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LiquidAir29 joined August 09, 2012
Cancer Sun Gemini Moon


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Aqua Male- Scorp Female Tough Match.....Aquas are just so aloof and scorpios want to get deep......Good Luck
Hey CancerLeoDynamite
Was just reading your story.....My girlfriend best friend is A Cancer/leo cusp and she has been with a aqua guy for ten years and they have bee married for four years.....I gotta say that while they do love eachother allot and are a popular couple amongst there friends there marriage has been kind of rocky and she has mention more than once that she wants to end it....But I honestly dont think she can because she loves him so much and he is a good father to there she puts up with him......He does have times I'd say couple times a month where he will go awol without telling her.....he will be hanging out with friends and end up staying the entire night and next day without contacting her or mainly just extended time away with friends and she gets really fed up....I think she is starting to get used to his ways but it is still kind of rocky....I would say if you really love this guy and will put up with this then pursue this situation but if you are gonna be hurt by his dissapearing on occasion i say end it now.....Dont torture yourself with this guy

Im a cancer and yes I admitted I would do this if i trusted my friend and if I had trust issues with the person i was seeing. But it would of most definetly been in my youth....High School College, I more secure now and dont feel I have to apply that type of test....But be assured that I do test the female that im with...sorry thats just me....Its not really a test its more of observation. I pay very close attention to how she acts around certain people and in certain situations......the Reassurance of loyalty in a relationship is valued high with me, and once I feel I have it then you have me 100% ...But you gotta prove it to me.

If you were should of flipped out....he got caught but he was testing your loyalty....Means he really likes you.
Did you pass or fail?
Yup....I'd do it....but i'd really have to trust my friend... Loyalty is everything to me.

Sounds like you are refering to the bedroom in your first comment?......If so I myself Love a women who knows whats she wants and isnt afraid to say it....when it comes to sex or romance I tend to be a little slow in the begging because Im not entirely sure if thats what the women wants at that time....She has to hint towards it at least...But once I get the clear Message.....ITS ON!!

LOL!!! AT "Maybe you should just suck my ass. k thanx"

Leos are Cool!
Fred Savage and Tom Hanks

But allot of my friends are water and some earth signs
Cancer Guy here, and all I attract is Air and Fire sign females.....Dont get it!....But again maybe its
because my ascendent is Ares and my moon is Gemini.....

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