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lotuslilly joined November 02, 2011
from Planet Venus
almost single an luvin it


cold at work, not to mention bored

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I am not really in a good place right now regarding my (ex) 40 Virgo bf who is a single dad like myself a single mum.
However, recently for his and mine birthday in September, we had a brief re-encounter which (un) fortunately resulted in my becoming pregnant. i am now 7 weeks along.... it has been torture for me as I swayed back and forth on not keeping it...I am not financially able...but after much debate and self searching I have decided to proceed with Virgos baby.....
THe day i found out I told virgo ex.... He responded as cooly and aloofly as possible "what are you going to do?"
I have then informed him that I will be going ahead with said pregnancy, to which he stated by text "we are not ready for another child". Cant even discuss to my face.
Notwithstanding pregnancy hormones and all the other stresses, I have let him have a few of my "thoughts" by text about how i feel... blame being one of them.
And as ususal he has disappeared which is nothing new with him. He did come over 2 fridays in a row and slept over but no talk on elephant, or baby in the room. He acted as if nothing was new . Since then I have heard very little from him. No talk, no calls or texes etc.
One of the reasons I liked him so much is that he is a great single dad to his daughter. However, I never never intended to have another baby at this point in my life.... Unplanned pregnancy is really just that unplanned. And the relationship was so so anyway. Please I dont need any bashing as i've done that enough to myself already...
Do u think Virgo has gone into hiding forever leave him alone or just move on and dont bother with any support from him....
thanks Sad
btw he lives practically 5 mins away in my town... so visits are not even a problem if he wanted to talk....
awww thats nicesmile I wish i got more verbal clues ... its hard to interpret the signs....
Totally agreed
As a Libra who was involved with a VG... I can totally relate..
AWWW WHERE can i get a man like you??? i only read about these type of men ////sigh /////
Good answer VS smile i needed to hear that. I was involved with a Vman up to recently and decided to just give him a rest... when he did the unthinkable and ignored me for my bday a few days ago. So I am doing just that. staying away... Sad
This is the virgo trait that comes across as "cold" that other signs complain about.....
I was involved with a Virgo for about 2 years and that was the hardest part about getting used to him... that cold detached persona. He can show love with actions but still seemed a bit hands off and for want of a better word .. cold. had to break it off permanently. And he wasnt all that huggy kissy either.
i cant believe this topic is making its way here again.....must be a virgo thing.
so randomvirgo,,,what would make you not want to kiss someone and rather have sex with them??? u have to be more into them to want to kiss passionately???
ha ha ha i like that one... smileu made me smile for the day...
i 've just gone MIA like the virgo and i get all this bashing from p/a. im not manipulating anything.
well lucky you p-angel
Thank You for your kind words smile
He really is a jerk. he contacted me after 3 days of MIA and wanted to hang out for the weekend as if nothing happened . and then asking me why i'm acting like that when i returned the cold behaviour on him.
thanks for all the great advice virggiessmile really appreciate itsmile
will try the mysterious MIA thing...and let ya'll know any progress.

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and now he has gone into hiding and is more distant than ever..... :( this virgo man is so mysterious ...he just cele
Joined: Nov 02, 2011 · Topics: 5 · Posts: 55
I am not really in a good place right now regarding my (ex) 40 Virgo bf who is a single dad like myself a single mum.
Joined: Nov 02, 2011 · Topics: 5 · Posts: 55
in a relationship???? I have been with a 40y.o divorced virgo man for a year or so who shows me he cares in a million
Joined: Nov 02, 2011 · Topics: 5 · Posts: 55
I've read all your helpful and funny posts really grateful, ..the thing is this man pursued me all hot and heavy in the
Joined: Nov 02, 2011 · Topics: 5 · Posts: 55
IS something wrong....??? and no, i dont have bad breath or cavities.... I was the first to kiss him, after a few dates
Joined: Nov 02, 2011 · Topics: 5 · Posts: 55

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