittedly you lost somebody who loved you, but you have to understand that if it ended, even if it ended by a huge mistake you made, it still ended, if both if you were stronger, it wouldn't have ended, it ended because it was needed. You needed this space to realise why things went wrong and how. And where you were wrong and him. He won't forget about you but if he really isn't coming back its because he's given up and he's sticking to it.

Totally agree with everything you've said. I saw it as a loss for a while at first, but I realized it really isn't. He gave up on me and I would've never given up on him. As exasperated as I was with the relationship I cared too much to turn my back, he saw that and I guess thought I'd just always eventually come back. That's why he got bitter towards me after about a month into NC when I removed him from everything. He realized I wasn't going to be there to stroke his ego or keep "paying" for my mistake. Sometimes it felt like he was trying to punish me by dumping me especially when he started messing with someone I knew after. Trust me I did everything I could to reconcile and while he never rejected me he wasn't willing to work things out which is sad.
Posted by pheonics247
@libragirl445 did it end badly? Who broke it off? I ask all this because it will be insightful in attempting to help you. I've been in a similar position not very long ago. I was more miserable than you could imagine, but what helps me to move on is to lose all value for my ex, it's cruel but that's the only way. If it's over its over, and you haven't lost aby Better than what awaits you. And I, being a Scorpio go very hardcore on the emotions, moving on is a herculean task. Only when you convince yourself that you haven't lost something that you can't ever find again, and value yourself more than anybody you've lost, is when you'll be in the road to end the misery.
Him, a Taurus, they dont embrace change that easy, unless his rising sign is a Sagittarius or Aquarius, they do however, interact a lot with the opposite sex and are sort of appealing, they enjoy the attention and are super stubborn. If he has made up his mind that it's over. Then it's over.

His moon is in Taurus.
Posted by pheonics247
@libragirl445 did it end badly? Who broke it off? I ask all this because it will be insightful in attempting to help you. I've been in a similar position not very long ago. I was more miserable than you could imagine, but what helps me to move on is to lose all value for my ex, it's cruel but that's the only way. If it's over its over, and you haven't lost aby Better than what awaits you. And I, being a Scorpio go very hardcore on the emotions, moving on is a herculean task. Only when you convince yourself that you haven't lost something that you can't ever find again, and value yourself more than anybody you've lost, is when you'll be in the road to end the misery.
Him, a Taurus, they dont embrace change that easy, unless his rising sign is a Sagittarius or Aquarius, they do however, interact a lot with the opposite sex and are sort of appealing, they enjoy the attention and are super stubborn. If he has made up his mind that it's over. Then it's over.

It was a messy but cordial ending. There was no betrayal or cheating. I was frustrated by his distance (due to my actions because of my suspicions and paranoia) and I initiated a break up that I didn't really want. After talking things out he decided he wanted to stick to it. He wanted to go back to just dating instead of being exclusive but I said no because he is stubborn. He felt like he was more invested than I was and that he'd get hurt. He also told me after we calmed down & talked everything out that he didn't want a relationship anymore bc he was tired of the effort and "trying to be perfect for me". He said he cared about me and didn't want me getting caught in the middle of his confusion. It was really hard on both of us and he even broke down and cried a couple of times in front of me, which shocked me because he's always been composed and very manly.
Posted by narayana
Convincing yourself that you need to get him out of your life is a must. Stop hoping. I know it's not easy, but eventually you will get tired of waiting for something that may never happen and you'll just have to move on. Even if he decides to contact you again, it's highly unlikely that everything's going to be amazing again. It's actually better to cut him off completely. Instead of holding on to all the good memories, think of all the reasons you don't want him back in your life, be honest to yourself and don't ignore the obvious - he's messing with others' feelings, why would you even consider him good enough for you?
Stay strong & good luck! smile

Thank you so much! I want to stop hoping. I've been dodging my thoughts of him by doing exactly what you mentioned and it definitely helps. You're totally right because I've been in this situation & the ex has come back, but by the time they do I've usually moved on and the attachment has dissapeared. And that's true, but he treated me amazingly when we were together and sometimes I feel guilty, like maybe he's treating them so badly bc of the mess we turned out to be. He isn't good enough for me though you're right. I will!!
Posted by Chelsey07
Posted by Libragirl445
My ex hasn't initiated contact and neither have I for 3 months. Since we've broken up he's been messing with other women and just stringing them along. Two different women already. One of them was a mutual friend. Why do I still miss him and hold on to hope that he will realize he made the wrong choice? Why do I still wish he would reach out? I feel like a mess.

