
Message Posts by CasperAries

Ok so last I left off my Libra sent me email telling me that he wanted to "part ways" and "we would never be together" and all this other crap that made me cry my eyes out lol..Some of you told me he would be back, and you sure were right. He didn't speak to me for almost three months straight, and I never contacted him, then out of the blue he calls me one day. So I went to see him and he's all affectionate like nothing ever happened!? He also brought up the last time we spoke and continued to ask me for more time as usual, which is what started the initial fight, cuz I wanted to be with him and wanted more. I really don't get him. It's like he pushes me away then when I don't contact him he's back. So now we are right back to where we started where he is calling all the shots.. I know, I'm stupid and I should just let him go. But whenever he calls me I go running cuz I want to see him so bad. But again when I call him now, he's starting to blow me off all over again like he did initially when all this crap started. Does anyone have any ideas on how to get him to just stay with me rather then take me back, push me away, take me back, push me away. It seems whenever I start to ride up his a $ $ again, is when he pushes me away again. I feel this is guy is just hopeless at times, then just when I think he's hopeless and give up, he's back in my life. What the hell?!
Arianlatay- I'm an Aries too. He's my "opposite" so I assume that is why I'm so hooked on him :-/ Or was hooked rather. I'm alright, everyday it gets a little easier to accept the fact that the last time I saw him, was IT.
Chatz- thanks :-) Yeah I just know he will be back someday. I didnt mean he gets the last laugh lol I WANT the last laugh! lol. Ok better yet- what I meant to say is last word. I wanted to end it, I wanted to be the one who said goodbye. Instead he turned the tables on me and he was the one who got to say it. Thats where I am annoyed. It took alot of courage for me to write that email, and the only reason I went to see him the night he called is cuz I thought he read that email and he wanted to actually "talk". But like I said, to my surprise, he didn't know about the email yet cuz he hadn't checked his emails all week. Had he read it and wrote back before we met up, I wouldn't care what he said to me, cuz I know I initiated it and was happy with my decision. But I spent the night, had a wonderful time, and then it looked like my email was a "mistake" to him you know? Therefor- giving him the last word by writing back after i spent the night. I don't know if that makes much sense? lol Point is, he got the last say. and I wanted to Sad
I will get over him, I know I will. But I'm just gladyou guys are all saying "he will be back" cuz like I said, I want to be the one to say "NO". If he comes back NOW- Im screwed lol But if he waits months, he's screwed. Once I get over someone, I usually stay over them. Especially if they hurt me.
Thanks though for the advice :-)
woulda done anythin in my power to keep him happy, is great in bed, and is damn good looking! lol I hope he has the best of luck going out there trying to find a woman his own age who is like me and is SINGLE. Most people I know at his age are either married, has been married and with children now, or is in a long term relationship. So good luck. I just want the last laugh, I really do. And I hope one day he comes back when I am happily involved with some hot guy and totally in love so I can say "Sorry- you are too late". Thsi happened to me a while back with a Pisces male and he regrets it to this day. He came backto me two years later begging me to take him back. Screw you man lol So I know inmy heart he will be back someday, I just hope by then I am over him and have moved on.
Thanks! The way he wrote it, like I said was so cold! And I know for a fact he didn't even think about what he was saying when he wrote it. He literally opened it and replied immediatly. I actually spent the night with him the day before. I thought when he called to invite me over, that he had read it already but when I got there, turns out he didn't. I asked if he saw it yet and he said "what email?" So I was like oh crap! So I spent the night and told him to read it when he gets a chance. So he read it the next day.
My friend made a good point to me- she said "put yourself in his shoes. He just had great sex with you the night before, he was feeling good in the morning, had a nice time with you- you go home, then he sits down to have breakfast and reads your ultimadum email asking to be his girlfriend again." So yeah he was pissed off. I have a feeling though it's going to be a while before I hear from him again. But I'm sure one night when he's out with his friends and his hormones are acting up, he's going to say to himself "Damn! Why did she have to send me that email, why did I respond the way i did?!". I know for a fact I'm a hot girl lol I'm young, I got a great body and I know I'm beautiful. I know that sounds real conceited lol But I have men comin on to me left and right honestly. I'm just picky in who I choose to be with. All he ever said to me was how freakin hot and gorgeous I was and I so knew he meant that. He shows it by the way he attacks me sexually. The sex we had was animalistic really lol. It was great. None of what he said did he say to "make me feel good". He said that stuff cuz he damn well meant it.
