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lunarbaby711 joined May 25, 2009
female from My Own Air Space, Uranus


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"DIFFERENT" (and everyone loves that about us--esp. us!!!hehe)
Awww... thanks BigD. I've come too far to give up now, and if I'm nothing else I do know that I am at least determined, so that should help me out some. I'll let you know how everything ends up for sure. I love're(oops! almost forgot myself...we're) all the best! Have an AWESOME day everyone!!! PEACE & LOVE
Wow, I have SO much going on right now, and I just HOPE that it all turns out as positive as all of your stuff has! I'm feeling a little bit overwhelmed, but I'm keeping a positive attitude and hopefully before much longer I will see things start to turn around and then my life can get back on the road that is moving FORWARD! I'm stuck at a crossroads right now and it sucks cause I can't make a decision on which way to go because of present circumstances... do you "KNOW" how hard it is for an Aqua to be held down or held back when all I want to do is RUN!!!!! Hey, it's cool...I'm confident that my time is coming and all the really great things I've had glimpses of will soon be right here front and center in my life and then NO ONE and NOTHING will be able to stop me or slow me down!!! I hope that everyone else here will be able to say that really great things are happening for all of you as well my dear Aquas!!! I'll let you know how things turn out. Later! PEACE & LOVE
Hey lammal23...yeah I'm an Aqua female and I can relate to what you're saying here cause I used to be like you. BUT, there is hope! I decided that I didn't want to be so isolated anymore so I set out to change myself. I spent LOTS of time just people watching. Yep, and that was what really helped me open up. I found a new me hidden inside that really was a "social butterfly" and I'd give myself goals I had to accomplish like when I was out I had to meet/introduce myself/and remember at LEAST 6 new people every week. I did it. It wasn't easy at first, but once I got going I had a blast! I found so many new friends, and also lots of people who weren't allowed in my personal space-yes, they do exist, you just have to weed them out as you go. I became a very good social director of our local area and had LOTS of people gathering on different weeknights to join in doing different fun things like playing pool, bowling, darts, dancing...I was NEVER alone or wanting for anything social anymore. Thru these newly formed friendships I was also able to observe many "relationships" and the do's and dont's of dating, marriage, friendships, family life, etc. I did what I had to do to make my life what I really wanted it to be. Although I'm no longer in that crazy busy scene I'm still having fun meeting and learning all about new people here on the internet, which gf is way too cool in my book. How else could I meet and befriend someone who lives on the opposite side of our country or of the world?!!! Decide what you want out of life and then go get it. You'll have those "me" moments your whole life when you'll want to disappear or go MIA as people call it, but hell EVERYBODY wants that in their life from time to time so just make notice that you'll be temporarily gone, go do your thing, and come back all refreshed and ready to go once again. I guess the most important thing is to just be YOU. You'll be fine. Oh yeah, and being "different" is a GOOD thing!!! PEACE & LOVE
Hey LeGendary VirRGo - no problem. Sometimes all we need is to have someone open that door in front of us to show us that there IS hope for all our dreams to come true! I was wondering how you were doing, and if things had gotten better...I'm guessing that would be a huge azz YES huh?!!! Good for you! Drop me a line every so often to let me know what's up and how you're doing k? So, what you think about my "alternate dimension" theory? Yeah, I was bored tonight so I just let my brain run for a bit and you see what happens when I do that...scary huh?!hahaha! Guess I should go do something constructive...*yawns*...OR not!LOL SMILE LeGendary, you never "KNOW" when that soulmate is watching you! : )
Posted by Aquaguy7
Are you seriously asking this question?
How do you think he'll react? By skipping into the sunset?
Come on people! Let's use our heads for once.

