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lilstarfish joined March 05, 2016


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fuck, nevermind keep winking at me
go to the doc and stop winking at me.
that's good. the taurus i dated couldn't cook for shit. he was useless in the kitchen. i think he overindulged in a little too much hot sauce as a youngster...... i don't think they expect service. it might actually be quite the opposite.
Posted by mrpepperidge
the cello kind of sounds like a pussy fart.

no i pussy fart all the time, definately doesn't sound like it.
i'm not sure, but i think they like food. do you like to cook?
GOD i thought you'd never ask!
i'm a SLR type of gal.
B/W high contrast. i really love landscapes.... and bonfires, i mean, they should burn out eventually
First, I want to say hi everyone here! I don't understand this moon sign but I was hoping someone would explain it! Are cancer's bad? sooo. if someone I know has a cancer moon, should I avoid them completely?

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