Now what he looks like isn't very attractive at all. Hes overweight by a large margin, he's in his 30's, and is balding. My friends think I'm nuts! Sometimes so do I lol But any girl can tell you that this guy is not "that" guy in the bar who you look at and say "Oh wow! I want him!". He's the type where if you don't know him, you will not find him attractive. So I know he isn't mr popularity with the girls based on his physical appeareance. If I saw him out on the street, I wouldn't even look twice. I wouldn't even notice him honestly. If he was some gorgeous hot young guy, I'd say this is totally over cuz he will no problems in finding a new hot young girl.
I hope he does regret this and I hope one day he realizes just how lucky he was to have a girl like me in his life. A girl who woulda been faithful, good hearted,
BTW I did not reply to his cold hearted email. My choice was to stay silent, and I will stay silent forever. i won't call him, contact him, or even acknowledge him anymore. It hurt like a bitch when he sent that email. I was crying for days. I'm still upset about it, but I will not contact him ever again. If he wants to talk tome someday, he can initiate the conversation. But yeah like I was asking- does anybody think he will conatct me again someday? And keep inmind I AM aware that he clearly stated "we would never be together". I'm not asking if there is hope for a relationship, I'm just asking if he will lose control of his hormones soemday and give me a call. I want to have the last laugh here, and I feel like even though I decided to end thsi first- HE had the last word and frankly I'm mad about that! It took alot for me to write that email knowing it would end, and still in his reply he got the last hurtful word. So I want him to call me someday so that I can turn HIM down and show him how it feels. Any insight would be greatly appreciated here!!
Ok so, me and Libra ben messing around for a long time. He's told me in the past that he promises someday things will change and blah blah. I know it was probably BS like any typical man would say when they got a hot piece of a $ $ catoring to them whenever they call. Anyway, we were friends as well as FWB's. I just got alitle tired of all the things he's told me and here we are months later, and still in the same position. Anyway, I decided to give him an ultimadium. I sent an email asking him if anything was ever goign to come of us. I told him how I am a bit confused about the way we are, and wanted to know if he saw any potential in this relationship ever. I also said, if he didn't- then it was time to say goodbye. So I send the email and he replies. He wrote back a very cold unthoughtful email. He told me that he really enjoys what we do together but we would never be together, he always knew this was going nowhere, and he's sorry if he hurt me. He also said I hope you find what your looking for.
The email was cold, short, and I could tell he was pissed off whern he read it. I feel that underneath it all he was saying this, "Listen- I told you time and time again to just give me time. I don't want a girlfriend right now cuz I just lost one so stop pressuring me into being your boyfriend. This is the third time you've brought this up and frankly I'm sick of it. You can't handle how I am right now and your getting your feelings too involved here- so I'm goin to have to cut you off, I don't want to cuz I really like sleeping with u, but you obviously cannot handle the FWB thing for now- so goodbye"...That's how I interpreted it. He says we would never be together and that really bothers me, cuz he never even gave me a chance. Ok so he's cold hearted right now and I knwo someday he will want to love again. Right now though- he hates women. I may not be that woman for him, and I think he made himself clear. But my question is this- we really did have great sex together. There is no denying that. He turned me on just by LOOKING at me and vice versa. The sexual chemistry we had was like nothin I have ever experienced before. It became like a drug to me honestly. My question is, I know he's pissed right now, and he's goin to distance himself from me now. But does anybody think that one night down the road, he's going to contact me again for sex? Granted I know this may take months, but somewhere inside myeself I feel like this isn't over yet.
