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Lovebeinasag joined September 19, 2013
46 years old female from Middletown, Delaware
"There's not enough room to describe my awesomeness, plus I don't feel like it! But obviously I'm a Sagittarius! N a number 1 personality!"
"There's not enough room to describe my awesomeness, plus I don't feel like it! But obviously I'm a Sagittarius! N a number 1 personality!"


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Fire is great, explore that side more n u will b much happier
U Virgo men r to much work! N u lie! _??_Can't deal with all the worrying about things that might never happen either!
But u can b fun, whn u let ur serious, over thinking, let me fix it, no I'm not good enough selfishness self have time off!
No Sagittarius 's r always right!
Who knows! Ur never going to have an answer so send him on his way! N let it go!
Thy cheat! N don't ask y thy did it, cuz thy r not even sure y! All u will get is more confused! It's insanity!
Don't get me wrong tho, I love a thinker! Virgos r complex n intriguing to me! But also a super pain in my ass! Just say anything virgos, n say it to the one who deserves it!
Wow this is so hard to follow, I just want to know why it matters who she told or y this is even being analyzed! Lets get to the point he broke up with her, she made it known thy were no longer together y the Virgo sat at home not knowing if he made the right decision, n over thinking it to death!
Oh u virgos! My favorite quote from a Virgo , "i don't know what to say"
The only sign that I wanted to hug and strangle at the same time!
Obviously u should already know what I'm going to say!
I just don't care what u think! It's not a crime to love urself nor is it a selfish act!
If he wanted to b with u, he would b with u, don't waste minutes of ur life trying to figure other people out, move on n find some1 who gives u what u want n need, life is to short to dwell on one guy, that never was! If he for some reason changes his mind, u will b the first to know!
Yup yup!
It's never started by a sag!

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