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Jan 16, 2014Comments: 0 · Posts: 129 · Topics: 11
Do you guys think there's a link between the fact some of his posts (like the ones stated above) are public and the fact I had unfriended him?
After I had unfriended him, he started posting some of his stuff publicly which had never happened before because he's a very private person.
It seems quite odd to me that he'd want to publicly state he's leaving the country, then say he's coming back in August. He could have kept those statuses private. He clearly filters.
Signed Up:
Jan 16, 2014Comments: 0 · Posts: 129 · Topics: 11
Like I said, I made the MISTAKE of giving him a second shot and played along. I'm AWARE I'm not BLAMELESS here.
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Jan 16, 2014Comments: 0 · Posts: 129 · Topics: 11
You people are absolutely unbelievable. How dare you call someone you don't even know a nut job? How about acting like actual adults and avoid name calling people on a matter that does not even affect you in any way?! I get this is the Internet but name calling is unnecessary!
As far as I am concerned, the guy faked an early train right after I told him I was not ready for sex. I told him I wasn't ready yet and then he said "Well, I have to go I have an early train tomorrow".
It's got nothing to do with my behavior. Me asking questions on a board doesn't reflect my attitude during the dates. I don't understand how some adults can make random assumptions about someone based on a freaking POST I made to seek a better understanding of the situation in order to LEARN from my MISTAKE which was to give him a SECOND shot he DID NOT deserve. Yes people, I'm not an airhead, I gave him another shot so it's PARTLY my fault. Just because I didn't mention it, doesn't mean I'm oblivious to it.
Sure, I did ask a question to get a dual ASTROLOGICAL perspective on the matter. It's got nothing to do with being right or wrong. I'm not asking for people to take sides here. It's an astrological forum for heaven's sake. I didn't ask for your personal opinions. Now, I never said I was blameless. You guys keep feeding this post with assumptions and taking my words out of context when I haven't even said anything since I posted this thread. Feel free to debate on something I haven't even said because apparently you people know the ultimate truth and anyone who's seeking advice is a "nut job".
I just wanted to know how you as SCORPIOS or PISCES would react in such circumstances. If I wanted subjective opinions, I would have posted on a different board.
Signed Up:
Jan 16, 2014Comments: 0 · Posts: 129 · Topics: 11
You didn't read the post properly!
I MET him a year ago. However, those dates we went on were in February/March 2014.
I just said I've been hooked on him for a year (i.e: Since the day I met him in April 2013).
Signed Up:
Jan 16, 2014Comments: 0 · Posts: 129 · Topics: 11
I posted this thread in the Pisces section and those Pisceans told me my perception is screwed!
Hence, I'd like to know if you fellow Scorpios agree with them!
This Pisces made me believe in rainbows and butterflies because he knew I liked him. Turns out he only showed interest in me because he was in a dry spell and blatantly dissed me after I declined sex on our second date (he left right after I told him "no").
Mind you, on the first date, he was talking about wanting to settle down and have a girlfriend. He even said he believed in love for us yadi yada. He even said he had never clicked with anybody this way (we would easily spend 8 hours talking and all). Smooth talker.
We met last year but he kept cancelling on me and we stopped talking for a couple of months. Then he came back on V-Day 2014 with a heartfelt apology only to diss me two weeks later due to this sex situation.
I just don't get how you can treat someone this way (i.e: 1. Cancel on them repeatedly, ignore them for months 2. Come back with cheesy words, ignore them again when you don't get what you want). This is clearly playing someone.
Am I delusional for thinking he played me? Those Pisceans told me I'm wrong and he didn't play me O_o.