Ehh from personal experience with a leo as an aries female, I hated it! The guy was a good talker, real funny, and all that good stuff. But the thing that was annoying me was he always had to be the center or attention! jesus! and what i didn't like was the fact that he had to make all my hang out spots HIS too. he invaded my territory and took over. it really pissed me off. he became too clingy and was all up in my business and we were just DATING for a month. i ended that kinda quickly. hes the only Leo i gave a chance to honestly, so im basing it just on that one guy. but i hear it could work being leo and aries are both fire signs and we mix well together, but we certainly dont when we argue lol
your only supposed to get readings every 6 months, not every month lol. but she said she would do it again if i feel i have changed something. keep in mind she has so many customers, she wont remember me. and i dont think she is BSing me. she was right about my career change. even to the point of WHEN it would happen. so do any of you guys believe this stuff? ever have any experiences where you went and it came out to be true? i also went to another one back in march 07 and this one told me that i would get an opportunity with this man in september 07. my mind was blown when i found out he broke up withhis girl in -September. and did i get my opportunity? hell yes i did. i jumped on that ASAP lol.
ok lemme shut up now lol. any stories from anyone?
Ok that's good to know..I just don't want this to be the end ya know? I want to be able to talk to him again about this. But I can't force him to talk to me right now. But the moment he tries to again, I'm going to bring it up. Hey do you guys believe in those tarot card readers? Weird story but I went to see one the last week of December 07, and I heard good things about her. She literally had a line of people waiting to get thier cards read. So anyway I called her cuz someone passed me her number and we met up where she does the readings. Anyway she seemed to be right about alot of stuff. She said to me that within the next two weeks I'd be starting a new career. Funny cuz I actually did within two weeks. Only thing she said about it that was false was that I would be making alot of money soon, but with the job I got it's goign to take atleast a year to make good money in it. So that wasn't all true unless she meant by the end of the year. She didn't clarify. Anyway she kept reading and she said to me "you seem to be focusing all ur energy ona man". wasn't that the truth! lol she also said that I was royally f**ed with him. Just like that she said it. I said WHAT?! I told her he was a libra and that I am an aries. she said according to the cards, unfortunatly this man is going to be playing the same game with u for thenext year and your too sexually attracted to him that you cannot let go. therefor i will get nothing but heartache from him the entire year to come. that really scared me. i mean i dont want to feel this way for another year. its torture! but with you guys telling me that libras will always come back, i'm starting to believe that what she said is 100% true. she said also from personal experience, she is an aries and was involved with a libra the way i am for 8 years! except there were times when things were going great, then times where she felt liek crap liek i do right now. she said it will go on and on until i let it go, or unless eventually he will be willing to comitt. or ofcourse if he meets a new girl that he falls in love with. im actually going back to her on saturday night, i called to ask for a private reading because after i sent the guy the email saying i can't do this anymore with u, i have a feeling i may have changed my situation with him. i didnt tell her that, i just said can i have a new reading cuz i did somethin that i feel may change a situation with a man i want to be with.
Queensscorp- hey u said earlier that they come back? or was that someone else? well point is, i kinda ended it with my libra through email. he gave me yet, another run around as to why he couldn't see me this weekend, that's a month already. so i sent an email (since ya know- has no "time" to see me) and i told him how i felt. i told him how he confuses me, and how i cant go on like this. i told him that maybe someday if he wants to get to know me as a person and a friend to call me. i left it on him to either write me back or just stay quiet cuz i did drop a bomb on him. i had to say this stuff cuz he's just makin up excuses now as to why he can't see me. he'd rather be off with his friends having a good time i guess. everytime i confront him about issues, he has this way of weaseling out of the situation and making himself look all cute and stuff. then i forget it. but i can't this time. i just wish i knew why he kept telling me to give him time and we should definitly get together soon and all this other crap if all he does is see me on his own time. but make me feel so special when i do see him. this is the first time im actually puting my foot down and cutting him off. i know i did the "right" thing, but im just gonan miss him too damn much. it really hurts. so after i say all that to him, do you think he will eventually contact me again and wish to see me at some point? i know the decison on actually seeing him is mine. but do u think he will initially contact me first after all this?
