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LunAEternity joined March 29, 2013



Okay, so I met this guy a few weeks ago. We just clicked and chatted for hours. He told me that he had never chatted so openly with someone before, and he feel that he can pour his soul out to me. I was a bit shocked when he said that, and me being my usual paranoid self(Venus Scorpio), told him that I felt the same way(I did and still do) and that I think we should be BFFs. I know it was a stupid thing to say, but I had this strange feeling that he was trying to hit on me when he said that, and I was seeing someone else then.
Anyway, he said he'd love to be Bff with me and a few days after we went out together for movie, and long chats by the riverside as BFFs. We seriously get along well, I mean I've never felt so "connected" with another human being before.
I checked our natal charts, I'm new to this kind of things but this is what I've found out so far. I don't have his birth time so I don't know what his Moon and Rising is. I make a spreadsheet with all the aspects in our charts and here's the link
Btw, my birth date is 17 Oct, 1994 and his 9 Mar, 1993.
Please give me some insights on our friendship/relationship based on the list of aspects. Thank you smile

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