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LostinPhilly joined January 16, 2014


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Do you guys think there's a link between the fact some of his posts (like the ones stated above) are public and the fact I had unfriended him?
After I had unfriended him, he started posting some of his stuff publicly which had never happened before because he's a very private person.
It seems quite odd to me that he'd want to publicly state he's leaving the country, then say he's coming back in August. He could have kept those statuses private. He clearly filters.
Like I said, I made the MISTAKE of giving him a second shot and played along. I'm AWARE I'm not BLAMELESS here.
Posted by IrresistableScorp
I'll post in any thread I wan to??_thank you.
Like I said you are stubborn and project blame on others...

I am not projecting blame on anybody. You didn't read my previous post. I don't see how in any way shape or form I could be held 100% responsible for what happened. This makes zero sense.
Posted by IrresistableScorp
And anger issues when validated??_
Posted by LostinPhilly
I don't see how. Yes, I found him boring but it's not incompatible with the fact that I STILL wanted to get to know him better.
Had I not mentioned how "boring" he was in the other thread, I'm sure you people would have said "He wasn't interested, that's why he cancelled many times and you should not seek his forgiveness". You can still see flaws in people without making a big deal out of those. I said he was boring in the other thread, but it's got nothing to do with this situation. Please, don't mix comments I made on a completely different thread which by the way was not mine!
You people are focusing on the wrong element which is not mentioned in this thread. I clearly mentioned how he cancelled and you people are taking some unrelated post out of context to use it as an argument against me. Stop taking things out of context and please stick to what is provided to you on this thread. What I said on someone else's thread is irrelevant.

Work on yourself and forget obsessing about "others."
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Since you're SOOOOOO intuitive ... you would have gathered that this thread I posted was part of my "working on myself" process. I wanted to know what I could learn from this mistake I made. But obviously, you're a mind reader, you knew this already Winking
Posted by IrresistableScorp
He saw you. Remembered the nuttiness and made his exit.

What on earth are you talking about?
You have zero idea what happened so please, spare yourself the pain and stop interpreting stories in light of your imagination. There's no nuttiness involved or anything of that sort.
Now, please, leave this thread alone because I don't want to argue with someone who can't tolerate other people's opinion. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black huh?
Posted by IrresistableScorp
This poster has been acting nutty about this guy in here for months. She never takes advice, is NEVER wrong, blames everyone else re never takes responsibility for her actions and basically comes across as a nut job.
I only mention this because this guy she's talking about may actually have come around again to see what's what, saw OP, remembered that she's a nut job and made his excuses.
You tell me why any man would say: oh I've got an early train just to get the eff out if there? Sure people lie but come in let's be realistic. This guy couldn't wait to get the hell out of dodge.
It's almost like he feared for his life or something.

Please. I posted 2 threads about this. It's hardly acting "nutty".
You people are absolutely unbelievable. How dare you call someone you don't even know a nut job? How about acting like actual adults and avoid name calling people on a matter that does not even affect you in any way?! I get this is the Internet but name calling is unnecessary!
As far as I am concerned, the guy faked an early train right after I told him I was not ready for sex. I told him I wasn't ready yet and then he said "Well, I have to go I have an early train tomorrow".
It's got nothing to do with my behavior. Me asking questions on a board doesn't reflect my attitude during the dates. I don't understand how some adults can make random assumptions about someone based on a freaking POST I made to seek a better understanding of the situation in order to LEARN from my MISTAKE which was to give him a SECOND shot he DID NOT deserve. Yes people, I'm not an airhead, I gave him another shot so it's PARTLY my fault. Just because I didn't mention it, doesn't mean I'm oblivious to it.
Sure, I did ask a question to get a dual ASTROLOGICAL perspective on the matter. It's got nothing to do with being right or wrong. I'm not asking for people to take sides here. It's an astrological forum for heaven's sake. I didn't ask for your personal opinions. Now, I never said I was blameless. You guys keep feeding this post with assumptions and taking my words out of context when I haven't even said anything since I posted this thread. Feel free to debate on something I haven't even said because apparently you people know the ultimate truth and anyone who's seeking advice is a "nut job".
I just wanted to know how you as SCORPIOS or PISCES would react in such circumstances. If I wanted subjective opinions, I would have posted on a different board.
You didn't read the post properly!
I MET him a year ago. However, those dates we went on were in February/March 2014.
I just said I've been hooked on him for a year (i.e: Since the day I met him in April 2013).
Posted by truecap
Posted by LostinPhilly
I am so desperate to forget about this man, I don't know what to do at this point.