Yeah, he and I been FWB's since late last year after he broke up with an ex..He's not ready for a new relationship, but jesus man- cut me a break and stop messing with my head. He knows how I feel for him..It just hurts to know that I sit here thinking of him and wishing we were together, and I know he isn't really thinking of me, cuz he would have called me and wanted to spend some kind of time with me. So that hurts..I wish I wasn't so stupid and I could just push him to the side..But my feelings are too strong for him to do that at this moment..All I can do is wait, or hope that someone else comes along..I too have so much stress from work right now in my life and hate the fact that I have added stress from him..It would just really put a smile onmy face if he would make some kind of effort to acknowledge my existance..I like what you put about Penny, I read her site alot..But I can't express exactly how I feel to him, I will scare him off. Truth is, I want nothing more then to be with him and would give anything for a chance with him..But all heknows is that "I like him"..But using the term "like" can mean I like a few people the same..But in reality, I don't..If I told him how I really felt, I'm afraid that would be it for us..Plus I can't exactly do that over the phone or in writing. It would have to be said in person. How can I do that if he doesn't freakin call? It just SUCKS it realy does..
I understand how you feel..Same crap is happening to me..He contacts me, then when I contact him to hang out he's too busy to do so..Tells me how we should get together and all this other stuff, then never follows up..He just popped online too, I was hopin he would IM me even just to say hello, but nope..Was on for ten minutes, then got off..And I refuse to say anything more to him from this point on..All I feel is embarrassment when I make a move and he rejects me..I'm crazy about him..He's on my mind all the time too Sad I thought by leaving my old job where I met him would help me get over him, but it only made it worse...The distance is killing me..Obviously he doesn't really care..
Hey Queensscorpio..Sounds like a dream come true, yet your worst nightmare? lol Me right now, am having terrible luck with all the men in my life Sad Yet all I can do is think about the Libra who doesn't seem to care much right now..I left my old job where I met the libra- three weeks ago..On my last day I told him this wasn't goodbye and he agreed and smiled at me. So later on that week when I was already gone for a few days at my new job, he sent me a text which surprised me, asking to see me..But for some reason my phone got screwed up and the text came through the next day, so it was too late to respond. So over that weekend I decided to contact him, and we were speaking online and he ws flirting with me like crazy..I was under the impression it was a sure thing, that we were gonna get together that night..He didn't say "yes for sure!" But he gave me a real strong "maybe", it all depended on what time he got back from where he was going..Anyway long story short, he got back too late that night and we didn't see each other. I was upset but didn't tell him that..So a week goes by, I try to contact again that weekend now, and I get the same crap..He got home too late..But meanwhile online he was telling me how "we need to get together soon" and blah blah...I miss him terribly Sad I haven't seen his beautiful face in almost a month now after this week is up..With my new job, I work nights, and he works days so during the week is impossible to get together so all I have to work with for now is the weekends..What I dont get is why he initially contacted me, then tell me all this nonsense about "have to get together" and then just blow me off both times I make an effort to see him? My friends say I should let him go finally in hopes that he will eventually pick up the damn phone and call this weekend was the first weekend since I left my old job that I haven't contacted him..You say it took your guy two months to want you back right? Well I hope eventually he wants me back too Sad We are FWB's but I really hope someday it turns out to be more..I just don't understand Libras I really dont.. If you don't want me, then why are you feedingme all the BS? Makin me think we will get together then blow me off when I make the move? Sad
ha! There is so much to learn! Go to if you want details of your birth date and stuff. but to learn how to read the charts and stuff takes time lol im still trying. good luck!
A-Ha! So Librian your saying he WILL be back for more eventually cuz finding a new girl is too much of a hassle? If thats true then yeah- I can sit back and know he will be back for me :-)
Yeah you guys are right. All I can do is give him his space and time, and I believe one day if the timing is right and we are both single- he will be back. But right now all we have is asexual relationship and nothing more. But he is aware of my feelings for him and the ball is in his court.
Oh and Temple- no he has no idea that I'm leaving work. So I sure hope he says something to me! lol otherwise I will then realize he seriously doesn't give two craps about me and never did.
LoL thanks Mistery! Yea im backing off for now. He needs time to get over her. She was also an air sign. But she walked away from him from what I gather, and I think he has no closure yet and is still trying to grasp the fact that she is gone. I have a feeling he will be back someday when he's ready for me. He's been through 4 breakups before. But he claims to be the one to break all of them off-except this one. So it might be hitting him differently to know what it feels like to be on the other side of that fence.
Time will tell :-/
Oh wow exam- Me telling him "the end" without any other guy in my picture? I think hell would freeze over lol!
