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melody joined March 21, 2006
"I'm the most emotional Aquarian you will ever meet. Take a look: Sun Aquarius 0.09_____________Ascendant (House I) Capricorn 1.17 Moon Pisces 19.26_____________House II Aquarius 10.25 Mercury Aquarius 9.37_____________H
"I'm the most emotional Aquarian you will ever meet. Take a look: Sun Aquarius 0.09_____________Ascendant (House I) Capricorn 1.17 Moon Pisces 19.26_____________House II Aquarius 10.25 Mercury Aquarius 9.37_____________House III Pisces 21.59 Venus Pisces 16.52 _____________House IV Aries 25.26 Mars Cancer 1.48 R____________House V Taurus 20.34 Mars opposes the Ascendant Jupiter Capricorn 18.37_____________House VI Gemini 11.18 Saturn Capricorn 21.53_____________House VII Cancer 1.17 Uranus Leo 24.44 R___________House VIII Leo 10.25 NeptuneScorpio 11.11_____________House IX Virgo 21.59 Pluto Virgo 7.42 R____________Midheaven Libra 25.26 Lilith Cancer 28.38_____________House XI Scorpio 20.34 Asc nodeVirgo6.50_____________House XII Sagittarius 11.18 North Node of the Moon: Virgo, 6th house Sun in Aquarius You are a very understanding lover, with a special ability to be helpful when a partner is having emotional difficulties. You can enjoy a wide variety of sexual experiences, and if you limit yourself to one partner, that person should enjoy lovemaking as a continuously changing adventure, however affectionate. You are not the type to be tied down intellectually or emotionally, so you must have a partner who respects your freedom. Achieving the kind of communication you want requires contact on many levels with your partner, so a close relationship will develop slowly. Although you find sex by itself naturally satisfying, you are quite capable of carrying on a love affair without any sexual contact at all. Ascendant in Capricorn You tend to take any personal relationship quite seriously and generally don't get involved unless you are fairly sure it will be permanent. In that case you throw your whole self into it. When you do choose a partner, you provide a calming, stabilizing influence. Ideally, you should find a volatile lover who requires your soothing. It would be wise to follow your lover's lead in lovemaking. Learn to open up and try out new ideas to get the spark going again. If your relationship is not going well, avoid using sex to control your partner. Instead of clinging to a dying affair, make an active effort to change or dispose of it. Sun in the First House This position indicates that you are a person who stands out in a crowd. Because of this outstanding quality, you don't need to strive to make a stronger impression when you encounter someone who is attractive to you. Elaborate courting is not your game. Because of your honesty, your love affairs begin and end quite abruptly, as you have no desire to continue a relationship that is no longer working well. The main advantage of this position is that it indicates a strong, forceful personality. But you must use that power carefully in your love relationships. Moon in Pisces Your emotions are very intense and finely tuned, and you can usually see into the heart of an affair more quickly than your partner. You are likely to have considerable mood swings and changes of heart within a relationship until it has settled for a long period. For that reason, you should find a lover who is more stable than you. It would be good to have a partner who can handle the bothersome petty details of existence, so that you can then attend to the more meaningful issues in life. Under such circumstances, you can transform love into a clear, pure vehicle for personal understanding and revelation, both for you and for your lover. Moon in the Second House Good physical health and financial well-being are necessary to your emotional security, and you are not likely to be happy in a money-starved love affair, no matter how romantic. You may demand expensive presents or love tokens from a partner to assuage problems between you. Although it is perfectly legitimate to treasure gifts of love for their emotional value, this can be dangerous, because you are dodging problems whose roots lie elsewhere. Your basic desire for honesty and integrity in a relationship should lead you around this obstacle, for you are guided by a strong set of fundamental values. Venus in Pisces You most enjoy the attentions of a lover who gives the utmost in love and devotion and holds nothing back from you. You appreciate a lover who can intuitively plumb your feelings and discern your most intimate desires without asking. But that is a lot to expect of anyone all the time, so try to meet your partner halfway and help him or her get to know you well. Your sexuality may become mixed with religious feelings and to that extent may elude physical manifestation entirely for periods of time. Doing this successfully requires considerable self-awareness; it takes great strength and direction to make physical abstinence pay off spiritually and not simply end up in frustration. Venus in the Second House You like being surrounded by fine objects of great value, and a sumptuous setting adds immensely to your enjoyment of lovemaking. However, you are most comfortable in a relatively secure setting where you know you will not be disturbed. Too much spontaneity makes you somewhat uneasy and detracts from your enjoyment. Although you may put particular value on a partner with a fine appearance and high social standing, do not forget that diamonds in the rough may be worth far more than polished gems, if you take the time to refine them. Mars in Cancer Your sexuality may have a very uneven rhythm, building up without expression for a time and then bursting out with considerable intensity. You are much more likely to get a satisfactory response if you let your lover know your intentions ahead of time so that he or she is fully ready for you. Similarly, try not to be overprotective of your lover. Almost unconsciously, you may spin a web of protection around your partner, and even though it stems strictly from love, it may be too confining. Mars in the Seventh House You may gravitate toward rather intense, strenuous relationships in which both you and your partner emit and demand a great deal of energy. You should be particularly careful that your respective roles within the relationship are clear, to avoid disputes over what territory is whose. However, you are best off with a regular partner who is around much of the time, for you derive a great deal of your energy and drive from your partner, if only through inspiration. Mars Opposition Ascendant Your physical energies may come and go, but when they are low you can take much energy and inspiration from your partner. Also, a lover tends to focus your efforts, because you will feel more like doing things in a partnership. You may also find that your lover is the initiator in love and in other activities, although not in an overly active or dominating way. You should try to conserve your energy. You are likely to throw yourself into every activity, which may leave you too exhausted to enjoy the pleasures of the evening. ******* Reading from; description from Astrodienst"





