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londonlibralady joined February 27, 2014


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Posted by Chael
don't read too much into it sounds like he was just being a gentleman. i'd do the same.

so do you mean he was just being polite and he's not that into me then? :/
*making a conscious effort to hold himself back
Posted by Koniucha
Not a Taurus or a man, but perhaps he figured you guys would have sex anyways. He didn't get what he wanted? Spending a night with a guy that early never seems like a good idea.

Yeah, but i was pretty stern with him about it and said i absolutely dont want to before i agreed to go back. And he said it was fine and he sincerely said "i promise no sex" and when we were making out, it was becoming steamy but he was also making a very conscious effort not to hold himself back. He was very gentlemanly about it. So i dont know if that was really the issue. I also think he mainly wanted me to come back because he knew it would be more convenient for me, so i didnt have to pay for a cab, and because he also wanted to just generally spend more time with me i.e the next day. I also think if he only wanted sex, he would've tried to on the first date, but he didn't. He doesnt strike me as selfish or only interested in sex.
"of course not" and then instead offered to take me for a walk in the park but it felt like it was with a view to take me to the train station. We ended up on a 2 hour walk around a park, and his town, he showed me all the shops and markets, and then took me to the train station, which had no trains!! I said i'd figure out how to get home by myself and he could go home and do his housework and he said "no i'm not going to leave you stranded" then he waited another hour for me to wait for a bus home, and we sat in a coffee shop where he kept looking up all the bus information for me on his phone, and i kept saying "you dont have to wait, you can go home, its fine" and he said "no i'll wait" which was nice, but still the whole time it felt awkward because neither of us was being physically affectionate with each other, i know i wanted to, but i felt too shy to touch him because he was being so distant in the morning with all of his house work. I couldnt really tell if he was just being polite to me or if he actually wanted to stick around and spend time with me. To me it felt like he just didnt want to make a move on me, but that could easily be mistaken, as he could have been too nervous to do it in the sober light of day. But what made me feel worse was that my bus came abruptly and he quickly kissed me on the cheek as a goodbye. And it made me feel awful and that maybe that was deliberate to show that he didnt like me? We'd been kissing like crazy the night before, i dont understand why he couldnt give me a proper kiss goodbye.
But then i dont know if he just felt too uncomfortable to make another move?!
Would he have spent the whole day with me if he wasnt still interested?
How do Taurus men behave when they arent interested?!
I'm feeling pretty bummed out as we had two amazing dates and we get on so well and have loads to talk about and loads in common, i feel like we have a real potential!
So i went on a first date with this great Taurus guy last week, we really hit it off, talked loads, laughed loads over drinks, there was lots of smiling and eye contact, and i could tell he wanted to make a move, but it took him until the end of the night and several drinks to finally kiss me. It was really sensual and amazing!! Then he asked me a million questions about whether i liked him and wanted to see him again. I said yes. He texted me once a day everyday that week, (i think he's pretty bad at texting, so that seemed like a good sign to hear from him once every day), then he asked me for another date, which took place last night.
Date #2 was also very good, same thing happened, lots of laughing and talking and smiling, but he took a while to make a move, even though we had been smooching the week before. Date 2 seemed so successful he even said "we're definitely going on a 3rd date". Then it got quite late and i missed my last train home, i thought i would call a taxi but he pretty much begged me to stay at his, which was a short walk from the bar. I was really hesitant and told him i didnt want to sleep with him and he promised absolutely no sex, he just wanted to cuddle me, and that he'd make me a nice breakfast in the morning. We spent the whole night making out in his bed and it got pretty hot and heavy until i had to reiterate that i didnt want to have sex, and then he just cuddled me tightly all night instead. Woke up in the morning and we slept in until midday, which is REALLY unusual for him as he said he likes to get up really early and do housework. Then he suddenly just bolted out of bed and out of his room and i could hear him doing housework. He left me in his room for quite a while then came back and asked if i wanted breakfast then bolted out of the house, leaving me alone again. He didnt bother introducing me to his housemates, he just left me in his room feeling awkward, i was too shy to come out and introduce myself, especially because i'd be embarrassed that they'd think i was a one night stand or something.
Then he invited me into the kitchen for breakfast and we ate together and talked for a while. I felt pretty awkward in last nights clothes and makeup, and felt like maybe i looked pretty dishevelled, but then he was pretty scruffy and messy looking anyway, so i'm not sure he minded. Then he kept talking about how he wanted to spend the day doing housework, so i said "do you want me to leave?" and he laughed and said "of co