LoL easier said then done! But I will try. You know what I just realized? I been in situations like this before with a Virgo, Taurus, Gemini, Pisces, and another Libra. Except all of them flat out either screwed me over or left me for another woman. Those cases are easy to walk away from cuz they don't leave any "hope" open, plus I'm angry, and I can walk away. Every one of those guys wants me back so bad! I have the Gemini up my a $ $ as I write this thread lol It's just funny that eventually- they will come back no matter what sign they are. Cuz they realize after they make their stupid mistakes on how they treated the girl who never did them wrong, they want a second try. But at that time- it's too late. It's funny how what comes around goes around isnt it? You treat a good person like crap- and it will come back to you. I've had my share of this too. Probably paying for it right now actually with the Libra! lol I put a Leo through this same crap a year ago. I now know how I made him feel. He too wants me back oddly :-/
Houston- I do want to walk away-no games played. It's not healthy for me right now to feel like crap. There is no game here cuz I think we already played lol Now it's him blowing me off. No more game to play. The cat and mouse thing went on for a long time, and I think he's bored with me. I wish I knew what I would do if he came back. That all depends on whether or not I'm with someone else if he decides to come back. Otherwise if single- yeah, I'm pretty weak when it comes to him. Sad Only thing that will get my mind off him-is someone who captures my interest. I just pray a new man comes a long.
Exam- what do you suggest I do then? I have been straight foward with him on how I feel, and he will reject me today and ask me to see him tomorrow. I just dont understand him! It's bso frustrating, so the only thing I can think of is to leave him alone. I dont want him to think I'm crazy by continuing to come on to him when he says "Not tonight."
Like really! Is there any way to get this man's attention once again?! I dunno what to do anymore he makes me feel inadequate. (Or however you spell it lol) If I call, or text I feel like an a $ $ . I'm just so intimidated by him cuz I never know what he's gonna say or do. Lately I just wait for him to say something which is usually some stupid little flirty joke that goes nowhere :-/
BTW- this will be the first guy who I was unable to win over. So I'm just hoping to God my out of sight out of mind tactics will work for me. I never lost a "battle" so to speak-not quite sure how to accept a loss :-/ I just hope within a month of not seeing him will help me to get over him and move on.
Temple- yeah this job offering couldnt come at a better time. The way me and him are right now, it's just not healthy for ME anymore. He walks in the door and I get all dreamy eyed over him, eavesdrop on his conversations, get all pissed off if he doesn't acknowledge me for the day, etc..I'm trying to let him be cuz he just got out of a realtionship and has explained to me he doesn't want anything "serious" right now. And I know this for a fact he's not lying. It just happened for him in September and he's hurting. But despite the fact he is a "Libra" he is also a man with sexual desires regardless of his "feelings". So that was my mistake. Not being truthful with him from the start as to what I was looking for which is not just sex, but a relationship. I did tell him in October how I felt about him and he asked me to give him time and that he wasn't ready. It obviously didn't scare him off cuz he continued to see me up until now. Lately he's been distant with me at work, ignores me, and turns me down when I ask to see him. I don't know if it's cuz he's depressed cuz of the holidays, or cuz he wants me to leave him alone. Whatever it is, it hurts me. So at work I'm miserable and it just shouldn't have to be this way for me. So I need to leave in hopes one day he will decide, "now I'm ready to date this girl." At least I wont be miserable at work anymore lol
He will know the last day I'm there that it's my last day. No warning. It's just courtesy to send an email to everyone on the floor and say stuff like "Was great working with you all keep in touch!" It gets sent to everyone and he will be included obviously. I wonder if he will even say anything to me the day of? If he doesn't- then I won't be making any efforts to stay in touch with him. He has my number he can call when and if he's ready. It just sucks letting go of someone who you care so much about, but yet it hurts so much to hold on to someone who doesn't treat you the way you should be treated. I'm an Aries and with me- out of sight out of mind. On to the next "crush" cuz we tend to fall in and out of them often. Gotta hunt new prey lol It's just seeing him 5 days a week, doesn't help at all. Can't get him off my mind Sad
Haha! Funny stuff about the whole calling to say "Merry Christmas". I sent my libra a text saying that and he never replied. Well it was a "mass text" but still, woulda been nice for him to say "Thanks!" or "You too!". I guess that takes too much effort for him. I'll be damned if my a $ $ is sending a peep to him on New Years. I'm in the whole "no communication" zone too with mine. One day he's as sweet as can be, then the next he won't even look in my direction. All he ever does is say things to me that implies some kind of "possible future" for us, then disapears. I'm hoping in my case "absence will make the heart grow fonder". We work together and he doesn't know this yet but I plan to leave this job for something better in the next two weeks. I don't intend on telling him either. I'm just going to leave. At the rate we have been going lately I wonder if he will even care that I'm gone Sad
Mistery- The only reason I can think of is the fact that he is uncomfortable that we work together. He said to me a while back- "I would date you if we didn't work together." So I know this bothers him a big deal. I know exactly what I want from him. I have a good time when we are together, he's charming, funny, good looking, strong minded, very smart, great personality, independant, and a good conversationalist. He's everything I want in a man. Except emotionally he's not available. He's still pouting over his ex who just left him.