I sometimes feel like when I throw my 2 cents worth in that I'll be blamed for something somehow. Like in a "well EVERYONE told me to do/say it" sort of way - do you know what I mean Aquaguy7? Either that or this whole Aquarius forum is just a ploy someone is using to entice the Aquas out of hiding so that they can see just how intelligent all of us REALLY are. Are they planning to overthrow our Aqua hierarchy and replace it with imposters who will try to lead us all astray and into an alternate dimension where we are NOT allowed to be ourselves as humanitarianism is outlawed there, and where they will also deny us our freedom because "singleones" are strictly forbidden as NO ONE is allowed to remain single beyond the age of...18? But,if one refuses to follow the "rules of engagement(marriage)" they are forced into a life of servitude caring for the moat, it's lava river, and the "mile high" block walls that are the ONLY remaining sign that AQUARIANS ever existed there. I'm not quite sure what the walls are keeping out in that world, but it's gotta be bad when you take into consideration what we keep out with our walls here! Okay, that's enough for me...I'm done using my head for the day. You can take over now Aquaguy7, or any other Aqua that is bored...
I'll tell you can walk away and pretend like nothing happened and "SUPPOSEDLY" his poor heart will just be all tore up about it...BULLSH*T!!! What his stupid ass deserves is to be busted out by BOTH YOU AND HIS BABIES MAMA!!! That cheating ass needs to be put to the curb and have NO ONE but his own hand to console him. And YES I lived this nightmare...except I was the one with the kids who was married to his dumbass, and NO ONE bothered to tell me that he was out screwing someone else until WAY after the fact and I'd already split by then. The mother of his children deserves better just like you do, and so she does deserve to know what he's up to. And if you both don't dump his stupid ass immediately then everyone really does get what they deserve. I hope you do what you "KNOW" is right. If I was you the only ones besides myself that I would give a shit about are those kids...I feel bad for them having to have such a loser for a dad...THEY DEFINITELY deserve better! Make good choices scorpioswag and don't EVER forget this life lesson-it's PRICELESS!!! PEACE & LOVE
I have to agree with the majority. It's NOT possible for you to be "just friends" with this guy, the feelings run way too deep on your end. I went thru the same thing with a Libra(but with NO cheating), and at the 3yr, 4yr, and 7yr marks he called me to get back into my life. I couldn't do it...until that last time then HE couldn't be just friends because his then girl was very jealous of me(a 7yr old memory of his I guess?)and so we had to part ways. I still miss him, but I know that if one day he wants to be friends he'll call again. I'd like that, but at the same time I know our "friendship" would always be something more than just normal since the "feelings" would always be there from all those years ago. I'd definitely keep those feelings in check because I'm happy with my life now. But with all the water under the bridge because your ex didn't care enough about you and cheated would make it impossible to trust him even as a friend, well at least in my Aqua Friendship Book(which has VERY strict rules)!
YEAH Jolana! - the FIRST time I've heard another female who has the same mindset as I do about Aqua males. They are after all just a human being like we are, so why treat them badly or play games just to get a reaction out of them? I just treat them the same way that I want to be treated, and so far that has worked for me also. He's definitely different from anyone I've ever known before as in it's taken me a lot longer to figure him out, but then I look at that as a good thing since all the other men that were in my life are all EX's!!! I'm doing as you said and enjoying every little thing and every single moment and just smiling as I look forward to yet another day that I will spend enjoying the mystery that is my Aqua male. Perhaps I'm just as big of a mystery to him since I'm an Aqua female?!! Who knows, but maybe that's what helps make this work. Oh, and just for the record...he's awesome!!! PEACE & LOVE
P.S. Just wanted to add that ALL my Aqua guy friends are the BEST!!! Luv u guys!!! : )
I think that one day when you meet a man that REALLY loves you and cares about you then this guy who just trashed you will be not even a memory anymore. Your heart has an emptiness right now, but it'll fill back up with friends, family, hobbies, whatever and eventually a new love, but until then just try to keep in your mind what a man who steps into your personal space is supposed to do. Being faithful should be right up there on the top of your list. AND, don't let anyone make you feel like it's okay that he did something as low as cheating on you without telling you upfront and right away, because you have the right to make a good life choice whether to accept his behavior and be okay with it, or to curb his azz ASAP which is what he really deserved. There are too many good people out there who are much more deserving of your friendship/love Jen. But before you go out and meet them take time for you to heal your heart, get your relationship priorities all in order and set in stone so that you don't waver from them no matter HOW great the next guy is, and to have your "life lessons" properly memorized so that you will NOT make the same mistake do NOT accept anything less than what you deserve in a relationship! You're "good" people, and your heart is pretty "true" and "real" from the sound of it, so why don't you make sure that the man you allow into your space is all of those things too?!!! If he's not...send him packing immediately, because you have NO TIME for losers, abusers, cheaters, liars, and just all around "bad" people! Set the bar high gf, cause if he's the right one he will have NO qualms about doing whatever he has to to get his azz over that bar and up close and personal with you!!! You are worth just have to convince yourself of that. I once took a year off from a past really heart wrenching break-up. This time I took 5yrs, every second of it well used and well worth it, and you know what? I met a guy who's so amazing and he's on a 6yr break! Talk about AWESOME-he's all that and then some. It really does happen just have to believe K?! PEACE & LOVE
Posted by jen1213
But no matter what I could never hate him for what he has done. Of course I feel really mad and hurt but I get that he didnt want a commitment and if he finds someone he would prefer to have a fling with rather than be with me he shouldnt have to let the opportunity pass by. Still wish he first dumped me, but oh well. The thing that really bothers me is that I wish we could still be friends.

I'm a little confused by your "who gives a shit" attitude to this guy cheating on you. How can you feel sympathetic towards a man who cheated on you with some ----- while you are still together, and who "KNOWS" what she had which he could've so generously then passed onto you? HPV...ever hear of it? Yep, males carry it have no symptoms and cannot be tested for it, but if we females get it, it causes lovely things like cervical cancer-which can kill you. I had two good friends get it-one from her husband, and she wasn't thrilled to have TWO surgeries to have her whole cervix removed. I am just thankful that she's still alive. Screw that azz--did he worry about YOU/YOUR FRIENDSHIP when he was with her w/o telling you? No. You really DON'T want to have friends like him. He "KNOWS" what an azz he was to you that's why he won't answer your might actually make him feel guilty and have a conscious about what he did, and he doesn't want to have to do that. He got away with it, don't let him think it was OK, cause it wasn't. Perhaps instead of worrying about gaining his friendship, you should send him the bills for all the tests you should now be getting done to make sure that you still have a clean bill of health don't you think? (Gawd I HATE being the brutally honest Aqua all the time, but somebody's gotta do it.)

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Okay I'm calling out all Aquas for your input. If you could have the world made to be exactly the way that YOU think it
Joined: May 25, 2009 · Topics: 1 · Posts: 53

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