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LoveAstrology joined February 27, 2008


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Ok, I believe in Astrology, although I hate the word believe, today anyway. And the reson for this belief is that I fell it owuld be stupid not too. I mean..just on a basic level..The moon is so powerful it affects the seas, we are made up of what? 80% nothing survives without the's really not hard to work out!
I totally understand! I am also a Gemini girl living with an Aquarius man..boy! Yep it's a nightmare, IU have had to really learn how to curb my temper and be calm. I just stop talking and change the subject now if I can see it turning into a row. It's such a shame because it's so perfect in everyway other than that. But I am lucky in this relationship because we have other elements in our charts that help us out a lot. However, my ex husband was an Aqua too. He became violent and very nasty. Sometimes I think some Aquariuns without the right signs in the rest of their chart should live alone. Some just aren't meant to be more than friends and can't accept that other people also have opinions. So, as for not dating another Aqua again, don't say that. Maybe next time mix it with their chinese sign, or check out there moon sign and know yours, that way you will have more chance at success. A nice Aqua male is amazing. But I so know what your going through.
The most important thing from a lot of experience with Aquarius people, is to be yourself. They don't like it if they can sense your trying too hard. They respect people who are being exactly who they are. And that is all the better if it includes being a little quirky, they really love oddities (luckily for me, am a Gemini!)

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