"So in that sense, don't take it personally, he may act like a woman more than we do." That's interesting cuz he knows damn well what I wanted from him the night I came on to him. So ur saying he may have just not been in the mood?
Thanks nicodemus..Yeah he was flirting with me a day after I thought he was like done with me lol I just kinda smiled back and stuff, didn't say a word to him all week. He tried cracking a joke with me friday and I just laughed and dropped it. I'm just trying to back off for a while cuz I just really get the feeling he's becoming bored with me. I wish I knew what to do to bring back the excitement of what we had?? Any ideas? Now it just feels like a case where I'm still chasing and he's rejecting. But I just hate the fact that he flirts and does all this stuff to lead me on making me think he wants to spend time with me, then rejects me when i finally give in and ask. Then I just feel stupid. Which is why I thought I should back off. I don't like to be rejected it hits my ego pretty hard, especially when it comes to this man.
Thelibrian- yeah a part of me just wants to go ahead and be normal about it, but he rejected me twice in the past month about seeing him. He told me "another time". I HATE rejection! It's hard to keep pushing him right now cuz he's still sitting there crying over his ex girlfriend. I heard him talking about her today to a coworker. He's not over her at all yet and I just feel like an idiot by trying to push and push him to hang out with me. He's like dead inside right now. I think with the holidays approaching and stuff, he's just really down in the dumps and misses her.
And Queensscorpio- I want nothing more then to say that to him I really do, but if you read above- he doesn't exactly want to hear stuff like that right now lol I actually said something to him a month ago about "liking him" and "wanting more" and he asked me to give him time cuz he just cannot jump into a new relationship with anybody right now. And it wasn't a BS line cuz like I said- I overheard him talking today about his ex and he's so down about it all. I don't want to keep bothering him with this "please be my boyfriend" stuff right now. He needs time. I haven't spoken to him since the incident last week where he got pissed at me, I just smile back at him when he smiles at me. I do notice him looking at me though at work and trying to gain some attention, but I want to show him that "yes I'm interested, but No I'm not waiting around forever while you mend your broken heart." He's looking for attention from me right now cuz he's still hurting and probably wants someone to make him feel better. Why should I do that for him? When he does nothing for me? He needs to get over this girl and he needs to do it without any "fans" making him feel better lol..But I really do wish i could just ask him out it's like one of my many wishes right now, and I want nothing more then it to come true. Sad
This time though, I'm not going to just sleep with the guy. I want him to want me cuz he actually wants to get to know me.
Thanks for all the advice guys! Everything seems to be cool with us. He flirted with me today so I guess he's over it. But I'm still gonna back off for a while, I can sense he's getting a bit "bored" with me :-/ Gotta make him want me again, so I need for him to make this first move, cuz I always do. While on the topic lol- do they usually make moves when they want something? Or do they just kinda suck up the pride and not say anything and make you go after them?
