yeah when I brought up astrology she got very angry and said "there's this little thing called REALITY you know."
I tried to make her see that she lives in two worlds too, the fantasy and the real.. but she keeps saying stuff like "may as well read the back of a CEREAL box!" when I start talking about our signs.
and I can't tell if she honestly believes that or if she just thinks I'm being pedantic and showing her the truth (two things that Pisces HATE) and just ignoring that fact by getting angry and deflecting.
I don't know if I will ever understand Pisces, and it sucks because they are inspiring people.. so wild with the personality you are! I just don't understand.
thanks all for the info.
and I make sure to reply to her the SECOND she messages me. I know you guys hate to wait.
and I am being fickle about sex or even a "hook up" I'm just impatient and ruled by my wang like most other Librans I know. but I will wait, talk to her (that's almost as good as sex to me.) and if she is interested she will make a move. (to which I will quickly reply as well.. ha!)
thanks again!
I'm new here but I think I'll stay, my newfound astrology quirks are too much to ignore, and you all seem to know what it's about.
oh man, this is so similar to my ex. this hits home.
"""You might notice, when you two are talking about something, she'll stop for several seconds, get that look in her eyes as though she has just drifted "off" .. and she has. She is imagining what it would "feel" like."
Yes I noticed it several times and I love those moments on her but I thought she were sort of logically analyzing what I had just said because that what we Libras do. But your explanation is much better and I like it.
I cant stop thinking about her. As far as I got a chance to get to know her she seems perfect, shes smart, gorgeous, has best uni education as I do, elegant,"""
my ex is stuck in this self loathing, sleep all day depression, and I don't want to have to smack her upside the head with ASTROLOGY "Pisces hate the obvious being shown to them" But it takes too much of me to try to help or "fix" what Pisces do to themselves. I can't try to fix that, or else I'll blow some other fuse on the other part of my brain.
but she gets all my dirty jokes. and even offends me sometimes with hers (which mentally drives me wild. a girl that can make me laugh is a keeper.) but I can't begin to list how badly she thinks of herself. it's almost inspiring how melancholy she can be.... =\
well we had a few hours of intense conversation.
lots of "funny what happens in life" moments.
I'm just overly excited (Horn-y) for the attention I guess.
I guess I should keep it in my pants until I'm sure of reciprocation.