I met Mr Pisces a year ago on a dating website. We hit it off right away. Actually, I remember feeling a connection from before he and I started talking. He's the one who messaged me first. We talked non-stop for about a month. Then we met in real life. It was great. He asked me out on a date. He never followed through with it and cancelled on me 3 times. It fizzled out, we stopped talking.
Fast forward, he sent me a message on Valentine's Day to apologize and asked for a second shot. We started talking again and it felt as though no time had passed. I usually do hold grudges, but I didn't with him. We went on two dates which both lasted an entire day! The physical attraction was amazing, I had never experienced such intensity. We couldn't get enough of each other. Unfortunately, he had ulterior motives as I declined sex on date #2 and he pulled away afterwards. He ignored every single one of my texts (including the one meant to wish him a happy birthday).
About a month after our last date, I found out he had lost his job and moved back to the Canada. I know now it's over but it's been a year since I met him and I think of him as much as I did last year. Sure, he was a j*rk to me, but it seems I can't get over him. It's not that I can't get over his physical appearance or brains, there's just something I can't describe. It has nothing to do with his appearance or brains because I barely remember his face/conversations. It's more of an internal feeling that prevents me from letting go, rather than actual reasons.
I don't know what to do. I've been hooked on this man for the past year. It had never happened to me before. As a Gemini Mooner here, I usually move on pretty easily after a couple of weeks. However, I'm still stuck with the same feelings I had last year. It's driving me insane as I have no clue what to do. I've tried dating other guys and it didn't work because I'd come back home sad wishing he was the one I went out with. I feel so stupid and insane, it makes zero sense to me.
What's wrong with me?

This all happened a YEAR ago?
Speechless to why you're hanging on to that.
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No. I said I MET him a year a
I posted this thread in the Pisces section and those Pisceans told me my perception is screwed!
Hence, I'd like to know if you fellow Scorpios agree with them!
This Pisces made me believe in rainbows and butterflies because he knew I liked him. Turns out he only showed interest in me because he was in a dry spell and blatantly dissed me after I declined sex on our second date (he left right after I told him "no").
Mind you, on the first date, he was talking about wanting to settle down and have a girlfriend. He even said he believed in love for us yadi yada. He even said he had never clicked with anybody this way (we would easily spend 8 hours talking and all). Smooth talker.
We met last year but he kept cancelling on me and we stopped talking for a couple of months. Then he came back on V-Day 2014 with a heartfelt apology only to diss me two weeks later due to this sex situation.
I just don't get how you can treat someone this way (i.e: 1. Cancel on them repeatedly, ignore them for months 2. Come back with cheesy words, ignore them again when you don't get what you want). This is clearly playing someone.
Am I delusional for thinking he played me? Those Pisceans told me I'm wrong and he didn't play me O_o.
Posted by LetltB
Posted by LostinPhilly

A year and a half. I'm still crazy about him.

...and he's to blame for that eh?
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Nah, I didn't blame him! Besides, when I said "crazy" I just meant I have the hots for him is all smile
Posted by ScorpioFish
My people tend to sometimes change their minds more often than the wind changes direction.
Hopefully he will stop being so crazy and commit to you soon.
How long have you known him?

A year and a half. I'm still crazy about him. But yeah, he has commitment issues.
My dad is a Pisces too and boy he changes his mind all the time!

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