Twinflame- thanks for sharing :-) I understand what you are saying. It's just that I think in reality sometimes, it's not just cuz of what sign you are but what gender lol Nothing against men or anything but they are more prone to screwing things by cheating. They possess hormones we don't lol Anybody that cheats I have no tolerance for. I have never cheated on someone I loved, or even dated. If I ever felt I was going to or wanted to, I would end the relationship, cuz that says to me- this guy is NOT the one if my eyes are wandering. But I get what your saying. If I had this guy, I would never cheat on him. I just don't believe in it. I have decided to back off, even though today- he seems to be all smiles again with me- so I guess he's over it.
and leokitten- i know what your saying- you and everybody else in my life has said the same thing to me! I am too available for him, it's just hard to say no to someone who you find so irresistable. I should be a stronger person, I know this. It's amazing, I have NO problems with telling every other guy in the world NO, but with him it's like I'm under some spell. I plan on leaving my job soon- so this should come way easier for me. Btw I'm not leaving cuz of him lol I'm leaving to finally persue my dream career :-) But I guess I'm just hoping to get some strength up to deal with this. I really like the guy and just wish I could start over. I think I can, just need some time apart, and second time around I gotta not be so "available"
Thanks for all the advice guys! Everything seems to be cool with us. He flirted with me today so I guess he's over it. But I'm still gonna back off for a while, I can sense he's getting a bit "bored" with me :-/ Gotta make him want me again, so I need for him to make this first move, cuz I always do. While on the topic lol- do they usually make moves when they want something? Or do they just kinda suck up the pride and not say anything and make you go after them?
You know what? I like that line you gave me. if he continues on with this behavior i will use it. i can say "ya know, i dont quite understand why you are mad at me? didi do something THAt wrong? whatcan i do to make u smile again?" thats good stuff! lol
LOL! it replaced my curse word with "marker" what the hell?!
Hmm it may be a bit late for that answer though. After I got him mad, I sent a text saying "Im sorry for that." basically. then again today i tried again. i was ignored. so i mean i dont want to get him SO mad that he yells or something. i also said in the text "i feel like a real asshole and that i bother you with this? im sorry". thats why i figured to give him space until he talks to me? idont wanan seem like an idiot who doesnt understand when someone is mad at them andi keep picking and prying and apologizing asking him whats wrong??
Oh Mistery I read the rest of that where you said "even if they are vulgar" lol I dunno, I've spoken dirty to him many times and he seems to be totally turned on by it. basically we been screwing for a while now, and none of that sexual stuff has ever bothered him before in a bad way. we have a great sexual relationship, but emtoionally with him right now- nobody's home. i think its not so much that i kissed him like that, i think it was just the final straw after him explaining to me I can come on too strong at times when he's still trying to get his head and heart together from the ex. i was drunk, it can be an excuse, but its really not. he knows i get like that when im drunk this isn't "news" to him.
Ok let's see. He just got out of a relationship. We have become FWB's for a few weeks now. Lately I want to see more of him though and he keeps saying- "No, let's do it another time" and blah blah. But then he will call me "another time" and asks me over. That was slowly getting on my nerves. Cuz when I want something I want it now! I don't take the word NO too well. Anyway we work together and he's like so damn paranoid about anybody knowing about us. So at work he treats me like he doesn't know me. I get it, fine. You don't want anybody to know about us, ur a "private" person. Got it. So anyway, two weeks ago at a party I asked if i could see him afterwards. He turned me down. Fine. then the following week, when i pissed him off lol i did it again. he rejected me again. these are work functions btw. so as i was leaving, after he rejected me, i gave him a kiss on the cheek, but it was sorta a "dramatic" kiss. the kind of kiss where if you were gonna kiss someones neck? kinda open ur mouth a bit type thing? nobody saw though. it was on the cheek anyway. when i pulled away he looked at me like i had just took his dick out on the dance floor. like he was so mad that i kissed him. so i said to him "oh stop, nobody is even here anymore. goodnight." and i left. i was also drunk keep in mind. then on the way home i thought maybe i shoulda just left after he rejected seeing me afterwards and not kissed his cheek like that. so i sent an apology text for my drunken behavior. he didnt respond. i wasnt expecting him to anyway. a few days went by and i didn't contact him, i did today asking if he was mad at me, no reply again. Sad i dont plan on saying a word to him again until or if he talks to me.
Oh and Mistery- when we sleep together he's as vulgar as they come! lol he's talked dirty to me in and out of the bedroom. so i know it doesn't turn him off.