2. you have no idea about the ins and outs of our relationship except for the minor snippets i just posted because of my anxiety.
3. to reiterate, i really don't need to justify having a backbone, because i've never done anything to suggest that i don't have one. just because i pay him a lot of attention and treat him very well doesn't mean i let him walk all over me, i know how to love a man properly when he DESERVES it. and he certainly does. he is VERY good to me, and exceptionally kind.
4. as a matter of fact, he IS moving to my city, and he is in the process of starting up work here. why should any man with a house and his own business in a particular city just uproot himself at the drop of a hat? it doesn't make ANY sense. no one does that. its not humanly possible unless you're a fucking millionaire or whatever. i'm talking about relationships that happen in the REAL world. maybe in the world you're living in. it takes time and planning to do thIS sort of thing. we've known each other for 8 months, in the grand scheme of things, thats not a very long time, so i'm actually quite impressed that he's begun to plan his move here to be with me.
5. and as for the sex, hell i've offered him sex, and believe me i know i can turn him on, i know i drive him wild, i don't need you to tell me about the sexual exploits of someone you don't even know. the man i'm dealing with is a proven gentleman. he gracefully turns me down because he admitted it would hurt him to not be able to be "like that" with me all the time, so he wants to wait until he moves to my city. he is not some sex-obsessed womanizing freak. he is a loyal, appreciative, kind, romantic gentleman.
next time don't be so fucking self-righteous until you know the facts.
Posted by TaurusNikki
To me
To snagg a Leo man period would be to have a backbone
There is no challenge in giving a man all that attention and pampering if he ain't even in the same city
That lion will be bored to death
You shower that lion too good he will leave cause there is no push pull
If a Leo really likes you and you are doing everything to make him happy and he hasn't move closer or he hasn't set his so called woman up to stay in the same city, your his comfort toy
Hell, I'd come to a guys house too if all I gotta do is show up get fed, massaged, then go home to my other man and get that hot angry sex at HOME

Posted by TaurusNikki
Posted by londonlibralady
i really hope he does have feelings for me and he is interested. he is just being so cold today, its making me anxious. i said "is everything okay?" he took four hours to reply and then said "chill out" and then went back to ignoring me. usually he is so quick to reply. maybe i'm getting worked up over nothing!!

^^^^^^^ this coming from a woman who isn't sure her LDR LEO MAN is interested in her, is giving advice on how to snagg or keep a Leo I terested?
Your a comfort toy honey

click to expand

UMMM... when the hell did i ask you (or a taurus for that matter) for an opinion on my relationship?
i shouldn't have to justify myself or my relationship to some pointless person on a forum but i'm going to, just to show that i have "backbone"...

unfortunately, i suffer from anxiety, a mental illness, which heavily clouds my thoughts, hence why i was worried he wasn't interested in me, which i have to admit is on a rare occasion. it wasn't much to do with his behaviour and more to do with my OWN personal issues.
so, the additional problems wrong with your theory:
1. if you BOTHERED to read the replies from ALL of the leos on that post, they all said he IS infact interested in me. not that i even needed to post that thread, because he went on to call me that night. if he was bored, why would he call me? he always makes effort for me. effort that an uninterested man would NOT do. i have trouble realising that he is interested sometimes because of MY issues.
2. you have no idea about the ins and outs
my current experience with a leo man is that we go well together... most of the time. we stand out as a pair (he loves the attention and "cute couple" compliments), we are extremely passionate together, we both enjoy luxuries, the level of romance is unbelievable, like something out of a jane austen novel. i suffer from bad anxiety and he is very understanding of that, (when most guys run a mile), and he is always reassuring, very forgiving and willing to work through any issues. he loves all of the attention and affection i shower him with, and i am happy to listen to him talk about himself for hours and hours, (when i think most people would get bored or irritated). the only issues are that when we are socialising, and in general situations, he very much wants to be standing alone with all of the spotlight on him, whereas i like to be seen as a couple. he likes to mingle and i like to stay by his side, he doesn't mind my needy side most of the time, but when socialising, he does get a little irritated if i don't do my own thing, which is not a massive problem, i just need prompting, because i'm very happy to hang off his arm. also he does get a lot of female attention, which i can be jealous of, and he'll become upset with me if i get upset about it, but because he has a way with words that balances me out, and he forgives me easily. another issue is that he is very protective of his emotions, whereas i'm very open with my feelings, so i have to judge how much he cares by his actions rather than his words. there are a few bumps but mostly, i think we work quite well together.
yeah this all makes a lot of sense. i think i do get insecure because we don't have a proper relationship and its long distance, so it's easy to worry when things change. but i think you're right about trust being important to him and that because he is in contact every day, he definitely cares, but he just needs time to re-adjust and focus on his work and other things going on in his life, because he is very dedicated to those things, he is a go-getter.
i will definitely take a chill pill.
thank you lovely leos
i really hope he does have feelings for me and he is interested. he is just being so cold today, its making me anxious. i said "is everything okay?" he took four hours to reply and then said "chill out" and then went back to ignoring me. usually he is so quick to reply. maybe i'm getting worked up over nothing!!
Posted by JustALeo
it makes sense to me if he is a little colder after a visit because in a way he is protecting himself too, like you we get emotional too but don't like to show it much sometimes.

So when he is being colder with me after a visit, i.e taking a while to reply, short answers... it's because he is trying to hide his emotions? He is affectionate in person but definitely hasn't shown much emotion to me so far. We have been seeing each other for nearly 8 months but still haven't slept together, and that is down to him, because he admitted he wanted to protect himself. He also made it clear that we couldn't be in a proper relationship yet because he was too scared of getting hurt by the long distance. Is wanting to hide his emotions/protect himself a good sign?!
i'm in a long distance "relationship" with a leo man. just a bit of background: its not officially a relationship, because he wants to wait until we can be in the same city together, we only see each other once a month, but we are technically in a relationship because we are committed to each other, and we do all the normal relationship things, i think to him the label of a relationship would be pointless without being able to be with me all of the time.
when we spend time together he is great with me, very affectionate, but towards the end of his trips to visit me, i become very emotional because i know i'm going to miss him a lot, and he deals with it well, but i can't help but worry that it freaks him out a bit. he's 100% with me when we're together, then for about a week after his visit, he's not particularly talkative at all, although we never go a day without speaking.
it makes me very anxious because he is colder than usual after visits.
is this normal for leo men to pull back after being close?

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