Honey, I'm in the same boat...sort of. It's hard to remove those feelings of love from your mind. You hold onto hope because it's easier than seeing reality. Hope is what keeps us going. I'm holding unto hope as well. What I can say is good job on keeping up NC for 3 months straight! That's an accomplishment within itself. smile
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It really sucks and it's so confusing! You're so right. I've always been hopeful especially when it comes to things that I really want. Thank you so much, it definitely wasn't easy. He dumped me and for a few weeks after I was a mess. Sending emotional texts, trying to reconcile, still hanging out with him. I felt worthless and rejected bc I was the only one trying to initiate contact so I finally was embarrassed enough to stop & save some of my pride. But what hurts worse is he hasn't messaged me at all since.
Posted by whatthecrab
Posted by Libragirl445
Posted by whatthecrab
Because youre still emotionally attached to him.

Yes, and only God knows why. I wish I wasn't.

You probably know why too. You just dont realize yet that you have the answer.
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You're right. Do you have any advice on finding the answer or insight on what it might be?
Posted by whatthecrab
Because youre still emotionally attached to him.

Yes, and only God knows why. I wish I wasn't.
Posted by pheonics247
@libragirl445 What's his sign?

He's a Taurus
My ex hasn't initiated contact and neither have I for 3 months. Since we've broken up he's been messing with other women and just stringing them along. Two different women already. One of them was a mutual friend. Why do I still miss him and hold on to hope that he will realize he made the wrong choice? Why do I still wish he would reach out? I feel like a mess.
Posted by AriesLady8
This is hilarious to me and even relieving. My ex Taurus was the same way with me. I didn't know it was a Taurus thing I just thought it was a crazy person thing. I can totally relate to this post. My feelings use to get really hurt by it.

I feel it all comes from a place of feeling possessive and hurt on their behalf. But they're so stubborn and always acting like nothing is wrong that this is how they lash out. The desire to make a fool of you I think because that is their biggest fear, public embarrassment and to befriend the other guy to sabotage or just be in the mix

Wow yes your old situation sounds similar to mine. I really hate it because I still had respect for him and wished we could be friends. That's why I tried to keep things cordial despite my pain and frustration. But he's being so immature and it's honestly shocking to me
Posted by WateryGem
If he is a Taurus Sun and Moon, maybe, he was just slightly hurt she deleted him and stopped contact? I don't find Taurus people to always be great at communicating that such thing. He probably wanted to stay on her social media but when she deleted him, he felt rejected and cut out. Then he wanted to be seen since she was trying to make him not be "seen", he is trying to push her buttons.

I know of a Taurus moon that gets like this with his ex. He's humiliated her in public, shown up at bars or parties and such she has been at.

I'm not Taurus or a even a Taurus Moon.. I was raised by a Taurus.

I think maybe you're right. But I had hoped he would understand that since I didn't want to end things keeping him on my social media would just keep hurting me. Every time I saw him post my heart would break all over again knowing he's posting but wouldn't reach out to me. And I started checking his page 24/7. Once I deleted him I didn't do that anymore and it was easier to put it behind me

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My ex hasn't initiated contact and neither have I for 3 months. Since we've broken up he's been messing with other women and just stringing them along. Two different women already. One of them was a mutual friend. Why do I still miss him and hold on to ho
Joined: Dec 06, 2015 · Topics: 8 · Posts: 81
3 months ago my Taurus ex dumped me after a big argument and I suggested a break up. Being the libra I am I tried and tried to compromise work things out and make him stay, we still hung out and kept in contact (I initiated everything) but he refused and
Joined: Dec 06, 2015 · Topics: 8 · Posts: 81
I am a libra and just found out my moon sign is also in libra with a degree of 5•11. I am wondering if anyone has any insight on libras with libra moons and what they are like. Thank you!
Joined: Dec 06, 2015 · Topics: 8 · Posts: 81
Me and my Taurus ex have been no contact for about a month. We had an amicable break up although I did try to push to work things out, but he didn't want to. Finally decided to leave him alone. When we first met he knew I was a huge fan of this artist
Joined: Dec 06, 2015 · Topics: 8 · Posts: 81
Has anyone gotten back with a Taurus ex after they broke up with you after a period longer than a month? Especially after no contact. How did it happen?
Joined: Dec 06, 2015 · Topics: 8 · Posts: 81
Joined: Dec 06, 2015 · Topics: 8 · Posts: 81
My ex Taurus recently broke up with me one month ago during a heated argument that we had. He expressed that he felt that I didn't care about him or put enough effort into the relationship. Recently before the argument I was very distant because I suspect
Joined: Dec 06, 2015 · Topics: 8 · Posts: 81
Me and my Taurus ex broke up about a month ago but have still been in contact and recently most of which it has been me initiating it. We broke up due to circumstances and me having my guard up which hurt him and he felt was unfair. I had never apologized
Joined: Dec 06, 2015 · Topics: 8 · Posts: 81

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