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LovelyLibra joined September 12, 2006
43 years old female
"What Does It All Mean???!!!... I don't know!!! Planets Sun 17?_ 30' Libra in 7. house Moon 11?_ 58' Pisces in 1. house Mercury 02?_ 34' Scorpio in 8. house Venus 02?_ 09' Sagittarius in 9. house Mars 23?_ 59' Leo
"What Does It All Mean???!!!... I don't know!!! Planets Sun 17?_ 30' Libra in 7. house Moon 11?_ 58' Pisces in 1. house Mercury 02?_ 34' Scorpio in 8. house Venus 02?_ 09' Sagittarius in 9. house Mars 23?_ 59' Leo in 6. house Jupiter 19?_ 56' Libra in 8. house Saturn 13?_ 47' Libra in 7. house Uranus 28?_ 35' Scorpio in 9. house Neptune 21?_ 59' Sagittarius in 10. house Pluto 23?_ 56' Libra in 8. house Vertex 20?_ 10' Virgo East Point 13?_ 02' Pisces Aspects Conjunction Sun/Jupiter 02?_ 26' Conjunction Sun/Saturn 03?_ 43' Sextile Sun/Neptune 04?_ 29' Conjunction Sun/Pluto 06?_ 26' Conjunction Mercury/Pluto 08?_ 38' Conjunction Venus/Uranus 03?_ 34' Sextile Mars/Jupiter 04?_ 04' Square Mars/Uranus 04?_ 35' Trine Mars/Neptune 02?_ 01' Sextile Mars/Pluto 00?_ 03' Conjunction Jupiter/Saturn 06?_ 09' Sextile Jupiter/Neptune 02?_ 03' Conjunction Jupiter/Pluto 04?_ 00' Sextile Neptune/Pluto 01?_ 57' Houses Ascendant 07?_ 24' Pisces 2nd house 18?_ 44' Aries 3rd house 20?_ 29' Taurus 4th house 15?_ 36' Gemini 5th house 08?_ 42' Cancer 6th house 04?_ 04' Leo 7th house 07?_ 24' Virgo 8th house 18?_ 44' Libra 9th house 20?_ 29' Scorpio Midheaven 15?_ 36' Sagittarius 11th house 08?_ 42' Capricorn 12th house 04?_ 04' Aquarius You Are An INFP The Idealist You are creative with a great imagination, living in your own inner world. Open minded and accepting, you strive for harmony in your important relationships. It takes a long time for people to get to know you. You are hesitant to let people get close. But once you care for someone, you do everything you can to help them grow and develop. In love, you tend to have high (and often unrealistic) standards. You are very sensitive. You tend to have intense feelings. At work, you need to do something that expresses your personal values. You would make an excellent writer, psychologist, or artist. How you see yourself: Unselfish, empathetic, and spiritual When other people don't get you, they see you as: Unrealistic, naive, and weakWhat's Your Personality Type?"



Mistreatment of others...especially those who can’t really defend themselves.... rudeness...arrogance...ego...being emotionally abused and taken for granted...

I forgive easily but I don’t forget...passive aggressive?...very... I don’t bother seeking revenge I like to keep my karma good... 🙂

I’m pretty understanding we all have our ups and downs n whatnots and I feel I see more than what people want me to see in them so I give the benefit of the doubt most times...I hope for people to be their better selves...those rosy glasses let me down sometimes 🙁

I think I handle other people’s emotions better than I do my own...I actually try to hide my face all day...

when I do walk away I’m gone for good...
...and it drowns out my libra sun, I’m quiet and not very social
I have moon in Pisces 1st... I think it makes me really empathetic and extremely aware of and obvious about my emotions
Hmmm...that’s quite a bit of air...and in Aquarius...not sure how much passion you can expect, but in my experience Aquarius is a pretty loyal sign. But it’s usually a bit a tension between scorp and aqua energies
Posted by WarAngel1
You saw what Kris Jenner did to Bruce Jenner right, no fucking contest.

Scorpio women.
You’re right 😂

Definitely Scorpio Taurus and Aries...Leo meeeh they can be tamed lol
Do you attract a lot of virgos? They seem to be able to sniff me out and I'm guessing it's the Pisces in my chart... and i seem to pick up on their energy... I feel like I should caution and go in the opposite direction when in their presence
Posted by beyondthestars
Posted by LovelyLibra
Also the sun/moon conjunction works best when it's the mans sun and woman's ex husband an aqua with a libra moon...we got along waaay better than Virgo/libra but in both relationships for me I found myself being the 'man' per say the one expected to support (financially and emotionally)in a sense...which was a major burden.

Thank you so much for your input! Yeah, I feel like virgo/libra are too set out for perfection, that does take a hit on self esteem. Did you ever feel like you were the more emotionally invested in the relationship?

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Not with Mr Virgo...he was way more emotional and intense...but with the Aqua I was def more emotionally invested.

I get my feelings hurt with virgos unless we are just friends, and U have to be willing to understand they really are that hard on themselves too. I had to thicken my skin lol. I will say the ones I've met will stick it through in a relationship and can be very loving...just don't slack on responsibilities/duties/expectations/mutual agreements lol or u will be nagged and their anger can be something else...from my experience...

FYI my moms a Pisces and dads a Virgo 30+ years of love, hate, and misunderstanding...and my libra self smack dab in the middle

Also the sun/moon conjunction works best when it's the mans sun and woman's ex husband an aqua with a libra moon...we got along waaay better than Virgo/libra but in both relationships for me I found myself being the 'man' per say the one expected to support (financially and emotionally)in a sense...which was a major burden.
Be there done that@ 19/20 first love Virgo/libra me libra/pisces plus pisces asc...we argued a lot well mostly him very nit picky, argumentative,jealous,controlling...I was the complete opposite and very shy and had to walk away for my own peace of mind... he was very loving and can be a good friend though... we were not mature at that point in our lives, and I think that also plays a major factor when considering signs and charts and how well you can maneuver the rough patches...
My mother is a Pisces with Gemini rising and a libra moon... very talkative,blunt,irresponsible,talkative...smothering, critical, gullible, and caring. She's always been able to see or feel things before they happened... she's always felt neglected and unappreciated. She tried to shelter her children from the world, and she is very dependent on us to do even the smallest things for her. But she does it out of love, and she has a very giving nature, understand Pisces is he martyr lol

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