Thanks so much Queens! A little light at the end of my tunnel :-) Yeah I asked him today on IM if he was mad at me, and he didn't answer me, so I shut up after that. I figured if he was gonna get back to me, he will do it when he's ready.
Well sounds like we got alot in common Queens! LoL There is no "relationship" really- we are casual friends who work together and are FWB's. I want more, but he just got out of a relationship so he's not ready. So I too- have angered an FWB who is also just a friend for the time being lol. What sucks is that I fell for him, underneath it all. Sad
I apologized thenight I upset him and I also tried to apologize again today. None of this was said from my mouth though, it was written- written and I got no reply either time. I'm too scared to say something in person. I'm very intimidated by him, but I think that's cuz I just like him so damn much Sad Time will tell.
I posted on the Libra board, but I noticed alot of Libra's lurking on the Aries board. Maybe an Aries girl can help me as well as any Libra's. Here is my post:
"Ok, I need help here. I pissed off my Libra man who I like more then anything right now Sad Like I really feel my heart breaking in two right now. I pissed him off last week with something I did- on spite, I was drunk, but anyway- I thought he would get over it honestly. I've pissed him off in the past too, but he's never carried it on for 4 days. But I saw him today for the first time since it happened, and he's like not even speaking to me. I know I need to back off and give him space and stuff, but is that the only way to get him over being mad at me?? Is there anything I can do or say that will fix up the situation a little? Any insight from a Libra man that has had an Aries girl- or any girl- for that matter, piss him off?? I really could use the advice right now, like seriously- my heart is breaking. I'd take it back if I could but I can't."
I guess the Aries girls can understand me best. You know when you spend a really long time chasing someone and you were finally getting results, you kinda get pushy and persistant with a guy? Then sometimes you push so hard you realize afterwards that maybe I shouldn't have done that? lol well if you can help me out with some advice on how to go about this problem I'd appreciate it!
I agree with umm "F***in A" LOL! Like it rough and aggressive..Pull my hair, smack my thighs, my ass, whatever you want (not so hard that it actually hurts though LoL) Gotta screw me real hard and real fast, and defintley love the dity talk!
Ok, I need help here. I pissed off my Libra man who I like more then anything right now Sad Like I really feel my heart breaking in two right now. I pissed him off last week with something I did- on spite, I was drunk, but anyway- I thought he would get over it honestly. I've pissed him off in the past too, but he's never carried it on for 4 days. But I saw him today for the first time since it happened, and he's like not even speaking to me. I know I need to back off and give him space and stuff, but is that the only way to get him over being mad at me?? Is there anything I can do or say that will fix up the situation a little? Any insight from a Libra man that has had an Aries girl- or any girl- for that matter, piss him off?? I really could use the advice right now, like seriously- my heart is breaking. I'd take it back if I could but I can't.
Yeah he used to be really into me! But I think since I'm so "available" to him, he is getting bored with me :-/ This has happened before where I don't talk to him for like a month, then all of a sudden he's back asking me to hang out again. So I assume this will happen again..But yes it's VERY one sided for the time being..I just thought Libra guys liked to be chased? All the reading I have done on them says they love attention! See me- on the other hand hate being chased. I guess that's where we are "opposites" huh? lol I'm going to leave him be for now, nothing else I can do. I think I pissed him off last time we were together lol I know it takes a lot to piss off a Libra- but if anyone can do it- an Aries can! lol I think I've pissed him off in the past too- he gets over it. And Virgo_Libra- it's so funny you say "has he put a spell on me" cuz sometimes I really think he has! lol He's on my mind day and night! I once told him that I think he may have put a spell on me, and he replied with "Oh yeah? I think your crazy!" lol
So you guys are basically saying to me he very well COULD come back to me? And if not- let it go..I understand..He just keeps coming back when we fight, I'm too persistant, he's not..I want him 24/7, he wants space, I'm pushy, he's not. I can make up my mind in a heartbeat, he takes forever. I trulyhave met my most frustrating match EVER! Everything he does, I do the opposite..Sometimes I can't understand how on Earth Libra's and Aries make a relationship work? I read a lot about the two together and it's supposed to be a wonderful relationship, IF there is balance there. So far all we balance is sexually lol